Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 picks up where Modern Warfare 2 left off with the invasion of Manhattan by Russian forces. You will blaze through 20 action-packed missions located in England, Russia, America, Germany, and France, playing as a Russian Federal Protective Services agent, an SAS Operative and a tank gunner. The Spec-Ops missions from MW2 will make a return, split into "Mission" and "Survival" modes. Also, Call of Duty: MW3 will have the amazing CoD-style multiplayer that you have come to known.

Post news Report RSS Modern Warfare 3 to have Dedicated Servers

Good news everyone, Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated server support for PC players!

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Back in 2009 a little game called Modern Warfare 2 disappointed pc gamers by removing everything that makes the PC version of the game superior to any of its console brethren. I am talking about dedicated servers. The act disabled any sort of real modding to the game along with the ability to make custom maps, build communities and not be forced into waiting for the develoepr to patch the multiplayer with extra content.

Good news everyone, Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated server support for PC players! This was revealed today at Gamescom by the associate manager for Call of Duty Digital, Jay Frechette, and reaffirmed by Sledgehammer boss Glen Schofield on Twitter.

It is good to see developers learning from their mistakes, the mapping community will not be silent if you cross them! *fist pumps and so on*


Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 118)
Cpt.Dann - - 6,959 comments

Wow, probably the first good thing I heard about MW3.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+87 votes
macacos2 - - 525 comments

Now it's totally worth those extra $60, right?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+28 votes
7Game - - 1,312 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+108 votes
OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

With all the disappointing games Activision have already created, Modern Warfare 3 ought to be sold for $10.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+68 votes
TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

The last game from them that I think I enjoyed years after owning it...

Was the original Spider-Man movie game (rather good, and I think Treyarch actually was building).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
ZaliaS - - 148 comments

****, I wouldn't even waste the bandwidth to pirate this crap for the single player campaign.

And that's pretty low.
'cause pirating is free...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+40 votes
Spr09 - - 102 comments

i wouldnt waste the bandwidth to watch the videos of it!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+18 votes
Tibyon - - 54 comments

Yeah, the original Spider-Man was really good, but developed by Treyarch.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
dustyflaps - - 49 comments

you mean infiaty ward and they the best i still play cod 1 myself and treyarch is crap even tho i have cod 1,2,3,4,6 and 7

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

you do know, everything after call of duty 4, isnt really 5,6,7, and soon 8, after modern warfare 3, they could make a game called Call of Duty 5, kind of like how grand theft auto had a few games after 3, and then they made gta 4...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
tenyuhuang - - 40 comments

You ARE kidding me. What's the point buying an HD version of Quake 3 TDM and VitruaCops bundled together for 10 USD?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

That's how much DLC should cost, but no! They have to be something like $15-$20! That doesn't even make sense for just 5 maps! It's like 25% of the price for the actual game which has everything in it, and just 5 maps cost THAT much! It's ridiculous!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Dr.Worm - - 181 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MartyForEels - - 175 comments


If i have to spend 60 bucks, i would do it on MW3. BF3 is pretty much the same arcade **** like BF3 except it isnt by EA and it isnt on Origin.

End Of Discussion.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

dude, that made no sense at all....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Lоnerboner - - 8,303 comments

Yeah, not AT ALL, BF3 is making a NEW ENGINE, and COD is just making SOME MAPS ON A 4 or maybe 5 YEAR OLD ENGINE!!! DOH

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Ileftu4dead - - 42 comments


yea i'll consider getting it after the PC gets decent support(im talking getting DLCs at a decent price at a decent time)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
Chompster - - 4,309 comments

CoD DLC at a decent price? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....ohh...ah ha... thats a good one..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+38 votes
Anterly - - 23 comments

Oh Chompster, you just made my day

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Glad they realized this was a logical thing to add. Now if only they allowed for modding and dedicated servers for Bioshock 2... oh, the possibilities...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
JohnnyMaverik - - 469 comments

What about Mod support? Also a good single player campaign. Also not being bugged to crap for months on the pc rendering it practically unplayable despite dedicated server support alla Black Ops.

Colour me Cynical -_-

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
Ark_ - - 583 comments

Ok so let me see this week so far we have had:
Dice: BF3 64 player gameplay with jets.
Crytek: Releasing the CryEngine 3 toolkit.
IW: Um, we have reanbled dedi servers.
:/ Excuse me but im a bit underwhelmed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+52 votes
OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

what is IW?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

nvm, Infinity Ward.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
ZaliaS - - 148 comments

Except Infinity Ward doesn't exist anymore... Its now called Respawn. Infinity Ward are the only ones who would actually make a GOOD CoD game. Take a look at the original and its expansion for example. Oh, and CoD 2. Then there was the LAST good thing to ever come from the name "Call of Duty" was the first Modern Warfare.

