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About this mod

This mod completely overhauls Dead Money with new weapons, overhauled ammo placements, starting gear changes, recipe tweaks, note tweaks, new enemies, cloud equipment degradation, and much more.

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
DMT - Dead Money Tweaks is a complete overhaul and extension of the Dead Money experience. Inspiration has been taken from the (good) Resident Evil games in particular, and a lil' bit of Silent Hill. It's sort of a pseudo-RPG-survival horror experience. Overall balance is still sort of close to vanilla, but with much more complicated situations to handle and more tools available to choose from.

New Content:
  • 23 new regular weapons, with optional wasteland integration.
  • 19 new unique weapons.
  • New police armors and clothing, 6 new glasses with variants, some hats, and a handful of necklaces and pre-war clothing.
  • AWOP Dead Money is included as a core part of the experience,[/b] and it has been heavily customized. Lore oversights (Nuka and SunsetS vending machines in SM) have been fixed, and most of the recipes and ammo placements have been completely removed or changed. Included notes have been completely rewritten. Many AWOP issues, like misplaced statics, items, and fog distances have been fixed.
  • New Ghost types with different eye colors and different weak points have been added. They will make an extra hit noise when their weak point is hit, as long as that sound isn't already playing.
  • A new Cloud Beast creature, based on F3 wanamingo concept art.
  • New boss encounters.
  • Brand new custom ambient and combat soundtrack during DM, composed by the excellent Nognow.
  • Ghost sfx have had their pitch reduced, to increase their spookiness.
  • Throwable cloud grenades.
  • A set of 4 player decision based perks, which you can get one of, based on which "team(s)" you leave alive or kill in the Sierra Madre.
  • An optional perk "tree", themed around police aesthetics.
  • New sonar collar, acquired post-vault, to help find keys and unique items. (While equipped, it makes a sound when near items of value; the perk version present in the original mod this was derived from is not visible in pipboy)
  • New challenges to help you track unique items and keys, with substantial XP rewards for completion.  
  • New "tutorial" slot machines to provide you with an opportunity to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of each Ghost type.
  • Integrated Armor Repair Kits with new features, and upgrades to Weapon Repair Kits to match.
  • Lots of new treasures, to be found in Dead Money, and integrated into wasteland loot.
  • Better typewriter model! These, along with new terminal models, provide hard savepoints throughout the experience. (This is mostly an homage, but you can try the self-imposed challenge of only using those save points throughout the DLC yourself if you want.)
  • The DLC warning pop up when you activate the inner bunker door has been removed.
  • When you start the DLC with hardcore mode turned on, your hunger and thirst will be advanced to 115, and your health, head, and chest condition will be damaged by 10. (You were just laying there passed out outside, with the cloud eating at you, after all.)
  • In hardcore, the global Cloud damage now damages your equipment by 1% of its max health, at the same frequency as the health damage, and your radiation will be damaged as well. The default health and rad damage frequency has been increased (20s to 15s). The Cloud penalties have been made completely user-configurable. Health, rad, equipment damage, cloud protection/antitoxin breathing sounds, and cloud image space modifiers are optional. To compensate for the default equipment damage, Armor Repair Kits have been added, and placed around the Sierra Madre. They're also available from Vending Machines with Basic Construction Item Codes.
  • Wearing a Breathing Mask, Hazmat Suit, Radiation Suit, or other protective gear will negate the exterior Cloud health and radiation damage, and it also provides damage protection against cloud pockets, which can stack with other cloud pocket damage protection.
  • Once an equipped item hits zero durability, by default, it will be unequipped. It can optionally be completely destroyed instead.
  • Three apparel items carry special immunity to the cloud equipment effects: the Dead Man's Jumpsuit will not be automatically unequipped or destroyed when it hits zero durability. This was done to prevent the need to wear pre-war clothing as an alternative if the jumpsuit breaks, which frankly feels ridiculous given the context. The Hazmat Suit + Darklight Cowl will also never be unequipped or removed, and they won't degrade past 30%. Wearing them will effectively solve the cloud health penalty, but you can't wear anything with better protection if you want that.
  • A new Antitoxin can be found, which provides a small degree of health restoration, temporary immunity to the global cloud health and radiation damage, cures poisons, and it also provides extra cloud pocket damage reduction, which stacks with other cloud pocket damage protection.
  • The Sierra Madre Martini no longer mysteriously buffs you and has an addiction chance. Instead, it damages your chest, but in exchange, you are granted cloud health and radiation damage immunity for 75 seconds. Its weight has been increased to .25.
  • Companions no longer have any infinite ammo; they must be supplied with weapons and ammo by you.
  • Cosmic Knives and Spears do substantial bonus limb damage, making them excellent for chopping up limbs.
  • Basic adjustments to armor balancing are optionally made by script. Some armors had their DT reduced, but DR added. Sierra Madre armors have better fire resistance and DR, but lower DT than Police Armors.
  • Junk rounds are no longer obtained solely from crafting, they're all over the place in the Sierra Madre. You can also find a book that grants the Junk Rounds perk, which has been renamed to "Makeshift Rounds", while you carry it.
  • The weapon mods that were previously obtained via Vending Machine codes have been exchanged for models of what the mods actually look like, and they've been placed around the Villa for you to find. These mods can be also be crafted, as long as you have a loose copy of the mod in your inventory.
  • Dean's Tuxedo can no longer be taken by you from his inventory while he's alive.
  • Base game pickaxe statics have all been replaced the new usable pickaxe weapon. (Condition determined by RNG)
  • Many doors have been locked, (most pickable + key, a few are locked by keys only) with keys placed around the environment to find.
  • Ghosts respawn.
  • SPECIAL + tag skill based starting gear overhaul. (Holorifle is still available to all players from the start, just look around)
  • All ghosts limb multipliers have been completely decoupled from the base entry; they will not be affected in any way by YUP, TTW, or any other mod that affects ghost limb damage.
  • Ghosts have been granted some basic DT and DR, as well as bonus DR vs. melee weapons.
  • Whetstones have been added to bladed weapon repair lists, and they can be acquired by converting paperweights at workbenches.
  • Some hologram emitter locations, and a few speaker and radio locations, have been scrambled. (Nothing too crazy, just enough to mix things up.)
