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  1. Ariefel
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Ember's Lute (A Music Performance Mod) at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (
    This is a dependency for the VFX and music performance QoL - you will need to place the Ember's Lute mod above this mod in your Load Order.

    This mod uses passives for many QoL features. Check your passives after equipping any instruments, using any potions etc. :)
  2. Ariefel
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Update v1.0.5
    • Whistling toggles (requires Ember's Lute v1.3.3.19). All instruments with the Musical Conductor passive now have an additional toggle to silence and un-silence whistling performers.
    • Whistling sprite summons (requires Ember's Lute v1.3.3.19). Haunted instruments can now optionally summon an additional whistling sprite when performing music. Look for the Passive named "Sprite Summoning (Vocals)" to toggle this on. 
    • (Requires Ember's Lute v1.3.3.19). An improvement to the Divinity Song pack DLC checking, which should prevent the UI lag experienced by users without the DLC that could end up with them in the "wrong" spell container with "Not Trained Yet" messages displayed on music spells.
    The new passives may require you to un-equip and re-equip your Ember's Lute instruments before they appear.

    Update v1.0.4
    This update adds a Lute of the Undead and a Lyre of the Undead to the Ember's Lute chest container at the vendors.

    There is also an inherited change from the Ember's Lute mod, which should effectively let Combat Performances always be available.

    Update v1.0.3
    This update is mainly to set the mod dependency to a later version of Ember's Lute, to address a compatibility issue with Transmog. Custom tags were lost on glamoured instruments after a Savegame load, which resulted in some of the instrument functionality not working (such as performing The Weeping Dawn). If you have experienced any issues with Transmogged instruments, try updating to this version, and version of Ember's Lute.

    Update v1.0.2.10
    I fixed the normal maps on the silver flute. Not shown in the screens below but I'll update them later.
    I've also added a thinner black flute with red bindings to the chest. I'm afraid I cannot do red tassels yet, but I was able to make the model slightly thinner. Not too thin though as otherwise the floating when sheathed gets worse and the performance animations leave too big a gap between mouth, fingers and flute.

    Update v1.0.2
    Added a silver flute to the instrument chest container.

    I did not include this in the initial release as I was a bit on the fence as to whether or not I liked the silver flute effect (still am tbh). I'm happy with how the silver engraving turned out, although you would probably need a mod like Native Camera Tweaks to be able to see it. In the end, I decided I may as well put the flute in the chest and keep it there as an option for the sake of variety.

  3. Ariefel
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    The Bloody Siphoning Aura
    This is a sticky post with some more details on what the in-combat aura does when you perform music in battle.
    Updated, and moved to this article.
  4. Ariefel
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Common Issues
    Not specific to this mod in particular, but here are a couple of common issues that can impact usability of musical performances and instruments.

    Interrupted Music Performances
    I recommend you check in-game that you can perform uninterrupted music with your current load order, before you add this (or any other music mod). Especially if you have not used the musical performances in-game for a while. It is quite easy for any mod to accidentally break music performances, due to the fragile remove conditions of the vanilla music statuses. 

    If you are experiencing this, the best fix is to isolate the mod with the issue and inform the mod author, however, I am aware many of you mod-addicted nutcases (my favourite kind of modder) have hundreds of mods in your load orders and you'd never be able to complete this in your lifetime, never mind spare time. So, check this article for an override pak that might help as a workaround.

