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About this mod

Ultimate Realism Overhaul is a valiant attempt at balancing, increasing the difficulty, and promoting the realism of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
The mod aims to improve various aspects of the game that were either too easy or didn't make sense in the vanilla edition.
If you want more realism, this is the mod for you.

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W H Y   D O E S   T H I S   M O D   E X I S T  ?

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Warhorse Studios' first major release. It is also their magnum opus.
It is an outstanding recreation of 15th century rural Bohemia, including beautiful landscapes and lively villages and towns.
The attention to detail is astonishing! It feels refreshingly easy to be immersed in Henry's story and the intricate workings of the medieval world.
I believe KC:D is a breath of fresh air in what's become a repetitive, tough industry and a fine example as to what an RPG should feel like.
I was astounded when I first made it to Rattay and the game opened up for me to explore. 70+ hours later and I am still enjoying and discovering new things.

However, throughout my playtime I have noticed many things that need tweaking in order to fully accomplish Warhorse's goal of total realism.
My goal is to enhance Warhorse's vision whilst staying true to the original game.
That is where this overhaul modification come in...

W H A T   I S   U L T I M A T E   R E A L I S M   O V E R H A U L  ?


Ultimate Realism Overhaul
is my personal attempt at balancing, increasing the difficulty, and promoting the realism of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
The mod aims to improve various aspects of the game that were either too easy or didn't make sense in the vanilla edition.
For example, any challenge in the economy of the original game was easily subverted by selling looted armour or high-quantities of deer meat for exorbitant prices.
I imagine shopkeepers and artisans of fine wares probably wouldn't have purchased dented, blooded plate armour on a regular basis.
Other issues such as one-hitting late-game enemies and the general lack of urgency in the food/hunger system come to mind.

I have been working on this mod since day-one of the game's release.
Despite having played untold hours of the game, there are definitely still different play-styles, mechanics, and other features I have yet to test and experience.
As a result, this mod does not claim to transform the game into a 100% accurate medieval life simulator.
Neither does it claim to fix every imbalance in the entire game (although I try to come close!).

H O W   T O   P L A Y

A small warning: 
This overhaul is designed to make the game more realistic.
As a result, the game is a LOT harder!

Playing with this mod make you feel weaker and very human.
Even securing essential needs such as food and sleep can be very difficult early on.
Expect to have to steal your food and sleep rough often.
Expect to lose fights early and often, especially when outnumbered.
Expect to struggle to make money and get by as a peasant in the harsh world of 1400s Bohemia.
But most of all... expect to have a lot of fun!

This mod is compatible with existing saves.
However, it was designed with a certain speed of progression in mind.
You may get a better experience by starting a new game, especially if using the economy module.

I M P O R T A N T   A D V I C E

Before trying this overhaul, please carefully read both the installation AND compatibility sections.
You can find an installer troubleshooting guide in the article section.
For a short and sweet explanation of the mod's main features, simply scroll up to the Main Features list above.
For a in-depth, comprehensive explanation of what this mod changes, read the Mod Details section.

For a list of Recommend Mods to combine with URO and user-made Localizations please see the Feedback+Contact section.

Ultimate Realism Overhaul is designed to be modular.
This means it is possible to customise your install and disregard features of this mod that don't wish to install (e.g. no changes to food).
This section describes each of the modules that comprise this mod.
It is possible to customise your gameplay by only installing some of the modules, or by installing all of them.
However, this mod has been designed and tested with all modules active.
For the best ultimate realism experience, it is highly recommended you install every module.

Ultimate Realism Overhaul currently contains the following modules:

C O R E + C O M B A T

The primary module of Ultimate Realism Overhaul. It is highly recommended that you download at least this module.
It is possible to play the game without this module, but the mod is designed to work with it and you will not get the full experience without it.
This module includes all changes to stat/skill progression, the combat system, stamina, food and energy levels, and all weapon and armour stat changes.

S T A T S   AN D   P R O G R E S S I O N   A N D   M I S C.