  • The Auto-Doc's adrenaline shot sleep deprivation restoration has been reduced from 1000 to 175, and a small hunger and dehydration penalty has been added, to incentivize returning to safe locations with beds. A small health penalty has also been added to its limb healing option.
  • The Sierra Madre snowglobe has been moved from its original, obscure location to one that's much more obvious, but also substantially riskier to get it from.
  • Hologram vendors will no longer purchase weapons or chems.
  • Alcohol can now be purchased from vending machines outside of the Casino once the appropriate code has been acquired.
  • Christine has been given a non-playable copy of the Assassin Suit. The Assassin Suit's bonus has been extended from [+10 Sneak] to [+10 Sneak, +5 Guns, +5 Survival, +3 Crit Chance].
  • Cloud hardcore penalty low health exclusion has been removed. This means that the cloud hardcore health penalty can and will kill you if you are at low health. Find a breathing protection of some sort.
  • Gas bombs have had their weight reduced from 5 lbs. to 3, and their explosion radius and force have been substantially reduced. They can be broken down for some flamer fuel and scrap. (Explosion changes done by script.)
  • Lonesome Road Breathing Masks and base game rad suits can now be repaired by a new misc item, the Replacement Air Scrubber.
  • Ennis' key has been moved to a more obtuse location, to make it less trivial to appease Christine.
  • Hologram weapon damage has been halved, to make them less punishing to the player, and less of an invaluable resource for defense from ghosts.
  • The Weapon Repair Kit's effects have been changed to a linear relation to the player's repair skill. (Repair / 280, provides a max of ~35% with max repair)
  • Armor and weapon repair kits are no longer usable in combat (optional), but holding a Welding Torch while using one will provide a different sound and +4% to repaired health, as well as the opportunity to use precious coins to improve repair quality.
  • Weapon repair kits have a high chance to return a wrench after use.
  • Additionally, (and optionally) armor and weapon repair kits can now consume precious coins to improve repairs when a welding torch is held. "High tech" weapons, armors, and power armor all require gold coins, while lower tech armors and weapons use silver coins. Up to 5 coins will be consumed during a repair, each granting +1% to repaired health. If you have enough non-tarnished coins for a repair, they will be used first, and they grant +1% to total repair amount over tarnished coins.
  • Gold bars can now be converted down into gold coins, which can be converted into Sierra Madre chips, (which now have weight). As such, getting to the vault will grant you infinite money at the SM Vending Machine, until you leave the vault, because...
  • The vault elevator now (optionally) prohibits use if the player is overencumbered. I recommend that you enter the Vault elevator with as little gear as possible. You can freely stash your gear in the casino and return to it before you leave DM.
  • Minor spoiler for vault/gold bar content: You can freely turn off the vault elevator weight limit in the config ini, but the intended design is that you're rewarded with as much as you could possibly want from all the Vending Machine codes you got, but you can only bring as much ammo, weapons, armor, repair supplies, ammo, and remaining chips that you can carry to leave the vault.
  • Dead Money specific recipe obfuscation is included. (Clean Cosmic Knife recipes won't be visible if you don't have a dirty one, etc.)
  • Cosmic Knife cleaning/heating recipes have been rebalanced to need less Abraxo, and the heating recipes only require that you have a forceps, a hot plate, and a pilot light to be visible, instead of being visible at all times and consuming them. As such, to make this non-use of those items possible, those recipes will not be visible if you don't have those three items.
  • Any Cosmic Knife recipes that heat a knife or knife spear, but which don't involve cleaning, can now be performed at any campfire, without a hot plate or pilot light.
  • There are new conversion and breakdown recipes to, and from, pretty much every cosmic knife variant.
  • Base game Throwing Hatchet, Spear, and Knifes, all have crafting/conversion recipes now.
  • Many basic throwing weapon creation and conversion recipes can be performed at campfires, in addition to workbenches.
  • There has been an extensive addition to Vending Machine recipes, including sodas, armor repair kits, more alcohol, more ammo, new weapons, crafting items, and more. Elijah's obsession over the Villa and the Vending Machines' appeal makes a little more sense now.
  • [Return] recipes have been expanded, and been given their own category in the Vending Machine menu. All currencies can be exchanged, and empty bottles and tin cans have been given return recipes as well. (There's a note explaining why NCR and Legion money can be exchanged.)
  • Multiple base game bug fixes included. (Ghost 0 Perception, Sierra Madre exterior textures, fireworks, etc.)
  • Notes and perks have been rewritten to fix grammar errors, reduce player hand-holding, and make adjustments to suit new DMT changes.
  • Many more Sierra Madre Victims and skeletons have been placed around the villa.
  • Two new, very tough Wild Wasteland encounters have been added.
  • Base game ravens no longer explode when hit; they actually ragdoll, and are lootable, containing a couple caps. Due to a limitation, they disappear very quickly if their corpse leaves the camera view.
  • "Dead Money" collar name changed to Bomb Collar. (Why was it named Dead Money collar? Is there a character in NV you could ask "What's Dead Money" and get an actual answer?)
  • "Dead Money" jumpsuit name changed to Dead Man Jumpsuit.
  • Chip count required for souvenir challenges increased, and their names have been changed to Chip Hunter, and Chip Aficionado.
Post DLC Content:
  • After you leave the Villa, you will experience Dry Canyon, which has its own new content, and a player home with an optional merchant, who is unlocked via a short quest.
  • The Villa can be returned to at any time from Dry Canyon. You return to the Sierra Madre by using a little painted brahmin skull placed near where you're deposited into Dry Canyon for the first time, sitting on a rock below the cloud fog at the top of the path.
  • Dry Canyon can be returned to using a flare gun that's provided to you once you reach the Mojave. If you lose it, you can craft another one at a workbench.
Perk Tree:In the basement of the Police Station, you will find a Police Training Manual. Using this manual will allow you to optionally undertake police training, and become a Rookie Cop:You may be 200 years late for the Sierra Madre's grand opening, but the task of cleaning up these streets has still fallen to you. While using police weapons, you have -20% spread while standing still, but +10% while moving, as well as +15% damage, but -10% attack speed. While wearing police armors or clothing, you gain +10% reload speed while not running, and +5 DT. This perk is intended to incentivize standing still while attacking and reloading, in homage to earlier survival horror games, RE in particular.