    Floating Instruments
    Yeah, this is a bit annoying. It seems worse with the "thin" instruments and on female characters in particular for some reason. I don't know how to improve the floating effect, the only slightly helpful pointer I can give is to make sure you don't have any invisible cloak or weapon items equipped, as that definitely makes the floating a lot worse. I also don't equip cloaks, because I am vain, tend to play tieflings and the tail looks weird anyway.
  5. Ariefel
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Installing and Uninstalling
    Installing this mod follows the status quo for installing almost all BG3 mods. I've included a brief summary below, but for thorough installation instructions, including details on where to find BG3 path locations and so on, this is an excellent resource: BG3 wiki

    BG3 Mod Manager
    The recommended way to install this is with LaughingLeader's BG3 Mod Manager.
    Choose the Manual Download option from the Files tab on this Nexus page, then in BG3 Mod Manager, go to File -> Import Mod...
    If you do not already have Norbyte's Script Extender, then go to Tools -> Download & Install the Script Extender in BG3 Mod Manager.
    To activate this mod, simply drag it from the right-hand panel to the left-hand panel in BG3 Mod Manager.

    If you are comfortable with Vortex, then there should be no problem in taking advantage of the Nexus integration as a convenient way to install this mod quickly. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you do not already have Norbyte's Script Extender installed, you will need to do it manually. Fortunately, this is very easy to do - just follow the instructions in the link.

    Because this mod add new items, uninstalling requires pre-requisite in-game steps to erase custom mod items. The mod provides some tools to help with this, as well as an in-game book with instructions. My recommendation is to just stash the instruments in the Camp Chest. As long as you are not using them, none of the custom functionality in this mod will be triggered. 

    The best way to uninstall this mod is with Volitio's Mod Uninstaller. 
    Dismiss any summons, unequip and instruments and take a long rest before using the uninstaller.

    You don't have to use the Mod Uninstaller if you prefer to clean items manually or use the tools this mod provides, but I would definitely recommend it, especially if you have many mods.
  6. Aurelianis
    • premium
    • 1,004 kudos
    This is amazing! Just started a new Dark Urge Bard playthrough and stumbled across this and it's perfect. Thank you!
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Thanks! And welcome to the quiet, hidden little corner of Nexus for people trying to enhance music and instruments in BG3 ;)
    2. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Thanks for sharing the images - they look great!
      I love seeing user submitted mod images :)
    3. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,004 kudos
      No problem at all. I'm enjoying this mod so much.

      Playing as The Dark Urge I normally try to save Alfira by knocking her out before she shows up to camp, but (with great difficulty) I didn't do that with this run because of this mod. When she showed up to camp I played a few songs with her, then after the Urge kills her, I imagine her spirit haunting me. Makes me sad, but great for role playing. :)
  7. manashuffle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Cant wait for some divine themed instruments!
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I'm working on it! I'm not one of the fast modders though I'm afraid haha, too much real life in the way! 
  8. Justgerlionstuff
    • member
    • 35 kudos
    <sorry - wrong mod page XD>
  9. MikaPika849
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is wonderful! I love seeing the interstruments get more flavor and love. Do you plan on doing the rest of the instruments?

    I am primarily a flute bard. This kind of thing on a flute would let me live out my Wei WuXian dreams from MDZS (necromancer who controls the dead with his flute.)! 

    Edit: Haha just saw that you do have a flute version!
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Yes, you timed that question well as I only put the update out earlier today!
    2. Avendara
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      LOL Literally came here to say the Wei Wuxian playthrough is all coming together xD Hyped to see I'm not the only one here
    3. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Ah, I see - well in that case I think I can do a bit better. Check today's update for a new wooden flute with a black and red bindings colour theme!
    4. Avendara
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      AHHH THAT IS SO COOL!!! Playthrough Wei Wuxian is a GO 
    5. MikaPika849
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for making this!
  10. robigohan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Thank you for the lyre update, your awesome ^^!
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      You're welcome! Thanks for the feedback and suggestions :)
  11. C00kiePlays
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The weeping dawn and the other songs work fine, but the custom songs are greyed out. Is there a way to fix this? I really wanna play those custom songs for the haunted instruments. I apply the varnishes and everything, but the option appears and then vanishes. And when I do click on the option that appears after I apply the varnish, it greys out on the custom songs and says not trained yet. I don't know how to fix this and I'm really sad now. :(

    I have a screenshot, but I don't know how to upload it. :/
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Hi, thanks for reporting this. At least one other user has reported a similar sounding issue of a "Not Trained Yet" message on Ember's Lute, so I've opened a Bug Report for this on the Ember's Lute mod while I try and figure out how to reproduce the issue.
      I'm not sure if it is a conflict or something else (I can't think of anything obvious in the mods that is relating to training music or proficiencies, since all the instruments grant music proficiency). Any extra info you can provide will help, and the Bug Report has a few bullet points of info which might help me narrow it down a bit.

