About this mod

Tweaks for naugrim04's DUST Survival Simulator mod. Fixes/tweaks a wide variety of things. Item names, lots of repair lists, some new recipes, missing Pip-Boy icons, among other goodness. Now with a shorter description!

Permissions and credits
naugrim04 tells a compelling story in DUST. We see firsthand the consequences of The Courier's actions in the main story of New Vegas, the factions they sided with - or didn't. All this wrapped up in an unforgiving and brutal survival experience. Often times, however, I found myself noticing bugs and oversights. DUST is a large project and pulls resources from numerous places, so getting all the pieces to fit is a lot of work. So, I've been fixing some stuff up as I've come across it, and figured I'd share what I do on the Nexus!

Fixed missing Pip-Boy Icons: Weapons, perks, apparel, you get the idea. A number of instances were a matter of icons existing in their original modder's resources, but being left out of DUST's files by accident. So, I restored those ones using files from the original mods(see credits section above). For others, I used ones already in the game that had greater resemblance.

Improved Item Names: Misspellings, words that should be separated, separate items with the same name, that sort of thing. Pipe Rifles, Makeshift Pistols, Opportunist Armor, Boomer outfits, all come to mind. If two different items had the same name, I tried to pick whatever stat or characteristic that differentiated them, and put it in the name of at least one.  I'm good with nitpicks details like that.

Expanded Repair Lists: I noticed a lot of items that were similar, or even nearly identical, that couldn't be used as parts to repair each other.  Jumpsuits, dusters, armored robes, bone weapons, and Pipe Rifles, to name a few major groups. So, I've taken the time and added or altered numerous repair lists, as well as which items use them. Every Jumpsuit/Duster/Armored Robe variant I could find can now be used to repair one another. This is a fairly major balance change in your favor, but if you're skeptical about this, I believe I can make an argument for it:
The first thing is, many of these dusters should have been capable of repairing each other in the first place - roughly half of them are just the same duster, visibly made out of the same material, just with different names and (minor) stats. All based on the Regulator/Sheriff Duster hailing from Fallout 3. Similarly, you have the dusters from Lonesome Road that are all nearly-identical, save for minor stats and a design on their backside. These probably weren't in their own repair list because they were originally only intended to be unique items, so you'd never have the opportunity (or desire) to use them for repair parts. Oh, very minor trade-off, but said dusters can no longer be repaired with Leather Armor now, only other dusters.
One last bit of justification, I found myself thinking about some common vanilla apparel while I made my changes. Think about all the generic wastelander clothing, merc outfits, and Combat Armor. Brahmin-Skin, Settler, Wanderer, Roving Trader, Doctor, and Surgeon outfits all can be used to repair one another - despite their minor differences. This is good, because it allows for variation without making upkeep unnecessarily difficult. I feel that lots of the repair changes I've made are the same way - common, similar apparel in DUST should be available for repair parts, especially with how much more variety there is with formerly-unique armors being dispersed throughout the (repair-vendor-lacking) world.

Oh yeah, Patched Skin Outfits and Human Skin masks now allow you to use Human Flesh, Human Remains, as well as each other as repair parts. Similarly, Dog and Coyote Night Stalker hides can be used to repair the Tribal Wolf's-Head Hood. I may or may not have made this change for laughs more than anything else.

Version 3.0 Quick Summary - Perk Improvements and Even More Crafting
Combat Perk Improvements: Extensive additions have been made to the Cowboy, Grunt, Laser Commander, The Professional, and Pyromaniac perks. Generally speaking, none of these perks buffed new weapons from DUST that should have fit their criteria, and often were otherwise partially or even wholly broken. More details:
Homemade and improvised grenades, laser weapons, flamethrowers, pistols, machine guns, SMGs, lever-action firearms, etc. have all been added to the appropriate lists for these perks to buff them.
Laser Commander just works in the first place now; previously, using it nerfed literally every weapon in the game, while keeping its inadequate list of laser weapons at status quo. Now it buffs weapons it is intended to, with some additions from me.
Semi-Auto Training now reduces the spread of all intended weapons, instead of just the .45 Pistol variants. It was expanded to include far more weapons that made sense. Revolver Training now affects more revolvers than it did before.
Other combat perks just needed minor additions, such as shotgun-related perks applying to the one shotgun DUST adds. Plasma Spaz affects DUST's Makeshift Plasma Rifle.

Non-combat Perk Improvements: Four Eyes, Old World Gourmet, Lead Belly, Lessons Learned, and others now do a better job of what they say they do. More details: 
The Four Eyes trait now affects more headwear that already had glasses/goggles attached. Old World Gourmet affects a handful more pre-War foods, including their irradiated variants. Lead Belly also affects more consumables, such as Sunset Sarsaparilla. Lessons Learned now properly works for characters below level 25. Perks requiring a certain amount of radiation to be taken now specify this amount in their description. The Long Haul perk was made playable again, and affects backpacks instead of Fast Travel.
There are tons and tons of other perk fixes and adjustments, which can be found in the Logs section.

More Crafting Improvements: Some craftable armor has been restored, there are more food options and some of them make more sense than they did before. More details:
Gecko-backed Armors have been made obtainable again by changing them to Tunneler-backed Armors, and allowing for the crafting of Tanned Tunneler Hide, since finding all the different types of vanilla gecko hides is likely impossible in DUST.
Coyote meat, steaks, and hide have all been renamed as Night Stalker meat, steaks, and hide; coyotes have been removed, but their dropped items appear to have intentionally been added to Night Stalker lists. This is how I reconciled that fact.
Crafting Kits now allow for the crafting of Bighorner Steaks on the go, as well as Giant Rat Steaks, a new aid item that allows for eating Giant Rat without taking STR and sizeable rad penalties.