After the Gala, you may find a new area near the Fountain, in which you will find an Advanced Police Training Manual. It will allow you to choose one of the following specializations: 
Police Sharpshooter:
You've specialized in precision sharpshooting. You've gained +15% damage while using a scoped weapon and aiming, as well as -20% spread, +10% critical chance, and +20% attack speed while not moving when using police sharpshooter weapons, and +5 DT while wearing light armor or clothing.
Point Breacher:
Right at the front lines, you're the first to break down the door and start firing. When using breaching weapons, you gain +10% damage, +20% attack speed and 10 DT penetration. When wearing police clothing or riot armor, you gain +10 DT. Your attack speed and explosion radius for flashbangs are also increased by 20%.
Riot Disperser:
You've specialized in dispersal of crowds and unruly masses. When using riot weapons, you gain +20% non-automatic attack speed and +20% reload speed, but your spread is increased by 20% as well, and hitting any crippled limb on an enemy will knock them down. When wearing riot armor, enemy crit. chance is reduced by 50%, and you gain +10 DR.
Special Agent:
You've trained hard, and gained a great deal of field experience. When using special agent weapons, you gain +15% damage, -20% spread, and +8 DT penetration, as well as +20% attack speed while not moving, but your aiming spread penalty is doubled while moving. While wearing clothes or light armor, you gain an additional +10% run speed.