      Update: so after a bit of experimenting this evening, I think this might be a symptom of a delayed UI update to the spell container, to remove the Divinity DLC song spells. If you do not own the Divinity DLC song pack, then you should only get the spell container with The Power, Bard Dance, Old Time Battles and The Weeping Dawn. If you find yourself stuck in the spell container with all 6 songs plus the Weeping Dawn and a bunch of "Not Trained" messages, click X to close the Spell Container and then look for another icon which should be click-able and not greyed out. There's a bit more info in the Bug Report, and I've got some planned work to improve how the DLC is managed so in a future update this should be invisible.
    2. C00kiePlays
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I see. It may be because I don't have the divinity DLC. Rip me I guess :')
    3. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I think what you are probably seeing is the 3 Divinity Songs being removed, yes! Although it is still a bug which I'm working to fix (should be in next update), because the UI shouldn't really be lagging like that. It's like it's taunting you with the music spells you could have, then taking them away! I like Larian, but I'm not being paid by them to promote their DLC packs lol.
  12. minjkeva
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    it rarely let's me use the combat preformance during combat. what do I need to do/have for it to be available?
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      The only requirements are to have one of the violins equipped (or one of the flutes as of the more recent update), and be in combat. So, if that's not working every time, then it's probably a bug I need to look at.

      The other thing worth pointing out as it's probably not obvious, is that it is only the instruments "XX of the Undead" that currently have a combat performance mode. The original instruments (Musical Sprites, Vicious Rockery Gnomes, Rolling Bones) don't have combat modes yet. It's on my list to add it to them, so they will soon. But combat performances was something I initially put in for the Haunted Instruments.

    2. minjkeva
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      thank you for the quick reply!
      to me it felt like I'm just missibg something and cant figure out what is the condition for the combat preformance to be useable, as it sometimes lets me use it but mostly it doesnt.
      if you say that there is no such condition and i only need to have the haunted violin equippted, then yeah maybe it is a bug and not me being an idiot haha.
      have a nice day/night :)
    3. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Oh, actually given the intermittent description of this - check the instrument status for the Sleeping Sprites condition.
      You can summon the sprites up to twice per day, then a Long Rest is required. The combat performance availability is linked to whether or not the Sprites are sleeping, so that could be why you see it available and then later it is no longer available.

      Technically, that's intended behaviour, but I might change it anyway as it is not very intuitive. And the main reason I put the twice per day limit on the instrument was for game performance reasons, rather than balancing. At the very least it's highlighted that it needs to return a clearer message for why combat performances are no longer available, so thank you for the feedback (+kudos).

    4. minjkeva
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I see! I'll try looking into that today when I play :)
      remind me how to summon the spirits?
    5. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      it's automatic whenever you perform music, provided you don't toggle it off in the passives.

      Whenever you perform music, 4 other instrument summons are called in, to complete the song. So if you have a violin equipped and you play The Power, then a summon for lute, lyre, drums and flute appears. They are all invisible helpers, so you can't see them or interact with them directly in the game (but you can see them next to your character portrait).

      (btw, not really related to your question, but if you don't want instruments to summon in to complete music, then you can toggle this off in your passives. Look for a passive of a White Music Box called "Sprite Summoning" and toggle this off).
    6. minjkeva
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      i see. so if i summon them like that the combat preformance will be available next time i enter combat?
    7. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      It was more to explain why after two music performances, the combat spells become unavailable until you take a Long Rest. Inspect the equipped violin, and you will probably see a status that says "Sleeping Sprites" and that will be what is making combat music unavailable.