In the unmodded game, the player is able to level up stats far too quickly.
Within a week, Henry goes from a weak peasant to a skilled warrior capable of taking on any foe.
With this module, nearly every skill's progression has been slowed.
For example, killing enemies, blocking blows, and generally engaging in any form of combat now yields less XP.
This effectively makes Henry weaker for longer and should result in a slower but more satisfying stat progression.

Hunger level now drops 15% slower - in real life, humans can go days without food.
Energy level now drops 15% faster - you'll likely last around 36 hours without sleep.
However, starvation will make you tired quicker.
This makes keeping yourself nourished and well-rested very important.
The starvation threshold has also been increased so you will feel the effects of hunger sooner.

The effects of the Starved debuff have been changed:
Strength & Vitality -1 when starving
Stamina Regen decreased by 1/3
Max carry-weight -10
Energy loss 20% quicker

The effects of the Tired debuff have been changed:
Strength and Agility -1 when tiredMovement speed slower
Max carry-weight -10
Attacks cost 10% more stamina
Attacks cost 15% more stamina to block

Clothes now get dirtier slower, around double the vanilla time.

Many hoods and scarves now appear worn up.
Credit to ctobias and his fantastic mod which you can find here.

C O M B A T   O V E R H A U L

Many mods have tried to improve the combat system in the game.
However, most have just decreased the player stamina regen and cost values to unrealistic amounts.
This module implements far more extensive alterations to the system...

This mod entirely removes the weapon skill AND strength stat bonuses to weapon damage.
The amount of damage the player deals is now entirely down to the weapon they are wielding and the speed at which they can attack.
This improvement means that gaining success is down the player's skill in combat, not artificial stat boosts.

All weapons have had their slash, stab, and blunt damage values, and their requirements, revamped and balanced.
If the player has a stat higher than the weapon requires, there is now no bonus attack awarded.
If the player has a lower stat than the weapon requires, a significantly higher attack penalty is applied.
This is an attempt to prevent players from exploiting the easily found top-tier weapons early on in the game.
All former agility stat based weapons are now governed by the strength stat.

NPCs have +20% base body armour in order to make (particularly poorly armoured) opponents feel less "fleshy".
NPCs also have +30% stamina which prevents the player from completely exhausting enemies in one or two hits in the late game.

Weapon attack speed has been significantly altered too. The player now starts off swinging much slower.
It takes a much higher Agility stat to produce average/above-average attack speeds.
The weapon reach for each weapon type has also been tweaked very slightly (e.g. maces have a short reach).

Perfect blocks and ripostes (master strikes) are a lot harder to pull off:
The window to perform a perfect block has been reduced by 35%
The window to perform a riposte is 25% smaller
Maximum damage has been reduced by a minuscule amount (12.5%), just to take the edge off of late-game weapons.

Damaged armour and weapons are now 10% more effective.
This gives bandits and Cumans a slight buff as their equipment is usually poorly maintained.
Items with 0 condition are now worth 0 in price.
The cost of repairing equipment has also been increased to a 1:1 item value ratio.

The amount of time enemies will wait between attacks has been reduced by 57%.
In addition, groups of enemies will attack much quicker, sometimes attacking you in unison.
It is now more difficult to fight more than one or two opponents at a time.

The player was able to recover from injuries far too quickly in the vanilla game.
It now takes the player double the time to recover from injuries.
Bleeding is also twice as quick. Bandages are essential to carry at all times.

Overall, the stamina system hasn't changed much as I felt this was a very artificial way of adding "realism".
The stamina regen delay has been increased to 2.3 seconds instead of 1.5.
The speed of stamina regen when blocking or moving has been slowed too.
Sprinting and jumping cost slightly more stamina, as does attacking.

Various small changes have been made to armour:
Hunting gloves and leather gloves are no longer considered plate armour.
In addition, the weights of some armour pieces have been changed to better reflect their names (this may still need tweaking).
For example Heavy Lamellar was actually marked lighter than Light Lamellar in the game's files.
Cuman tunics have been moved from cloth armour to light leather armour and buffed slightly.
This provides low-tier Cumans with a slight boost as they are far too weak otherwise.