The Police Training Manuals can be used to provide a reminder of what weapons and armors apply to which criteria, and this readout is dynamic for any mods that add weapons to those lists.

  • Holorifle, Bear Fist, and Automatic Rifle mods must now be found, instead of purchased. They can also be crafted while you have a copy of the mod in your inventory. (Why were there codes for Holorifle, and especially the bear trap fist, mods in the first place?)
  • Most pre war packaged foods and drinks are now available.
  • Many household objects used in crafting are now available. (Clothing, leather belts, cleaning products, rubber gloves, toasters, repair kit items, etc.)
  • More alcohol and drink options options are available.
  • You can now directly exchange Pre-War Money and other currencies for Sierra Madre Chips at SM vending machines. (The exchange rate is based off of mass, not currency value, since the Vending Machines work by transmuting matter.)
  • Most alcohol, crafting items, weapons, and ammo recipes are now locked behind various levels of Bartender, Construction, Police, or Clinic codes. These codes can all be found throughout the Villa and Sierra Madre.
  • All reloading supplies relevant to weapons in the Sierra Madre are now purchasable, other than cases.
  • Many new construction items and weapons can be unlocked. (Shovels, Armor and Weapon repair kits, wrenches, wonderglue, Chainsaw, Thermic Lance, etc.)
  • The range of available chems and med supplies has been expanded. Every "surgical" type misc. item (tweezers, forceps, etc.) is now available.
  • Non-lethal options can be unlocked. (Bean bag rounds, flash bangs, cattle prods.)
  • Most, but not all, return recipes are all available from the start, without the need for any access codes.
  • Junk ammo crafting amounts have been moderated. You now get ~3 ammo in exchange for 2 tin cans, instead of 5 tin cans for one round in vanilla DM, or the generous 10 rounds for two cans like TTW.
  • Many appropriate base game un-craftable weapons now have recipes. (Bladed Gauntlet, Bumper Sword, Gas Bomb, throwing weapon conversions)
Balance Notes:

Gold/silver valuable values have been (sort of) balanced around the sawyerbatty gold bar value change to 3500.

The Dry Canyon merchant sells a copy of Joshua Graham's inventory, both because Dry Canyon is conceivably sort of around that area, and so that there's another direct source of J. Graham's stock.

The conditions of the base game static pickaxe replacements was determined by a random generator, not their placement context. If you find a place where the condition doesn't make sense, let me know specifically where and I'll tweak it.

I wanted to add more locked doors with keys, along with enemies behind locked doors, so I justified it in the lore, by adding mentions in notes about terrible quality locks, and an overt piece of environmental and note storytelling to explain it.

The bobby pin cost is intentionally that high for balance, even though it doesn't make much sense with the VM technology. I did put a complaint about it in a note to justify it a little to the player.

I was inspired by Disco Elysium's "tare" bottle return mechanic, so I put in return recipes for empty bottles and tin cans, under the premise that they're an incentive for keeping the villa clean. There's also a note mentioning this.

There's no slot machine for white ghosts. They don't really need to be "learned" like the others, and they were also added late in development and I didn't want to bother.

