RealRTCW is an overhaul mod for critically acclaimed Wolfenstein classic. It features improved visuals, expanded arsenal, rebalanced gunplay and proper modern systems support!


Major update. Improved animations, new enemies, enhanced modding capabilities.

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William Faure
William Faure - - 771 comments

Have a good game, everyone! 😉

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Guest - - 698,085 comments


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dibdob - - 1,346 comments

Great mod !
Thanks for sharing it with us .

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Устанавливаю на лицензионную игру и игру из GOG, а 4.0. не работает. Хотя версия 3.3 работает отлично.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Не работает как именно?

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Выдает ,,pak0. pk3 is missing...,, В общем отказывается запускаться. Хотя 4.0 я установил туда же, куда и версию 3.3, в игру от GOG и она отлично работает.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Скопируйте pak0, sp_pak1-4 в папку Main мода.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Все получилось, спасибо за совет. Скажите пожалуйста, Будет возможность в версии 4.0 играть в аддоны?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,085 comments

Скажите пожалуйста, нет ли каких-нибудь файлов, с помощью которых можно полностью русифицировать аддоны, как в файлах для аддона Victors например? Там хотя бы для ,,Тарелколеты,, ,,��роект 51,, или ,,Операция Тронхейм,,.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Прошел весь мод, но так и не выдали за всю игру ни ,,Браунинг,, ни газовые гранаты и прочее. И никак не могу понять, как крепить гранаты в М1 Гаранд.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Чтобы выдали нужно выбрать в опциях тип арсенала - RealRTCW+ET

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Понял, спасибо.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Hello Sir; first all thanks and congratulations for a good job 👍.
I have a question, this Mod is compatible with rice 4.0 version?
Thanks again and God bless you for your time 🙏☯️

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NoOne_Tride - - 18 comments

Thanks, great job. Is it fully compatible with the lastest dark army: uprising remastered?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

TDA is yet to be updated for 4.0 compatibility.

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Morgan0987 - - 35 comments

What's the recommended graphics settings for RealRTCW? I remember I tried new renderer on older version with different settings and it was horrible from the performance side - constant drops from 144 fps to 20-30 even in interior locations on modern PC with RTX. Older default renderer was fine, but glitches were here and there, and textures + UI + menus was heavily blurred.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

UI blurrness was fixed in 4.0. Textures were revised as well.

Try it out.

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Morgan0987 - - 35 comments

So old renderer is the intended way to play with RealRTCW and I'm not losing much?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments


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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Есть проблемы после миссии где нужно пробраться на ракетную базу в грузовике, если убить разведчика на водонапорной башне то игра крашится с ошибкой скрипта NAZI6, далее в след. миссии будут такие же ��шибки, как править? игра из ГОГ

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments


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fast.f100 - - 14 comments

Hi, Thanks for your dedication and hard work!! Just starting to "evaluate" the new features and noticed that the description mention several "add-on" levels that have been adapted but I can't find them???

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
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Приветствую! Мод замечательный. Но в версии 4.0.1 на карте Crypt1, когда из пламени вылезает горящий зомби, игра вылетает в главное меню с ошибкой скрипта: Не может найти модель "reinfoce ai zombie 30". В версии 3.1 такого не наблюдал.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Привет, сейчас проверил. Не могу подтвердить.

Попробуй сделать чистую установку. Переустанови оригинал и мод, проверь папку мои документы на предмет старых конфигов итд.

У одного тестера были подобные ошибки но оказалось что у него много лишнего в папках лежало.

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Thorir - - 586 comments

Great update I especially like the MoHAA/CoD1 view option - such a nice touch. Will you make bolt-action operating animation in the future?

Also, is it just me or the game is... a bit too dark despite increasing the brightness setting?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

You know what is weird? You not the first one who claims that is became darker. But i never touched renderer code or anything related in 4.0

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fast.f100 - - 14 comments

I've had darkness issues for a long time. I always add "set r_gamma 1.00 and "set r_intensity 1.5" in the autoexec.bat. I have found that to be a better starting point at least on my monitor.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Hey, some users report that disabling Windows HDR helped.

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Thorir - - 586 comments

Will give it a shot, спасибо!

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fast.f100 - - 14 comments

Hi again, Thanks for the Levels as well. Don't know how I missed them. Also have run into some issues with the original game. I've run 3.3 for some time with no issues. Including adding ET and TDA. I've installed 4.0.1 (fresh) on the same RtCW "reference" copy I always use. FIRST, On the first level after you drop down thru the floor, shoot out the wall to enter the locked room, the room is up a level and can't be entered. SECOND, around that point the enemy has disappeared (everywhere). THIRD, played on to the end of the level anyway and could not leave as it said I had NOT found the exit (entrance to tram). Again, many thanks and for now I think I'll move to the addons and see if any issues.
Think I found the problem, I had set the various graphic quality's manually ending up with a "custom" setting. I went back and simply used the "ultra" selection and it seems to be working correctly now. (Actually, must exit game and re-inter after making any change. If not, that's when things go crazy)
Also, I don't see a "MoHAA/CoD1 view option" as someone mentioned above??
Thanks again

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

How can I open and close the console. Thanks in advance.

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments


Reply Good karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,085 comments

Thanks man. Great job - great. Game runs without problems. Thanks and all the best

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Thanks man. Great job, great. The game runs without any problems. Thanks and all the best

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rodrigobal10 - - 4 comments

Just checked it, amazing work friend, a shame the brass won't stay on the ground forever. THANKS!

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NoOne_Tride - - 18 comments

loading doesn't work (at least with addons activated), i have to load a map from console with /spdevmap MAP and then load qs or autosave or manual. Weapon sounds are very poor in comparison to iortcw for example, frequencies are much too high and sounds like a toy (i'm on windows 11, gog version)

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

Works now. Redownload the latest version.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

great mod and I like the new enemies and dogs. I have one problem though that it doesn't let me exit the part 2 of rocket base. I kick in the grate to enter the air duct and it says "move forward to exit". I move forward, the exit sign disappears, I drop down in the air duct (getting stuck there) and that's it.
Tried reloading it a couple times, downloaded the mod again but same problem.
Anyone else experienced this?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

I cant reproduce it. Are you sure your installation is clean? No unneeded pk3s?

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yahym - - 1 comments

I just got myself stuck in the same situation. The message appears and then disappears just like he said. It always happens to me in my last saved file. Clean install on the windows store version, maybe it has something to do with that?
I think I'll have to replay the mission from start to see if it happens again.

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redmedved94 - - 3 comments

It was fixed in the latest update. Redownload rrtcw 4.0 file

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Thank you for Win7 fix. I have noticed a small bug. Fire animation doesn't work on zombies and while enemies are on fire. Maybe it is connected with some graphics options but I don't know, just wanna to let you known.
Great work - the mod gives me hell out of fun!

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

I think its related to compress textures option

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fast.f100 - - 14 comments

Good morning !! Just installed the v4.0.5 update. Thank you so much !! I'm really enjoying playing these again !! (and arcot now works, it was one of my favorites) Thanks again !!!!!

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Six-Shoota - - 28 comments

After beating the game when the last cutscene ends, the game crashes to desktop.

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AcR_1shoot - - 4 comments

:( Me too

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grossmarschall - - 163 comments

Некоторым пользователям не очень нравится новая модель Snooper Rifle. Можно ли её переделать ?

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

I am trying to play Axis Vengeance mod with RealRTCW 4.0, but it is not showing in the Addons when I play the game. Am I supposed to put Axis Vengeance somewhere else instead of in Main?

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WolfETPlayer Author
WolfETPlayer - - 826 comments

addon folder must be along Main not inside

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