One of the key parts of the combat overhaul is that positional attacks are now essential due to the altered armour defence stats.
Imagine you're fighting a Cuman with a high-slash damage sword.
The Cuman is wearing a strong plate helmet, but only light leather and a tunic on his body.
Hitting the helmet with your sword will now do practically no damage whatsoever.
Hitting his relatively unarmoured body is the only way to defeat him.
With this module installed, it is now even more crucial that you aim your blows to the weak points of the enemy.


Credit to Woulve/PcFreaky99 and his Faster Arrows mod. I used it to find where the arrow flight parameters were.
Arrows now fly quicker and more realistically.


Each weapon type has had certain stats enhanced in specific ways.
This is an attempt to make each weapon type have a specific purpose in battle:


Exclusively for slashing or stabbing attacks.
They are quick and generally have good reach (especially the longsword).
Brilliant weapons against lightly armoured opponents equipped with gambeson or light mail/brigandine.
However, heavily armoured enemies equipped with plate or heavy mail are almost immune to slashing and a sword won't do much at all.
Short swords and sabres have had their attack range slightly reduced. Longswords have not.

A somewhat middle ground between slashing and blunt attacks.
They are much heavier than swords and have a shorter reach.
Great against foes that are equipped with heavy mail and/or padded under layers as blunt damage defeats the mail, and slash defeats the padding.
Better than swords against plate armour but not as good as a mace.
Significantly less durable.

The best blunt damage weapon a soldier can wield.
Magnificent against plate armour.
Not as good against padded armour where slashing or stabbing is needed.
Very heavy and can be expensive to repair.
Very small reach, making the player more susceptible to attacks.

Huge reach, keeping enemies far away from you.
Expensive due to their generally higher attack values.
Very heavy and impossible to sprint while wielding.

Bows have changed very slightly.
The lower tier bows have been buffed slightly.
The high tier longbows have not been changed.
Bows have been hardest part of this mod to balance and test.
Any feedback or suggestions for better balancing them would be highly appreciated!
Please see the Feedback+Content section!


Each armour type has also had certain stats enhanced in specific ways.
This is an attempt to make armour feel more unique and better protect against different damage types.
Instead of "blanket-changing" all armour of the same type by the same coefficient, I have altered pieces by their type (e.g. helmet/chausses/pauldrons).
This was done under the assumption that a one-piece helmet would provide better protection than chausses, which would have been made up of several pieces attached together.
The following armour types have been altered:

Chain is primarily what soldiers buy if they cannot afford good plate armour.
It is heavy but provides good slash and blunt damage resistance.
If combined with padded armour, like a gambeson or jack, chain can stand up to a lot of damage.
However, it is very susceptible to stab damage.
Stab damage resistance reduced by 5-10%
Blunt damage resistance increased by 9-15%
Slash damage resistance increased by 28-32%

If you're going into battle and expecting to go up against a lot of foes, then plate armour is essential.
It is more expensive than any other armour type, and for good reason.
Plate armour will protect the user brilliant against any and all slash attacks.
Stab attacks will pack more of a punch, especially from higher-tier weapons, but a wary combatant and skilled fighter should be fine.
Blunt force damage, however, is plate armour's major weak-point.
If you see a mace or axe coming your way then you better dodge as it's going to hurt bad.
Stab damage resistance increased by 46-80%
Blunt damage resistance decreased by 12-25%
Slash damage resistance increased by 62-100%

Leather is thick and padded meaning it provides some good defence against blunt damage, cushioning the blow.
The hardness of the leather also provides a small amount of slash damage protection.
However, this type of armour is susceptible to stab damage which can penetrate all the way through.
Stab damage resistance decreased by 5-10%
Blunt damage resistance increased by 15-20%
Slash damage resistance increased by 10%


A secondary module of Ultimate Realism Overhaul. It is still highly recommended that you download this module for increased realism.
However, it is still possible to play the game without this module.
This module includes all stat changes to individual food items.
This includes the time it takes food to decay, food's health benefit, nutrition benefit, refresh benefit, and alcohol content.
This module also changes the amount of meat animals drop, and greatly reduces the usefulness of stew pots.