"Advanced" Customization/Compatibility (FNVEdit stuff):

You can adjust the leveled lists for the starting gear freely in FNVEdit.

The cloud hardcore damage exclusion is done by checking for equipped formlists. Breathing/gas mask types are in sDMFLSTCloudMask, full body, single item Rad suits are in sDMFLSTCloudSuit, and for two-pieces like the Space Suit, the body is in sDMFLSTCloudBody, and the head is in sDMFLSTCloudHead. The body and head slot are both health checked for two-pieces.
If a mask is placed in CloudMask, that doesn't have the mask flag on its biped flags, you'll see an error in the console. Simply make sure any apparel in this list has the mask flag, and everything will work perfectly. TTW removes the mask biped flag from the breathing mask, for an asinine unintuitive "balance" reason, so its entry is included in both the base file and the Master and TTW patches and that is fixed.

Similarly, the "High Tech" weapon/armor tier for repair kit calculations is done with formlists. The high tier armor checks to see if an armor has the PA flag, else checks to see if it's in the sDMFLSTAdvancedBody or sDMFLSTAdvancedHead list, then removes gold coins if it is, and it uses silver if it's not.
The weapon repair kit script checks if the equipped weapon is either an energy weapon, or in sDMFLSTHighTechWeapon.

Requires xNVSE, JIP, Johnny Guitar, ShowOffNVSE, kNVSE, ISControl Enabler.
Butcher Pete Complete, RNC - Quicksilver Flamethrower kNVSE, ELITE 45 Auto Pistol Animation Overhaul, Forgotten Millenia Animated and SIGMA Melee Animation Overhaul Chapter 1 are required for animations.
The original .jsons/esps can be hidden or deleted freely, and I recommend that people who play female characters hide the SIGMA sledgehammer anim stuff in particular - it distorts the upper body strangely, and Sig has no intention of fixing it.
If using FMA in its entirety, turn off the Home Defense Shotgun in its config ini, to avoid a duplicate.

Install the asset pack.
Install the main file.
Configure your preferred choices in Config -> DMT Config.ini

Strongly recommended:
Turn on your combat music during Dead Money in Stewie's tweaks if you've turned it off! The new soundtrack extends to combat tracks. I generally don't turn on combat music myself, but I think it's worth it.

Recommended for use with Improved Pickaxe, so that any placed pickaxe statics from other mods will match the excellent new visuals for the weapon version of the pickaxe present here.

Most conflicts can be resolved using the Master patch OR the TTW patch - the TTW patch also functions as a master patch itself. TTW users should, use the TTW patch and place it lowest in your load order, above only your weather/lighting mods. NV users, use the Master patch instead and follow the same load order instructions.
If using DN Weathers, place the DMT DN Weathers Toxic Cloud Patch below DN Weathers' esp.

The TTW Patch extends the wasteland weapon integration into F3 and its DLCs, provides a few rechamber options to change weapon ammos to .32 caliber, adds railway spike purchase options to Vending Machines, and recalibrates item values to match TTW's economy.
Once again, the TTW patch is also a master patch, itself. If you're using TTW, you only need that patch, and not the master patch.
TTW patch is only for TTW 3.3+. Older versions of TTW are not supported.

A patch for Base Object Swapper is available to switch Weapon Repair Kits that are placed in the world to armor repair kits with a 50% chance.

Use my rebalance for RWM, it's pre-DMT patched and better balanced. The regular version of RWM is unsupported.

TTW DLC Sortomatic Homes patch simply disables the original TTW Sortomatic home's door in DM. That cell has been integrated in a slightly different place, with a much different context, and the same name, which will be immersion annihilating and confusing if you can access both.

The previous Masters of The Mojave patch has become deprecated. It was lacking, and that mod is quite ambitious - it would require a remarkable amount of work to patch for properly, and since I don't use that mod, I don't want to spend my time patching for it.

CFWR and S6S Perks are automatically internally patched and compatible.

Ending Slideshows Overhaul Ultimate Edition is natively patched. Ensure that it is placed above the master OR TTW patch.

ySI Patch

Mods which require use of the Master Patch OR TTW Patch:
Simple/Just Enough Realism
Panzermann's Changes
Alternative Repairing
Ending Slideshows Overhaul
Anything that restores vending machine recipes in any way.

Most conflicts can be resolved using a Master patch.

