Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.


Full version 1C installer packed with Zandronum v3.0 alpha. Changelog included on file.

Brutal Doom 64 Version 2.0
Post comment Comments  (100 - 150 of 280)
CrazyImp - - 2 comments

I have found a fix for the fullscreen problem i had! apparently i think it was because after the recent Nvidia driver 375.50. When i went to display options (Win7 here) my monitor was being identified as a Generic PnP Monitor. I pressed the Detect button and my monitor brand supported resolutions is now correctly identified.

Now fullscreen works just fine in Brutal Doom 64.

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Coal48 - - 25 comments

I'm stuck in map 8 and I think it may be due to a bug

When watching a run on youtube of the regular version of the map, there's a corridor with a dark corner and a shotgun inside, when you go inside it, it open a teleporter nearby, however in the brutal doom version, the teleporter doesn't unlock

help please

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Mister_Doom - - 2 comments

Ooh Baby! >:D

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lucasmcready - - 5 comments

Let's ROCK

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

Thank you for this work Sgt. You are the only person i would give to on patreon if you had one.

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RoosTerJunkyard - - 28 comments

amazing... i love the intro map

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⋆Ƅarge™ - - 1,287 comments

Heyy...thats pretty good

Aside from that fat spicy meme this seems to be real nice! One gripe though is the Unmaker's sound it makes, its awesome but just a tad loud, and in a "robot" tone so to speak-like that one annoying English that tells you "that's the wrong way to read aloud" in 1st grade. (please tell me im not the only one who had this memory ;~;) And the Alpha Unmaker seems still plain when it fires and no real effect on it. Like i said otherwise this is all great! Nice release, and if possible did you use anything from what i told you about (i did look at credits)?

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M4cron - - 378 comments

I agree with you, I dont like to use it that much because the damn noise, gets annoying afer a while, to laud. The Sprites of your laser gun and unmaker, those are the ****! haha

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⋆Ƅarge™ - - 1,287 comments

Haha i appreciate your likeness to those :) also one thing i noticed...the Alpha unmaker doesnt have a projectile design (like the railgun particles comming from the projectile for example, or my unmakers special mode beam fire)! The red line on top of the gun is just a sprite on the gun making an illusion of a red beam, and for the traditional unmaker, the 3D lazer isnt shown in the fire either and uses the fire sprites (red sparkles) instead like i did for software ZDoom users, not sitting in the middle of the projectile! :o The normal unmaker should also have the pentagram cooldown design...maybe i do have some addon plans after all ;P

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FanProgrammer - - 425 comments


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Guest - - 700,081 comments

pirocinycal here

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

OSX version? Or does anyone know a way to play this on OSX?

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⋆Ƅarge™ - - 1,287 comments

Sad to say, OSX only supports ZDoom, not Zand or GZDoom. However i believe with an application called WineBottle it is possible, im not 100% sure though. To make it work with Bottle, try to pack every file into one archive, including the doom wads, and everything else in your Zand/GZDoom folder, and once its compiled into a Mac App, it should be able to run. I've attempted this long ago, however didn't have much time to look into it so this isnt definite, nor do i remember this working. I believe there was an OpenGL issue im afraid

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Vancer2 - - 445 comments

How to run on own installation? :( I havn't played Doom in forever and forgot how to get gzdoom to recognize it. Its only recognizes Plutonia Doom1 and Doom2

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Vancer2 - - 445 comments

Is there a way to combine this with Project Brutality?

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LightwaveGames - - 154 comments

The nightmare imps are scary... :S

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LegatusMarco - - 92 comments

nice! rip with tears

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

I had no n64, but I dreamed to play it and now I play it in real and it is so much fun . THANKS

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zerthex - - 50 comments

This on KY an alpha version. Right? Because there still alot of unfinished stuff

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

It has been at least 15 years ago that i played doom for the last time, for pc. Never played a Nintendo 64 version. It is amazing how good you make this game look, all those sprites! And i love the blood and gore!! Can't remember it is was so good looking in the original doom but i am quit sure it didn't
So, all in all much thanks for this great mod!
Love playing it,


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Guest - - 700,081 comments

I doth my hat, this is absolutely superb.

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Martinoz - - 326 comments

What is the spawn/give command for a Demon Key? I had a corrupted save file :s

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TOMMYMALO - - 1 comments


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h455566hh - - 46 comments

Hello, gore is not working for me. Blood is there but no dismemberments.

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infraviolet - - 30 comments

Thank you Sarge!!

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

another great release, thank you!

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gnear - - 129 comments

another great release, thank you!

