Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

RSS Reviews  (30 - 40 of 686)

This mod is one of the best, but there is always room for improvement, like fixing common errors (game crash errors, mismatch and lag), though some errors can´t be helped, there must be a way to make the mod so it minimizes the errors, if the Contra team can manage that, they truly have earned themselves a 10, as this mod is nothing if the game can´t be played.


Absolutely super duper! People who don't like this mod call it outlandish (they don't know the meaning of the word)! It's challenging and interesting on so many levels! Thank you for making it!

One of the best mod ever!


I haven been playing this mod for years , it never gets old ;)

This is a great game

Esto es para el mejor mod de CYC Zero Hour

General Challange Medium is ****, the contorls are ****. This game makes it so it wins in Challange mode making your units act stupid and ignore one click of action Command. Have to click twice. Who ever designed the Challange programming is stupid, not fun... Go to hell.

THE AI is so enchanted by winning that my units and buildings have a -50% penalty for everything, firepower, defense, vision rate, and buildings also. The Ai have like 80% extra firepower and defense. xD that is not a challange. Rush me with extra firepower and defense xD that is pussy ****. All it does is make me waste 100% extra time. 30-40 min extra at one map because of my decreased fire power. The stupid programmers thought themselves so hot they didnt want anyone to beat their cheatful Ai xD what loosers. If you are goo then make the AI build better with better strategy. Artillery.. xD the only way you can even begin to dent me, Using GLA... Don't eeven get me started on that special vehicle unit. THe AI has it 300% armor while mine suffers -100% armor xD what a **** load of programming glitches does this AI use to TRY and beat my superior strategical tactics. Learn to program better tactics! Not just cheat variables that favor yout pathetic Ai. Loosers!.

Let's be honest here: despite the system's originality, the whole thing with requiring a general's promotion to access advanced tech is ridiculous. Not only does it ruin the game's pacing, it also punishes players for using more aggressive and risky tactics - the tech advantages promotions grant are just too great, as soon as the player earns rank 3 or 5 they become a way bigger threat. This also means that minor defeats are even more painful than in other RTS games, as you not only waste time and resources spent on units/structures lost, you also help your enemy advance further in the tech tree. Please consider removing the promotion requirement feature, it ruins all the enjoyment you could receive from this mod.

Also, while the additions of more fantastic tech is a pretty welcome addition, even while that is subjective, I wish devs would attempt to make new custom stuff look more consistent with the vanilla assets, as palette/aesthetic differences are pretty clashing.

Oh, and balance is kinda questionable, but that's forgivable - the mod seems to be more centered around fun, not competitive play.

Overall it's a pretty great mod ruined by a pretty silly feature. Hope it gets removed or made optional eventually.

1st off, the MOD is amazing!!.
problem is, it's too damn hard!.
I tried tens of times by now(TENS!!) with infantry general,
and I lose every time against assault general(1ST CHALLENGE).
my issue is with the 2 tunnel networks inside my base,
I can't build or go near them!,no capturing oil Deric, no building a supply center in the east side, can't do anything at the start of the game, basically, killing! the rest of the game.
Does anybody have any ideas? (no clips on youtube(not where the east network exists and bothers me).