All included mods are recommended for replacement by DMT.

LOOT ASSIST USERS: Do not pick up notes or keys using the Loot Assist pickup function; it will break scripted encounters.

Texture mods:
There are some retextures of base game items and statics in here, which improve the visuals in the AWOP added zones in particular. Let any other texture mod overwrite DMT, it should be fine.

Non-Included mods:
Alternative Repairing:
Place the DMT Master Patch below AR to make sure you get the updated weapon repair kit effects. AR's armor repair kit will not have the features of DMT's repair kit. Not recommended for use with DMT.

Compatible and Highly Recommended
Starlet Overhaul

Cole's Hideout
Cole's Hideout is completely compatible out the box, though it's not in sync with DMT, it throws off the progression order by granting you a place of respite earlier than the Med Safehouse or Reinforced House, and the notes aren't in the same flavor, but if you're fine with, or want an earlier home, there will be no issues.

Included mods or those with assets reused (Highly compatible, can be kept installed with DMT, no load order specifications):
NHP Police Uniform Pack
Colt Monitor R-80
Fafnir's Fallout 3 Unique Items Overhaul TTW Edition
Bottlecaps into Gold Coins
Colored Laser Beams
Watch Dogs Legion Skull Mask
Consistent Sunglasses for Dean Domino
A Mustache For Dean Domino

Included mods (Recommended for replacement by DMT):
Bingles Melee Complete
Clean Hunting Rifle
Sierra Madre Chip Shot
Mute Signals Armor
Historical Cavalry Sabre
Dead Money - Decayed Ghost People
T Virus Case Modder's Resource
Cut-Down Hunting Rifle
Laser RCW Red Glow
Handmade Flamer
Sensible Throwing Weapon Recipes
Livewire - The Shishkebab's Better Half
Serbu Super Shorty
Mauser C96
Glacier Glasses
25mm Pistol
Scratchmade Campo-Giro Model 1913
Sierra Madre Exterior Fixed
Alternate Laser Scope Reticle
The Tesla Rifle
Dead Money - More and Better Crafted Knives
Balisong Butterfly Knives
Dead Money Fireworks Fix
Chainsaw Fist
Odioss Fire Axe Replacer (Made into a unique weapon)
Notta Knife
Rags to Riches
Mad Max Thundersticks
Homemade Flamethrower - The Last Of Us Flamethrower 

TTW DLC Sortomatic Homes:
Patch Available
Stridor - A Tribe From Below

Compatible with load order specification:
Laser RCW model changes must be placed lower than DMT.
Perks for Challenges Remade
Place lower than DMT, it makes a change to a challenge whose text I tweaked. Not actually recommended, I recommend S6S Base Game Perks Redux instead, which also provides some perks via challenge.
Panzermann's Changes (TTW or NV version)
You must use the DMT Master Patch with this, and the master patch must be placed lower than any Panzermann file.
Beretta 92
Make sure my textures overwrite the original's.

Kinda compatible:

Music mods:
Place a master patch lower than those mods to get the new soundtrack. Other soundtrack mods may interfere with the soundtrack if they place new audio markers in Dead Money.
Failed FEV Subject 17
Failed FEV Subject 54 (17 got a retexture by me, 54 didn't. Both were renamed in DMT. Neither one is coming to my Prod pack, so if you want them thrown in Vault 11 from the base game, you can have the original Modder's Resource installed. Subject 17's new textures weren't renamed, so place the original below DMT to get the original very yellow hand textures and non-reddened vault suit, or vice versa.)

Incompatible/Must be replaced by DMT:
You cannot use this with the original AWOPDM! It is included and will screw up your game if you have the original plugin installed. There's a warning that shows up if you have it installed, I will completely ignore any issues to do with using the original AWOPDM file and DMT together.
Drag's Dead Money Horror Overhaul:
Completely incompatible. No patch planned.
Dead Money Immersion 
Armour Repair Kits (DMT has changed armor repair kits and added multiple features to them. Using both will result in double the kits added to leveled lists, and inconsistent behavior+no inventory stacking.)
Father Elijah Accurate Face
Vikki's Bonnet and Vance's Lucky Hat (These have been made unique for this DLC. If you use the original, there will be no visual difference between them, but they will be named differently.)
Dead Money - Villa Scarcer Loot
Cloud Grenades
The Starlet's Gaze Laser Rifle (A different model was used, but it's named the same)

There's no pristine version of the Cavalry Sabre because I felt that the original texture looked a little fake and out of place before I added the cloud degradation, and I don't really want to try to wrangle a better metal texture and effect on the weapon. 