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BlackShadeNocturne - - 8 comments

Alright, so far I've gotten deeper into BD64 and I just noticed that the Pain Elementals are a real pain to fight against. The fact that it spawns lost souls faster than the usual can make them a little bit unfair to fight against, especially in that one level where you get introduced to 2 of them.

Its only a nitpick though it it doesn't really bog the mod down a notch. I just noticed that these Pain Ele's are way harder than they were in original Brutal Doom. Add that Lost Souls are nightmarishly aggressive in BD64 much like how they were in the original Doom 64, the pain elementals are insanely tough to deal with at times, especially in cases where one have spent much of their ammo fighting the numerous hell knights that love popping in and out.

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hypernova101 - - 47 comments

So I usually play Doom games with a difficulty of ultra violence to dip my toe in and get a feel for it, and I must say, I have never had my *** kicked as much as I have last night, Intro stage I died a couple of times when I foolishly challenged the cyber demon with the pistol.. awesome.. then I finally realised that I was not supposed to fight anything but just get to the building.. anyway.. ran out of ammo at some point while fighting a couple of hell knights, and had to chainsaw them close to the end of level 4 I think, Not complaining about the difficulty but it is harder than most, I love the challenge but it gets near impossible at some point... running out of ammo being the regular culprit.. Awesome game really got my blood pumping..

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

god damn, It's just perfect.

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Krosofert - - 7 comments

Really awesome release but I never complete the original DooM 64. There is a way to play original levels with this mod?

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

Brutal doom 64 for android?

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dvsdiablo - - 1 comments

Does anyone know what the differences are with the difficulty levels? Which ones the hardest? Hardcore seems more difficult than "survival horror". And what happened to tactical mode where weapons reload?

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leonu45 - - 89 comments

Is the option for the tactical setting where there's reloading available in this version? havent downloaded it yet but I'm more interested in that than the classic version

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Westenra - - 63 comments

So where is the Doom 64 part? So far this is all just a remake of Doom 1 (using freedoom.wad)

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Westenra - - 63 comments

Nevermind, I just realized it's freedoom.wad phase 2.

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Magmarock - - 41 comments

Why zandronum and not gzdoom?

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Zapzop - - 171 comments

And why you didn't include the changelog in mod's description?

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Hugoflat - - 1 comments

Alguém pode me ajudar? Quando eu fiz o download do pacote veio o Doom1 ao em vez do Doom 64, alguém pode me dizer como faço para jogar o Doom 64 igual dos vídeos deles??

Can someone help me? When I downloaded the package came Doom1 to instead of Doom 64, can anyone tell me how do I play the Doom 64 equal of their videos ??

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Lemenus - - 48 comments

How to kick, or, is there any option to bind on button leg-smashing action, what was in past versions? If it's no, it would be amazing if it will be in future updates

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JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments

The difficulty setting warning messages contain their share of typos.



Also, it seems you have typed ' instead of ,.

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JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments

Oh, and friendly Marines do make the same grunting noises as their Zombified counterparts.

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orleykerelnegro - - 1 comments

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "bd64gameV1b.pk3:cvarinfo" line 1:
cvar 'bd_bloodamount' already exists

¿Why i get this? I want to play :c

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Guest - - 700,081 comments

With the release of this mod, his Holiness Francis, successor of Benedict XVI, hereby absolves Sergeant Mark IV of all his sins.

All is forgiven. His Holiness is now going to shoot demons in the name of God.

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Randomguy7 - - 285 comments

theres a glitch in this version!

the chainsaw in this version, version 1b, has only 600 ammo!
normally the chainsaw doesn't use ammo!

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mrdoomfan - - 27 comments

That is not a glitch.
The chainsaw runs on gas in v1b.
Read the patch notes.

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bioshock69 - - 15 comments

yes wish he just leaves the game how it was he keeps on changing the way the weapons are.hope hes not trying to make it feel and play like doom 2016 like hes done with the shot gun update just leave it alone please and just make the game look better

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bioshock69 - - 15 comments

the blood effect dont look as sharp and crisp and vibrant now that he has updated to version 1b i like it the way it was but the sounds are better i do like. Hope he can change the blood back but still keep all the other updates.I will stay with the first one for now untill he sorts it out if he ever will.Doing a great job with this mod cant wait for any new hd texture pack that would be the wow factor for me

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mrdoomfan - - 27 comments

Is it just me, or is version 1b a lot harder than version 1.0?

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JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,078 comments

No, I did notice it as well. So far, there are now Barons of Hell in "Hectic" and the Nightmare Imps can kill you very quickly, even with the Mega Armor.

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