As a note, there are several terms used in this section to describe in-game food mechanics:

Nutrition - How well the food fills the player's belly. More nutrition = not having to eat for longer.
Refreshment - How well the food energises the player. More refreshment = staying awake longer.
Health - How much of the player's health is restored by consuming the food.
Alcohol Content - The alcohol strength of a beverage. Higher alcohol content = getting drunk quicker.

A L C O H O L   A N D   D R I N K S

The only "unrealistic" aspect of KC:D's alcohol is how nourishing and refreshing it seems to be.
All alcoholic drinks have been altered so that their nourishment is lower and they yield a larger refreshment detriment.

An additional medicinal aspect has been introduced to alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol now acts a numbing agent to wounds and injuries.
Consuming alcohol will restore a very small amount of health in proportion to its alcoholic content.
This potential makes alcohol useful as a post-battle boost if the player has sustained significant injuries or is bleeding.
Players can therefore extend the time-span they have before succumbing to their wounds, perhaps being able to travel back to the safety of a town.


I feel that the food and hunger system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is in somewhat of a limbo state.
It is a prominent enough feature of the game that ignoring it will cause your player to suffer (and even die!).
However, it is so easy to purchase cheap food or exploit stew pots that hunger never really becomes that much of a problem anyway.
To resolve the issues with the hunger system, nearly every food item has undergone changes in its attributes.
This is an attempt to give food items a more unique and distinctive feel and an actual reason to choose one over another.

A staple of anyone's diet, fruit and vegetables are both nutritious and energising.
Fruit and veg provides a small refreshment benefit to the player's energy, keeping them active longer.
Despite only providing a small amount of nutrition, fruit and veg is cheap, light, and tends to last a week or longer.
For an effective diet, it is probably a good idea to allocate a large amount of daily intake as fruit and vegetables.
This is because, other than their small nutrition and refreshment values, they do not have a disadvantage.
This also helps simulate realism because fruit and vegetable is good for you in real life!

Meat is another key part of a balanced diet.
Meat tends to provide a much larger nourishment benefit than fruit and vegetables.
Generally, the heavier the meat, the more the nourishment.
Meats like hare or chicken are light whereas beef, boar or venison is heavy.
However, meat will give the player a refreshment detriment.
The heavier the meat, the higher the refreshment penalty.
This was implemented to simulate the longer digestion period required for heavier foods.
The player is effectively digesting the food and therefore cannot be as active.
Odd cuts of meat such as dog or horse tend to be much less nutritious.
Fish is very nutritious and has a much smaller refreshment penalty.
Cooked meats tend to last just over 2 days with fish being slightly more.
Generally, lighter meats such as chicken will expire rapidly.
Heavier meats such as venison will expire much slower.

Raw meat is a special case.
It provides significantly less nutrition than its cooked counterpart.
Raw meat will often cause extreme refreshment penalties too.
This was implemented to simulate the unwellness that undoubtedly comes from consuming raw meat.
The exception to this rule is beef which can be eaten raw with a much lower refreshment penalty.
Raw chicken, on the other hand, should generally be avoided at all costs!
Most raw meats expire in 1.5-2 days.

Offal tends to provide an average amount of nourishment for a lower refreshment penalty than raw meat.
Raw offal expires very quickly, only staying fresh for a day or so. Cooked offal lasts a similar length as normal cooked meat.

Bread, pastries and dairies form a middle-ground between meat and fruit & vegetables.
This type of food is fairly nutritious - not as little as fruit and vegetables, but not as much as meat.
The same could also be said for the refreshment penalty.
Luckily bread is plentiful and cheap, a good reason to include it in your diet.