      In summary though, carry on using the violin as you are - you're not doing anything "wrong"!  At some point this weekend, I will be doing some updates to the mods and I'll change how it works so the combat performances are always available. That this thread exists is enough evidence for me that I need to fix how confusing it is LOL, so big thanks for your feedback!
    8. minjkeva
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      thank ou for our effort ad our amazing mod! much love
  13. VishonaPi
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    These are so damn cool, We love them!
    Black and white with blue effects when? ><
    Nah keep up the amazing work, do what inspires you.
    You're awesome.
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
  14. robigohan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    will you please add a lyre with the bloody siphoning combat and the insult skill that makes the enemy dazed ?
    I'm more of a fan of the lyre music.
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I was planning to get around to the lyre fairly soon, though I don't have any glowmaps or textures ready to go yet. I can drop a standard appearance Spider Lyre into the chest though with the passives for the combat and vfx on it.

      In the meantime, you can already get the combat aura and the VFX on any vanilla lyre by equipping one and using one of the instrument varnishes included in mod's chest container (the one found on the vendors). You're looking for a red vial icon with a white ghost symbol next to it.
    2. robigohan
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Oh I didn't know that's what they were for. I just used this varnish on the spider lyre and now I got the combat siphon.
      Will still wish to have a version of it that includes Mild mockery and countercharm chaos ?
      And probably if the lyre would be one black and one white version like the violin would be great ^^. Also the one that's currently available already has a great design with the green glowing parts. Maybe if the brown wood can be turned into black and another version with white ? 

      P.s : Also do you think you can keep the original song of "Divinity and Sin" on the Lyre or at least add it as an aditional option in the song list ? I much prefer the version that comes with a normal lyre, in the lyre instrument you provided it's very changed and the lyre doesn't get enough atention or it skips the solo which is the best part of the song.
    3. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Lyre textures are next on my list, so they should be coming soon.

      When you write "keep original version of Divinity and Sin", must admit I'm not 100% certain what you mean. The song hasn't been replaced in any of the spell containers in this mod. I wonder if you mean because the other instruments automatically join in the performance to complete the song? If that's what it is, and you just want to hear the Lyre solo instead, then you have a couple of options:

      • Check your Passive tab when you have the instrument equipped. You should see some toggles in there, one for each instrument type. Just disable the passives of any instruments you don't want to hear performing. You can do this mid-performance.
      • Alternatively, disable the instrument summoning altogether. Look for a toggleable Passive with the icon of a White open music box, which is titled "Sprite Summoning". If you disable this, then no other instruments will be summoned when you play music, and you can just perform with the Lyre solo.
    4. robigohan
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Ariefel Oh I didn't realize you made it so that other instruments can join via the passive. That was the issue ! I've turned off the passives and the song of divinity and sin is now back to it's original. Thanks for that  ! In fact all the other songs are now so much better when you can combine them with other instruments. Each song is special in their own instrument so having the ability to choose where to add an instrument is pretty darn good, not sure why Larien didn't think of that !
      Also looking forwards to the Lyre update, my bard will be glad to own a black/white lyre to go with his attires :  D
  15. Arien674
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Those instruments are cool. Would it be possibe to also make Lute and Lyre variants?
    1. Ariefel
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Lyres are next, Lutes possibly later but I'm likely to first update them in the original Ember's Lute mod for Musical Sprites / Gnomes / Whistling lute. They were some of the first re-texturing I ever attempted, and it shows!
    2. Arien674
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Lyres are already great. I like to play elves or half elves in my play thorughs. Currently testing Eladrin (from Spirited Seasons). But i find that Lyres or Lutes work best for those races. Good thing your first attempt show success already. :)