I would have loved to keep the chainsaw fist an automatic weapon, but the chain doesn't animate, which was too big a deal for me to overlook. I still like it enough to keep it as the Jammed Chainsaw Fist though.

The activators to travel to the Villa or back to the Mojave from Dry Canyon aren't using amazing models. They use a painted skull from HH, and a Mad Max style vehicle, respectively. I couldn't really find anything better to use. I'm open to suggestions of assets which have available permissions.

Dry Canyon is currently located in the Mojave's map on the Pip-Boy. As a result, it cannot be fast traveled in, to prevent the player from bypassing the needs penalties by fast traveling out of it. I don't know how to move it to a new map entry.

Transitioning from DM to Dry C to Mojave scripts should advance time, but the commands I tried using initially caused issues. I may fix this at some point.
Dean's dialogue hasn't, and can't, be updated to match the new Sierra Madre Martini recipe. It's a shame, but there's no resources to fix it, and the old recipe was dumb anyway.
I don't know why Ghost Girl tries to back away so fervently in the Derelict Club. I tried to fix it, but she won't cooperate.

There may be a boss encounter missing from the boss encounter challenge formlist. Not sure which, they all seem to be there, but I accidentally dragged a form over another in the list, and can't remember which it was.

The rubber gloves found in various interiors are unplayable. They were part of a mechanic previously, but I've decided to cut that, and leave their world placements where they are for visual variety. This is not a bug.

Please report bugs in the bugs tab. I receive a notification when bugs are reported, but not when posts are posted.

Under The Hood:

I edited the base game Gojira entry for the Dry Canyon WW encounter. This means the master patch needs to be used if you have any other mod which touches that entry.

Most of the LVLI and container inventory edits I did directly. This is a complete overhaul and explicitly intentioned DM economy rebalance, so I'm not planning to factor for other mods touching those inventories. Any overwrites should be solved by placing a master patch below any conflicting mods.

Why is it called Dead Money Tweaks when it's actually an overhaul?
I liked the acronym better.
What level should I start DMT at?
I recommend at least level 25. If you want the experience to feel less strenuous, try it at level 30 or higher.
Will you do this for other DLCs?
Already did for Anchorage, the others don't need it.
Is this compatible with____?
If you ask about a mod that is already listed in the compatibility section, you'll simply be ignored, and your post will be moved to a "bug" post. If you ask about a mod that's not listed, I'll probably get around to checking at some point, but it might be a while. I strongly recommend that anyone concerned about compatibility should learn to check in FNVEdit, it's very, very easy to do.
"Question that was already answered by the description?"
I didn't write this whole novella of a mod description so a million people could ask me about things I already predicted that they'd want to know.
Grand Entrance compatibility/inclusion?
The author didn't want me to include it. There'll be a patch once I get around to it.
Why do cloud beasts have a chance to die with 12 ga hulls and not 20 ga?
Cause they managed to completely digest the 20 ga hull.
Why is there a bed in the clinic next to the auto doc? Why would I use the adrenaline shot if the bed is right there?
Immersion, mostly. Clinics need beds. They're important. Use the auto doc if you don't want to take the time to sleep for whatever reason.
Dead Money sucks though.
Not the place for such a discussion.

I couldn't have brought together such a big mod without the help of all of these talented creators and contributors:

Direct Contributors:
Dead Money - Villa Scarcer Loot
Ver. 2 ^ plugin, playtesting, and script advice by ePath
Makeshift frag mine spear fix, and makeshift frag mine model by BigManInJam
David D - Adding the 9mm bullet to the Samurai Edge's magazine
Somethingintheway - New typewriter model for the save points
Clayn - Mesh edits to the typewriter model
The Scummiest Of Them All - Main image advisement and ideas
Lolwutyyy - Edited Millenia M4 meshes for the Police Carbine mesh
Kain Prime - Albert W Model-01

Advice/Script Help:
GamerRick (Nexus Forums)
Assistance/rewrite to transit and toxicdamage scripts