Dried foods are an excellent choice for those who know they'll be out on the road for a while, away from towns and villagers.
Dried foods such as dried meat, mushrooms, or fruit lasts 2 weeks.
They provide good nourishment and refreshment.

Stew pots now only provide 4 nutrition and drain 2 refreshment, making them much less useful.
Stew pots also take an extra day to respawn.


Hunting is a major gameplay mechanic and a way of gaining both food and wealth.
It is also extremely fun! Moving swiftly and silently between the trees, stalking your prey has a great atmosphere.
However, issues exist with the quantity of meat attainable from your kills.
The amount of meat dropped by nearly every wild animal is far too much.
It also sells for a very high profit, effectively making the player lastingly rich, never need to go hunting again!

To resolve this issue, the quantity of meat that drops from individual wild (and some domestic) animals has been reduced greatly...

Hares now drop between 9 and 15 hare meat.
Does not drop between 25 and 40 red deer venison.
Deers now drop between 30 and 45 red deer venison.
Roes now drop between 25 and 40 roe deer meat.
Lambs now drop between 20 and 25 lamb meat.
Horses now drop between 35 and 50 horse meat.
Dogs now drop between 5 and 10 dog meat.
Wild Boars now drop between 40 and 60 boar meat.
Pigs now drop between 35 and 55 boar/pork meat.
Cows now drop between 50 and 75 beef meat.


A secondary module of Ultimate Realism Overhaul. It is still highly recommended that you download this module for increased realism.
However, it is possible to play the game without this module.
This module includes all price changes to individual items such as food, weapons, clothes, and armour.
It also includes various modifications to the items shopkeepers stock, and their buying/selling prices.
It also includes changes to inn rooms and horse prices.


In the vanilla game, shopkeepers would pay far too much for goods.
It was very easy to make 1000+ Groschen in a single bandit camp raid.
The amount of money attainable by selling goods has now been decreased.

It is unrealistic to pay the same price for a sword or piece of armour in 2 different places.
The buy/sell multiplier of shops of the same type, but different locations has been changed.
For example, you may pay more for raw meat from the Sasau butcher than you would from the one in Rattay.

Unlike the vanilla game, blacksmiths now stock polearms in their stores.
This functionality was first introduced in the mod, Blacksmiths Sell Polearms, developed by myself.
You do not need to install that mod if you are using the ECONOMY module.


Each of these has been adjusted, making them more expensive.
In the early game, the player may be unable to afford an inn for the night, meaning sleeping rough.
Horses are more expensive as they were signs of wealth and nobility.

I T E M   P R I C E S

In the vanilla game, some higher-tier weapons were cheaper than lower-tier weapons.
Weapon prices are now a function of attack damage, weight, and requirement to use.
This makes sense because the player will now always pay more for better, heavier weapons.

Similar to weapons, most armour and clothing prices are a function of defence value and weight.
Most armour pieces are worth more.
Plate armour is now extremely expensive with some costing 5k+ groschens.
This makes plate armour a real achievement, and hard work to obtain.
Due to the shopkeeper tweaks above, the sell value of such armour is far below its buy value.

Clothing prices have not been changed too much.
Gambesons and armoured jackets are slightly more expensive.
Noble clothes, however, are much more expensive.
This makes it more difficult for the player to quickly look rich/like a noble.

Food prices have hardly been changed at all.
This is primarily due to compatibility with the FOOD module which means the player will be buying much more food.
Raw game and other animal meats have been adjusted slightly to prevent such easy financial gain.

Bow price have been increased dramatically.
They were tried and tested weapons that craftsman would spent many hours working on.
For example good longbow that shoots true is worth a very large amount of money.

P E R K S 

A secondary module of Ultimate Realism Overhaul. It is still highly recommended that you download this module for increased realism.
However, it is possible to play the game without this module.
This module reduces the power of over 20 perks in the game.
Many of the perks in the vanilla game are overpowered and this module helps to balance this.
This module also attempts to increase the usefulness of some perks.
For example, with the greatly increased hunger rate, the Ascetic perk is much more useful.

