Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

RSS Reviews  (60 - 70 of 686)

There are a few kinks concerning AI left to work out so it can't get a 10. But the depth of the mod is brilliant. Each general now actually feels very unique and not just a weak vanilla faction. The new units are skinned wonderfully and everything talks which is very good. I actually quite like the Chinese speaking Chinese and the GLA speaking something Middle-eastern. All in all, a terrific mod and I have tried many Zero Hour mods and this certainly pips them all to the number 1 slot. Phenomenal.

I don't like your mod. I LOVE IT!
The best Zero Hour mod there is, next to Rise of the Reds (SWR Productions). Like the other mod, it is unique in more ways than one.
This, combined with ROTR, is what Generals 2 should be like.


Pixy02 says

May contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

I know i made a review without speaking my mind so here it is. Contra is simply one the best mods for Zero Hour i've ever seen. It has this new ranking system that means as you earn general points new technologies become avalable. The standard generals are here and 3 new ones. Algrin Ironhand focuses on using robots and mechs.(When you play as or against him it will feel like Terminator.)The next general is Huang Li Bao, a general who uses fire and thermite to blow up his opponents.(He's like a napalm general) Then we have the GLA assault general, i forget the mane but he faction is like a jack of all trades kind of feel. The other generals have been greatly enhanced with plenty of new toys. The models and skinning for this mod is top notch and id the voice acting as well. I found myself laughing at some of the units on what they say when you order them to do something. Each General has a 'Super Unit that is heavily armored(not always the case) and has massive firepower. However these units come at rank 5 and at the cost of fighting you will have to wait until that level is reached. Overall this mod brings some great visuals, sounds, and effects into the game. We are all waiting for 008 to come out and only time will tell. If you want more check out the 008 previews in the video section that describe the 3 factions and each general.

An awesome mod but in most cases doesn't work and causes the A.I to behave BADLY.

alot of units and different way to use them! i love it

just awesome! :) one of the best mod developing teams defined ZH new

best mod ever!


I play this mod over 10 years and its getting only better.

This is one of if not the best Generals mod

It's a cool mod however the challenge is no fun. Don't alter stats on units increase the opponents units instead. Try beating nuke on hard as GLA when you are tech locked and have your unit stats reduced, it is pretty much impossible...