News is a big thing for gaming and so far we have only dabbled into the blogging news field, up until now that is. Welcome to the Editor's Notes, updated with news that relates to the modding and indie scene. Not only will we fill you in on the news but also offer our opinions, giving the community a chance to discuss topics relevant to there interests.

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Back in 2009 a little game called Modern Warfare 2 disappointed pc gamers by removing everything that makes the PC version of the game superior to any of its console brethren. I am talking about dedicated servers. The act disabled any sort of real modding to the game along with the ability to make custom maps, build communities and not be forced into waiting for the develoepr to patch the multiplayer with extra content.

Good news everyone, Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated server support for PC players! This was revealed today at Gamescom by the associate manager for Call of Duty Digital, Jay Frechette, and reaffirmed by Sledgehammer boss Glen Schofield on Twitter.

It is good to see developers learning from their mistakes, the mapping community will not be silent if you cross them! *fist pumps and so on*


Straight out of ModDB's homeland Australia the software developer Euclideon has slowly been refining a new technology which they claim can support unlimited graphics. UNLIMITED PEOPLE! By droping polygons for a brand new system involving atoms (similar to real life no doubt) you apparently can create models with unlimited detail which will not have any impact on the game itself.

Don't believe me? I wouldn't think so but have a look see at this informative video below.

I have never seen such detailed grains of sand before. While they have said they still have a lot of work to do on the software before developers can get their hands on it, it would be nice to see if modders or indie developers will be able to use it in the games they create, if it wont cost your first born child that is.

From time to time marketers get in touch with some offers that are great for game development teams and we think this is one of them so we wanted to pass it on. Are you:

  • Making, wanting to make or have made a racing game?
  • Is it browser based (facebook, unity, flash...) or
  • Is it mobile based (iPhone, Android, iPad...)
  • Does the game have upgrades (win the race get new tires)
  • It needn't be complex (see image below)

If so we have a sponsor that wants their brand in your game and not in a cheesey way, your game remains as is but one of the upgrades to the car (your prize say for winning a race) is brand spanking new branded tires.

Remember how cool this game was? 3D graphics need not be required any racing game
will be considered. Wow i'm old... Offroad Racing was made in 1990!

So if you think this is something which would fit into your racing game, we've got a tire manufacture looking to spread the word about their product over our most loved medium. In return they will sponsor the last few months of development of your game.

If you are interested send us an email with details about your game. YOU ONLY HAVE UNTIL MONDAY TO APPLY!

A few days ago ModDB's very own Scott Reismanis and myself were interviewed over at DIYgamer for one of their feature series called "The Backbone of the Indie Industry". We talked about how ModDB came about, how we both came to working on the site, the future for ModDB and our other websites including the upcoming Desura project!

Scott and myself had a great time chatting with the staff over at DIYgamer, we will also be working with these guys in the future with a few upcoming projects so keep an eye out for that!

Seems that IGN wants to get more involved with indie developers, and have opened up their doors to a few teams for 6 month periods. The initiative called Indie Open House appears to come with no strings-attached (apart from an obvious push toward using Gamespy / IGN technologies) and plenty of upsides. The official announcement stated:

Ok, ok...We know not all indies work in garages. Maybe you work in a hip home office with a nice deck. We also know that many indie teams don't get to work side-by-side in critical development phases, or at a close proximity to much of the games community, on a daily basis. And even the most optimally funded indie games could still use support. That's why we want to give a hand and are launching INDIE OPEN HOUSE.

IGN loves Indies! So much so that we want you to move in with us for a while! IGN is opening its doors with a company-wide initiative that invites qualified independent game developers to move into IGN Headquarters in downtown San Francisco and get the support, love and living space you need to make the best game possible. The Indie Open House program is strictly a support and residency program. We have no interest in owning any of the incredible content you create, nor binding you to any business obligations that prohibit your independence. But we do want to help you. How, you ask? By providing a shared workspace where multiple game teams work side by side. We always hear from independent game teams that they learn the most from other independent developers. Our hope is that this environment will create camaraderie, knowledge sharing and a culture that will help you through the development process to make a great game. Oh yeah, and we at IGN will be around to help too!

Who is in need of office space? Anyone considering applying, would love to know your thoughts and how it goes!