This module includes a localisation file so that the relevant perk descriptions are updated in the game's menus.
Please read the Installation section of this page for more details.

A L T E R E D   P E R K S

Original - "You'll last 30% longer without food, but as soon as you get hungry, the effects will be 20% worse."
New - "You'll last 15% longer without food, but as soon as you get hungry, the effects will be 20% worse."

Original - "When dirty, you'll have 50% more Charisma when talking to women.
However, people will smell you a mile off, reducing your Stealth by 30%."
New -
"When dirty, you'll have 25% more Charisma when talking to women.
However, people will smell you a mile off, reducing your Stealth by 30%."

Original - "Your Stamina will regenerate 20% faster at night, but 10% slower during the day."
New -
"Your stamina will regenerate 20% faster at night, but 20% slower during the day."

Original - "In towns and villages you have +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech.
Can't be combined with Savage perk."
New -
"In towns and villages you have +1 bonus on Vitality and Speech.
Can't be combined with Savage perk."

Original - "In the wilds you have +1 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality and Speech.
Can't be combined with Burgher perk."
New -
"In the wilds you have +1 bonus on Strength and Agility.
Can't be combined with Burgher perk."

Original - "Blocking an opponent's blow will cost you 30% less Stamina."
New -
 "Blocking an opponent's blow will cost you 25% less Stamina."

Original - "Your Stamina regeneration will not slow down in combat, even on the weapon backswing."
New -
 "Your Stamina regeneration will slow down less in combat." (halved the original effect)

Original - "Your attacks cause 20% greater damage, but cost you 10% more Stamina. Applies only to force weapons."
New -
 "Your attacks cause 10% greater damage, but cost you 5% more Stamina. Applies only to force weapons."

Original - "Your attacks will demand 30% less Stamina, but will also cause 20% less injury. Applies only to weapons that are based on Agility.
New -
 "Your attacks will demand 20% less stamina, but will also cause 20% less injury."

Original - "If you're not wearing plate armour, it will be 50% easier for you to dodge strikes in combat."
New -
 "If you're not wearing plate armour, it will be 30% easier for you to dodge strikes in combat."

Original - "As soon as your Health falls to a minimum, you go berserk and your Stamina regenerates four times faster."
New -
 "As soon as your Health falls to a minimum, you go berserk and your Stamina regenerates three times faster."

Original - "After beating your first opponent, you get a 50% attack bonus and your stamina will regenerate 25% faster."
New -
 "After beating your first opponent, you get a 10% attack bonus and your stamina will regenerate 10% faster."

Original - "You have a 30% greater chance of drawing your opponent's blood."
New - 
"You have a 15% greater chance of drawing your opponent's blood."

Original - "The less your maximum Stamina the greater injury you cause. (max of 30%)"
New - 
"The less your maximum Stamina the greater injury you cause. (max of 15%)"

Original - "You'll have 20% greater Strength, Agility, Warfare and Defence in a fight where you're outnumbered."
New - 
"You'll have 5% greater Strength and Defense, and 10% greater Agility and Warfare in a fight where you're outnumbered."

Original - "Each blow in an uninterrupted chain will hurt your opponent more than the previous one (20% max). Any interruption will cancel the bonus."
New -
"Each blow in an uninterrupted chain will hurt your opponent more than the previous one (10% max). Any interruption will cancel the bonus.

Original - "If you've got enough fragrant herbs in your inventory, you get a +2 Charisma bonus."
New -
 "If you've got enough fragrant herbs in your inventory, you get a +1 Charisma bonus."

Original - "The herbs you sell have a 15% higher price."
New - "The herbs you sell have a 10% higher price."

Original - "You get a 15% damage bonus in mounted combat with both range and melee weapons."
New - "You get a 10% damage bonus in mounted combat with both range and melee weapons."

Original - "A weapon you've sharpened yourself has a 15% greater chance of causing bleeding."
New - "A weapon you've sharpened yourself has a 10% greater chance of causing bleeding."