Helpful Loading Screen Tips: I've replaced or edited numerous loading screens that had strange grammar, were wrong, or had become irrelevant in DUST. Some give tips relevant to normal DUST gameplay, and others will help inform you about new options you have with my mod installed. No screenshots, unfortunately, Steam won't let me take any during loading screens.
Bugfixes implemented from other files: The authors of the DUST Bug Fixes and DUST Survival Simulator - Vault 19 Fix mods have allowed me to include their fixes in my file, so I've taken the fixes for the Vault 22 elevator, broken doors (e.g. Doc Mitchell's), and the room portals for Vault 19 (and others).

Version 2.0 Quick Summary - Crafting and Repair Improvements
Bone Weapon Improvements: Insane characters now can craft more weapons out of mutilated limbs, in addition to being able to craft Femurs like they were originally. If they're having trouble finding Mutilated Skulls for their... creations... they can now "craft" Mutilated Skulls in the Crafting Kit using any variant of severed head they may find.
Speaking of bone weapons, they all may now be used to repair one another. However, this means you can no longer repair them with Lead Pipes or Sledgehammers.
Expanded Drink Options: Purifying drinks with Experimental Rad-X has been improved. Instead of requiring 4 Irradiated or 4 Dirty Water to make Purified Water, you can use any combination of the two(as long as the total number of bottles is 4). This applies to both the Crafting Kit and Campfires. Keep in mind, a number of these recipes are hidden unless you have exactly the number of ingredients - I didn't want to flood the crafting menu with every permutation of purifying water! Also, you can now purify Sunset Sarsaparilla(which has been buffed to heal some health again, by the way). This works similarly, you can purify both regular and highly irradiated variants in batches of 4.
You can now also purify Sunset Sarsaparilla, Irradiated Beer, Scotch, and Whiskey. Not only does this allow you to avoid the rads, but you get back the benefits of gaining sanity and reducing rads that non-irradiated alcohol in DUST gives you.
Craft more than one batch at a time: Weapon Repair Kits no longer use Hammers and Wrenches as ingredients, although they are still required. Meaning, the recipe only appears if you have at least one Hammer and Wrench in your inventory, but since they aren't actually ingredients, you'll be allowed to craft several kits at once, even if you only have one Wrench and Hammer. I've also added a dummy recipe that only appears if you don't have those tools, so it won't be guesswork trying to remember what parts are required if you don't have all of them on hand.
Similarly, Crafting Kit and Reloading Bench recipes calling for a Hot Plate no longer use it as an actual ingredient, but require you have one on hand to be visible. No more cooking one steak at a time! If you don't have a Hot Plate, I've added dummy recipes for these as well so nobody has to wonder why they can't cook with the Craft Kit anymore.

I definitely haven't patched over all, or even the majority of conflicts with YUP that DUST has, but I have been working on what I've come across. Namely, lots of instances of adding clothing pickup SFX to apparel, or having weapons show in the Pip-Boy that they have an increased critical chance.

Exact Changes
As usual, I've left almost all of my exact changes for you to read in the Logs section, in case you want to really get down to brass tacks.

Possible Future Plans and Ideas
I actually have an even longer and more extensive journal of plans on my PC, but I don't want to take the time to polish the whole thing up to be worth posting on the Nexus, and frankly I don't think anyone would care to read it that much, anyway. So, here are some of the more notable things:
Short-term Goals:
  • Make skeletons inedible to Cannibal perk users, using the method suggested in the comments.
  • Wade through the various now-useless quest items and start making them droppable, and maybe useful.
  • I could probably make a version of the Wastelander Robe icon without the sticks on it, and Gambler's Pal without the barrel.
Long-term Goals:
  • See if it's possible to make certain quests be unmarked instead of visible. I get lots of Quest Failed notifications in DUST for quests that are no longer accessible. I think it would be best to not have these notifications appear, if they can be removed without damage to other parts of the game.
  • Similarly, I want to look into having now-disbanded faction reputation notifications show up. I've seen a number of them stating that I'm vilified by Powder Gangers, the Followers, etc. for killing Cannibals who have no association(anymore).
  • Begrudgingly make certain NPCs hostile who aren't, but should be(certain tunnelers, for example).
  • Adjust a certain location in Freeside that I think is far, far too generous.
"Reach" Goals:
  • Sort through perks and traits that have been broken or could otherwise be improved with YUP fixes and/or just made practically useful in DUST in some way. 
  • Find an meaningful way to make differences between the three or four variations of makeshift flamethrower that exist in DUST.
  • Proofread notes and terminal entries and make corrections, obviously with the fact in mind that many of them are intended to be imperfect English. This one's probably a long way off, because I don't want to spoil things for myself.
  • Look into making Ghost People, and any other enemies I hear about having no faction relations, hostile to creatures/NPCs besides the player.
  • Look into distributing special GRA ammo types back into the wasteland -- sparsely.
  • Try changing more of the various Human Cattle found in different settlements so that other denizens don't elect to waste them on the spot when you get in render distance. Maybe make them unaggressive toward the player if you kill the rest of the residents, or just cowardly so they don't fight back.

Special thanks to naugrim04, Zeus_II, Yukichigai, The Third Type, Dekoman91, djabend, bentobart, PreWarTech, samyazaawol, and _ALIEN_ (AKA EddyK28) for the work and assets they've shared. See the Permissions/Credits section for specifics.