Included with open permissions:
Improved Pickaxe by Nuke4Duke
Lee Enfield Rifle - Ported by SkyrimAnniversaryEdition, original model by Activision/Sledgehammer Games in COD: Vanguard.
The Starlet's Gaze Laser Rifle (Permissions listed at bottom of page)
by Ogramirad
Balisong Butterfly Knives
by FrankFamily
Dead Money Fireworks Fix
by Weijiesen
Chainsaw Fist
by Gerokeymaster
Sierra Madre Exterior Fixed
by Whaledon
The Tesla Rifle
by DeviatePanda
Dead Money - More and Better Crafted Knives
by Yukichigai
BayK's Weapon Pack
by SGTBayk47
Alternate Laser Scope Reticle
by Shad0wC0bra
Scratchmade Campo-Giro Model 1913
by MonoAccipiter
Cloud Grenades
by Hopper31, Weijiesen for the textures, sounds, and effects
New Unique Weapons (Original mod deleted)
by Sigmaceti21
Historical Cavalry Sabre
by Khar_Loz
Dead Money - Decayed Ghost People
by Polferra
Sensible Throwing Weapon Recipes
by Lagennagen
Livewire - The Shishkebab's Better Half
by lolzinator42
Serbu Super Shorty
by Millenia, Naky
Mauser C96
by Millenia, Ben Bolton, Naky, MG
Glacier Glasses
by Kaya47
25mm Pistol
by Hexrowe
T Virus Case Modder's Resource
by LordZues40
Cut-Down Hunting Rifle
Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor Mega-Pack
by User826
Fafnir's Fallout 3 Unique Items Overhaul TTW Edition
by FafnirEtherion
by filosoma
Laser RCW Red Glow
by Walmarx
AWOP Dead Money
by DjMystro
Bottlecaps into Gold Coins
by Nart2007
Colored Laser Beams
by Shad0wC0bra
Failed FEV Subject 17
Failed FEV Subject 54
Failed FEV Subject 6
Failed FEV Subject 66
Fallout 3 Wanamingo
by Prodlimen
Father Elijah Accurate Face
by CarlZee
Neglected Weapon Texture Tweaks
by CBGreely
Collectable Sonar
by TheB42Team
by tunaisafish and Gribbleshnibit8
TTW DLC Sortomatic Homes
by Pintocat
Notta Knife
by Anoxeron
Stridor - A Tribe From Below
by Duskill
Watch Dogs Legion Skull Mask
by RadioAM
Consistent Sunglasses for Dean Domino
by SkyNinja1
A Mustache For Dean Domino
by KazFoxen
Mad Max Thundersticks
by Ranaark
Cosmic Knife Gauntlet
by CarlZee
The Scribe Blaster
by Lonutro
Homemade Flamethrower - The Last Of Us Flamethrower 
by Quicksilver500
Included after requesting permission:

Colt Monitor R-80
by Davis237834
Armour Repair Kits
by Antistar
Beretta 92
by eNse7en
Dead Money Immersion
by vTemporalZEROv
Clean Hunting Rifle
by Madcat221
Sierra Madre Chip Shot
by MuteSignals
Mute Signals Armor
by MuteSignals
Real Weapon Mods 2
by Micalov
Vikki's Bonnet and Vance's Lucky Hat
NHP Police Uniform Pack
by Dicgas
Sandcrete Architecture
Dry Canyon
by TrickyVein
Rags to Riches
by Richwizard, with credit to Kilroy2009
by DemonHunter1986
Odioss Fire Axe Replacer
by Odioss
Sierra Madre Chips with weight
by hexef

Contained kNVSE credits:
Hitman animations:
.22 Pistol
44 Magnum
Assault Carbine
Automatic Rifle
Chinese Assault Rifle
Flare Gun
Hunting Rifle
Laser RCW
Lever Action Shotgun
Plasma Rifle
Sawed Off Shotgun

Johnsonn animations:
Hunting Shotgun
Laser Rifle

Rockbiter animations:
44 Revolver
Chinese Pistol

Baseball Bat
Please see the individual pages for each of the included mods if you would like to redistribute any assets. If you're not sure where a new asset came from, feel free to ask about it in the discussion topic, and I'll try to remember specifically which plugin for you.
When it comes to the assets that I created for the project myself, you're free to use whatever you like with credit.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.