Original - "Cumans are afraid of you and there's a 50% greater chance they'll flee from combat with you.
Your strikes against them will also be double as effective."

New - "Cumans are afraid of you and there's a 15% greater chance they'll flee from combat with you.
Your strikes against them will also be 15% as effective."

Original - "You've collected such a quantity of poisonous herbs or nettles that your Vitality is permanently increased by +2."
New - "You've collected such a quantity of poisonous herbs or nettles that your Vitality is permanently increased by +1."

Original - "Increases the time you can do without sleep. Your rest level falls 25% more slowly."
New - "Increases the time you can do without sleep. Your rest level falls 10% more slowly."

Original - "As long as you remain still, your tiredness and hunger will stay at the same level."
New - "As long as you remain still, your tiredness and hunger will fall 50% slower."

Ultimate Realism Overhaul is designed to be modular.
This means that I have tried to make it possible to customise your install and potentially disregard features of this mod that you may not wish to install (e.g. no changes to food).
However, due to the nature of modding KC:D at this time, many mods overwrite the same files and this modular system isn't as good as it could be.
Hopefully, in the future, Warhorse Studios will release some form of modding tool which makes handling this easier.

This section describes how to install each module of the mod and how compatible they are with other mods.
It is possible to customise your gameplay by only installing some of the modules, or by installing all of them.
However, this mod has been designed and tested with all modules active.
For a realistic experience, it is highly recommended you install at least the CORE+COMBAT module.

I N S T A L L A T I O N   S T E P S

1) Download the installer from this page.
2) Run UROInstaller.exe.
3) Check all options you wish to install.
4) Enter your /Mods folder path (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods)
5) Press the install button.
6) Play the game!

Please be aware:
The installer will delete ALL old UltimateRealismOverhaul mod installations.

Problems with the installer?

Issue a bug report
Or PM Knoxogoshi on the NexusMods Forums.
Please also read the troubleshooting guide!

OLD INSTRUCTIONS (Without Installer)

1) Download the desired module from this page.
2) Extract the .ZIP archive using a tool such as WinRar, or 7zip.
3) Navigate to steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance (or wherever your install is located)
5) If you do not already have one, create a new folder here called "Mods"
4) Place the extracted module folder into your steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods folder.
5) Run the game and enjoy!

To uninstall the mod, simply delete the relevant mod folder from your \Mods folder!


The following is a list of each module and the files that they modify.
If you have any mods installed other than Ultimate Realism Overhaul and those mods also use the listed files, those mods are incompatible!

C O R E + C O M B A T




Ultimate Realism Overhaul is a modification made by one person.
This means that progress is slow and testing every possible use-case is almost impossible.
It has taken a lot of hard work to get the mod to the stage it is at now.

However, you (as users and endorsers of this mod) can help make it even better!
Please read on to find out how...

U S E R   F E E D B A C K   S U R V E Y

The link provided below is for a feedback survey.
Filling out this survey will assist me as a developer by identifying weak areas of the mod or issues that need addressing.
It is completely optional and any and all feedback gathered for this mod is extremely appreciated!

Click here to take the survey!

B U G   R E P O R T S   A N D   F E A T U R E   R E Q U E S T S

Bugs and other issues with mods are eternal.
They can never truly be purged, especially from an overhaul this extensive.
If you do experience a bug or issue (major or minor) whilst using this mod, firstly I apologise!
Secondly, it would be great if you could let me know what the problem is!

Feel free to comment on this page or send me a direct message on the Nexus Forums.
I will listen to any and all complaints, requests, or general discussions.
The only thing I ask from you in return is politeness and patience.
If you have a complaint, please state the issue in a simple and calm manner and I will try my hardest to fix it.

