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  1. Knoxogoshi
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    UPDATE (16/11/2018):

    Wow, been a long time everyone!
    Firstly, massive apologies for effectively abandoning this mod. Over the past 6+ months I've been buried under an avalanche of work and have had a lot happen in my life. As such I've genuinely not touched this game since June. But fear not, I will be returning to the KC:D modding scene soon. My plan is to relaunch this mod under a different title, taking into consideration all of your critical feedback, and improve upon it greatly. With the advent of new DLC and (hopefully) some ACTUAL modding tools being released by Warhorse in the future I'm hoping this is will be possible.

    Unfortunately, in the meantime, I will not be updating this mod. Thank you for your kind comments and feedback and I hope you enjoyed this mod at some point. I understand some people still use this, or use it as a point of reference for their own mods. For this reason, I'll be leaving all the files intact. When I do eventually release a follow-up mod, I will post a link here.

    Thank you!

    - Knox
    1. Lynnmcd
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      No worries! I really look forward to your re-work at some point in the future! Meanwhile, reclusiveknight seems to be on the case and is doing his best to keep this worthy mod in play. Hope RL is slowing down and easing up. PS...if you are feeling utterly ambitious and would ever consider adding a camping mod to this game that would be AWESOME! I mean, the boy would know how to make a damn camp, campfire, cook food and survive overnight at the very least. But we keep getting forced to find huts or towns for any kind of sleep option. I really have no idea why the devs didn't put that in under their hunting requirements but that's just me. @-@
    2. allahuakbar921
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If only it worked on update 1.8
    3. PenitentEngine
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can't find any reclusiveknight in association with a KCD mod. Can you direct me?
    4. mcmon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you are there somewhere out there please hear that I'd love to play your mod now that the game is in a definitive edition.
    5. DilutedStargazer
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
    6. WildLynx93
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If you're still there somewhere please, please update this mod, this is one of the very few mods I consider must have in KCD and I can't use it now, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that...
    7. ilemon7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i love this mod too,unfortunately, it can't be used.
    8. olenhol
      • member
      • 1 kudos

    9. rabidNode
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I managed to get mine to work I think.
      I lost some textures on horses and people's arms until I removed soul_archetype.xml from the pak.
      the added unarmed damage and other tweaks seems to not function correctly.  so I guess I will use it without the tweaks to base armors.
    10. LittlePanther2004neu
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Where did you find soul_archetype.xml and how did you delete it? I'm quite helpless right now
    11. Nameofnexusthing
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      the next page of the posts has the answers, I looked there, but you can get the combat overhaul thingo with the same pictures and just use some of this mods values into that.  it really doesn't take that long but the next page also will get it done, its literally a couple of files to change.  
  2. Hich
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If I picked Numbskull hardcore perk, would it stack with the EXP rate set by this mod or one of these would get overwritten?
  3. StickyFingers92
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    with thsi mod and this one only installed you get a removed mod message pop up when loading save, and the portrait of yourself is missing from the inventory menu. hardcore mods show up as @"perk name" and doesnt explain anything anymore.. id say mod is best avoided. shame no others worth using 
  4. demonicmyst
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Making npcs faster when a drunk can fight like a half trained martial artist is not realistic as somone who actualy is a martial artist the none knight characters allready are roo responcive for untrained idiots making them even more trained is unrealistic as hell 
  5. K2RaMXawsome
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please can you just update this mod its very good to be used and i think its one of the most needed mods in kcd now

    ( it worked with me in 1.9.6 but perks like houndmaster  - hardcore perks - henry display in inventory bugged but everything else seems to work fine with me )
  6. AkrosF
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello all KCD lovers.I had a little problem with this mod - when installing it, Henry's figure is not displayed in the menu and if I take off my clothes, I can't put them on again.What to do?
  7. rabidNode
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    what is the basic variable you use to decrease xp gain and skill progression?
    in rpg_param.xml it looks all the same basically to the vanilla install
  8. BabyAnon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "Armour much more expensive to buy and sells for less"

    This is supposed to be realistic?
    1. olenhol
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      in 11th century you could buy whole village for new set of plate armour from armorsmith.
      Selling one as not smith would be shady as F. 
  9. Dahaka25
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Dosen't work on version 1.9.6
  10. zAzaza10
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any news on the update to the latest game version?
  11. Muncha
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    How on earth do you finish a fist fight, fists dont do any dmg any more.