Help, My Music Performances Keep Stopping After a Couple of Seconds

This symptom is 99% (statistic made up on the spot for emphasis) caused by either:

  • Another mod breaking music performances
  • A mod compatibility issue that I may need to patch in support for

The first thing to try is to update to minimum version of Ember's Lute. This update included some music performance resilience changes which were intended to reduce the chance that another mod might cancel down the performing statuses. It won't be able to prevent 100% of possible ways that another mod might conflict and cause interruptions, but I am hopeful it will avoid one of the most common ways it happens.

A second thing to try is installing the musicperformworkaround pak in the Optional Files section of this Nexus page. This optional pak file is standalone (it does not have any dependencies) and can be safely added to or removed from your playthrough at any point. All this pak does is override the three main music statuses in BG3, replacing their remove conditions so they are less vulnerable to another mod accidentally cancelling them down. 

  • If you have other music mods installed, you may need to experiment with load order a bit. I would first try positioning the workaround pak high in the load order.
  • If you submit any Bug Reports for another music mod, you should let the mod author know you have this pak installed and point them to this article for a brief description of what this workaround pak does.

If you try this pak out, I'd appreciate any feedback in the Posts section of whether it has helped, and whether you've observed any other side-effects of using it. The only side-effect I can think of is that music performances could become TOO resilient perhaps. For example, maybe your band tenaciously continues their song while some heckler is pouring a grease surface all over the ground around them.

If neither of the above suggestions work, then unfortunately it is going to require a bit of detective work to isolate which mod is interrupting music performances, or which mod is conflicting.

Here are few steps you can take to narrow it down. 

  • Start a new game with your current mod list, minus this one. Choose a bard so you get the vanilla instruments straight away. Or revert back to a Save Game before this mod was added, if easier (don't forget to export load order with this mod removed). Play any song.

If you are interrupted with vanilla instruments

Then one of your other mods has a music performance bug. Check the compatibility list on the main page to see if one of the mods you have installed is listed there.

  • If not listed, then some investigative work is required. If you are able to upload Script Extender logs somewhere for me to access, I can likely help to identify it quickly. If not, it will be a case of adding each mod one at a time to see which breaks the performances.

  • Once identified, the best place to resolve the issue is via mod author's Nexus page.

  • I may also need to do an additional patch to enable compatibility, depending on how the mod addresses the issue. If the mod can avoid the action that was causing interruptions, then their fix should be enough. If they can fix in a way that this mod can inherit, then it may only need a load order adjustment. If they can only "punch a hole" into the main performance statuses to get their mod working with music, then I'd need to patch this one to do something similar to the custom music statuses it uses. 

If you are not interrupted with vanilla instruments, only on Ember's Lute instruments

In this case, a mod may already contain work to support base game music performance. If it is inheritable, then it may only require some experimentation with load order to resolve. If it is not inheritable, then I may need to patch this mod to enable compatibility. 

  • Again, will still require investigative work to identify which mod is conflicting. The approach will be the same as above, except this time with this mod active, and the instruments from Ember's Lute equipped. Add other mods one by one and see which one breaks performances.

  • Alternatively, if you can capture Script Extender logs while replicating the interruptions then I can help identify which mod and what specifically would be needed to support compatibility.

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