R E C O M M E N D E D   M O D S

This is a list of recommended mods which can accompany Ultimate Realism Overhaul and further improve your experience:

No Mo' Slow Mo - Configurable Slow Motion by R40k
Restore Halberds by Tahknall
More Responsive Targeting by Tahknall
Roads Are Dangerous by Zaatch
More Enemies by KazuiyoSenpai
Spearman's Delight by AJStoner
Remove Those Stupid Trails by Zaatch

Please let me know what other mods you use with Ultimate Realism Overhaul.
I will consider adding them to this list.


This is a list of localisations made by users of Ultimate Realism Overhaul:

Ultimate Realism Overhaul - Chinese Translation by RayLin86
Ultimate Realism Overhaul - French Translation by Voidsmith
Ultimate Realism Overhaul - German Translation by fwfdwad
Ultimate Realism Overhaul - Russian Translation by AesmaDiv
Ultimate Realism Overhaul - Polish Translation by Gorset
Ultimate Realism Overhaul - Czech Translation by Grondak12345

An absolutely massive thank you to all of the users listed above. 
There work is helping bring a better KC:D experience to everyone.
Ultimate Realism Overhaul wouldn't be complete without these localizations!


This mod has been almost entirely my own work.
Every alteration, stat-change and little tweak was performed by myself.
However, I took inspiration from several other mods on the nexus.
I also inspected how other mods were made which helped me find the location of specific game files.

Below is a list of mods and their developers which inspired or helped me, directly or indirectly.
If (for some reason) you question whether your mod should/shouldn't be on here, contact me ASAP:

Immersive Balance 
by pommesUNDwurst

Immersive Balance is a great mod with a huge amount of changes to the game.
It focuses on balancing the existing vanilla game.
It aims for as little change to the core-mechanics as possible.

I was able to get several great ideas from this mod author's hard work.
These include movement speeds for heavy armour loads, and weapon deterioration attributes.
pommesUNDwurst uploads frequent updates to the mod and is very polite and active.

I highly recommend giving Immersive Balance a try before you download URO as you may prefer it.

Faster Arrows by PcFreaky99
KNOX: "Faster Arrows is a mod which makes using bows much more satisfying.
It improves realism by making arrows shoot faster.
The vanilla game's arrows were much too slow so PcFreaky99 has done an amazing job here!
Thanks to Faster Arrows I was able to locate the necessary files to change arrow attributes.
As a result, the arrows in this mod behave more realistically.

IMFB - I Mourn For Balance by MourningCoffee

KNOX: "IMFB is another fantastic attempt at balancing the vanilla game.
The mod currently focuses on the game's combat system.
MourningCoffee has done a brilliant job and combat feels very balanced with his mod.
MourningCoffee had a great idea to adjust armour values depending on their type (plate, leather, etc.)
I took inspiration from this and used an identical system (but with different values) in this mod.
Please make sure to try out IMFB and enjoy a more balanced combat system.

Hoods and Scarfs UP (dynamic) by ctobias
KNOX: "ctobias has created an awesome mod here which adds a lot of immersion.
Henry looks so much better with a hood on!
The author was kind enough to give permission for me to use his mod functionality in URO.
Please make sure you head over and endorse his excellent hard work!

S U P P O R T   M E

This mod has taken countless hours of hard work.
Not only in creating the mod itself but in play-testing the game and responding to you, the community.
I thoroughly enjoy listening to your feedback and suggestions, and helping you with technical issues.
I do all this because I find it fun, and a great hobby!

Donations are entirely voluntary.
I will NEVER request any monetary contribution towards this mod.
I will continue to release very regular updates and listen to your feedback regardless.
If you do wish to make a small donation, you can do so by clicking the donate button at the top of this page.
Sending me £2 or £3 just for a morning coffee would be unbelievably appreciated!

A N D   F I N A L L Y . . .   T H A N K   Y O U!

No mod is complete without its users.
Simply by downloading this mod you have supported me as a developer!
You have also helped the KC:D and Nexus Mods community by engaging in services provided by both.

For all of these things I thank you kindly and sincerely hope you enjoy using Ultimate Realism Overhaul!

- Knoxogoshi