After that, its been Treyarch remaking the same damn ****, re-skinned, re-textured, re-mapped, and ******* re-cycled over; and over, and over, and over, and over... Then all sold at a full retail price.

But thanks for the effort Treyarch. Thanks for the attempt Activision. But I think I'm quite content with sticking to a game development company whom has NEVER disappointed me in the past, wouldn't ever in the future, and would stay true to the creed "Create games for the passion of creating quality and fun for gamers" and not "Create the same game 20 times to see how many loyal idiots we can keep making money off of."

A loyal DICE fan,

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
claytonian - - 366 comments

Did you forget about MW2? IW made that. That's not a good game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

Yes it does, Respawn Entertainment is made up of tons of people that were in infinity ward, but infinity ward still exists.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shoelip - - 463 comments

Hey don't forget about Red Orchestra 2: Awesome grandpa trailer! Also all the other stuff that's been revealed about it through gameplay videos on youtube.

Hell, if Modthreern Warfarthree Thrthreethree is as good as the last gamthree it'll at lthreeast bthree worth playing if you gthreet it for frthreethree as a gift.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Cpt.Dann - - 6,959 comments

Yet they'll still have higher sales for using most of their money for advertising instead of using it on their games.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

Dedicated Servers: About go-dam time! All multiplayer emphasized games should have dedicated servers with a browse function, even on consoles.

Still won't be buying it though. The CoD games never appealed to me. Too much emphasis on 'twitch' based gunplay, you don't need any other skills to do well in the game. :-/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
SabreXT - - 296 comments


I disagree in that twitch is just as important as any other game. To me, there is more tactics in cod than counter strike which is just "aim for the head".

I really like headquarters mode and that mode where you have to plan the bomb with respawns is ok. TDM wasn't for me though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
macacos2 - - 525 comments

Counter Strike has, as incredible as it seems, a lot more tactical based gameplay than CoD.

In Counter-strike you get many different maps with different approaches for each team, where the loadout actually matters, specially when talking about grenades. Walking slowly and silently works wonders when behind enemy lines, and sure, running and gunning also work in that game if everyone is doing so. But if a team is coordinated enough (or skilled enough) they're able to make the game interesting. Since you only have one life per round, some people try and make the best of it by not wasting it. The fact that you get rewarded with money for better weapons every round keeps the game playable for veteran and new gamers alike.

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare series, however, all you have is running and gunning. The ridiculously low penalty for dying and simplistic aiming system makes it, technically, a casual game. When killed you pretty much instantly respawn, so all you need to do is run, hold the ironsight button pressed and spray everywhere. It's a fast passed simplistic shooter and that's why most people like it, no one plays it for being tactical. In the CoD MW series there's also a levelling system, which gives you better equipment as you play the game, giving you an advantage over new players.

Of course, they had to add something to differ the "rookies" from the "veterans", and since the gameplay is not based on skill, the only way to do it was through the levelling system.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
SubZerp - - 9 comments

yeah to bad 75% of servers de_dust2 eh

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gradius - - 85 comments

Don't be ridiculous. I'm sure it's a larger percentage than that.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
SabreXT - - 296 comments

That argument doesn't work because you are compairing a new MW player to an experienced CS one. You can do that with any 2 competitive games to make one sound bad.

You could easy say- "CS is all just the pistol round, lose that and it's almost impossible to gain the upper hand again. Plus skilled player have the upper hand simply by knowing the map, the best weapons to buy and where to camp."

and then say about MW- "the game rewards getting skilled with specific weapons. Spray and prey only works for the early game, a skilled team will steamroll you. Someone who dies alot isn't going to get the killstreaks to help the team win." ect.

A better example is look at TF2 fanboys. They will swear blind that the game is 100% perfectly balenced and then when they lose a game they will shout at you for not picking/having the 'right' weapons. So, to make TF2 look bad, simply bring up the weapons being horribly inbalenced and victory being determed by crits rather than teamwork. If you want to make TF2 look good, just say the opposate, it's perfectly balenced, and good teamwork beats lucky crits every time.

The truth is likely in the middle. Both CS and MW are a balence between twitch and tatics. To say CS is all tactics and MW is all twitch is disingenuous imo.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Sev-RC- - - 260 comments


For me MW isn't that balanced but cs/css is but tf2 is just crap.(balance wise)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
ESFER25 - - 9 comments

Don't be ridiculous, who cares if you have overpowered weapons (only demoman's melee weps are OP in my opinion)? In TF2 the skilled players win, I know it, i've been playing it for over 200 hours (months before it became f2p) and i never get tired of it, default weapons are just as good as unlockables if you know how to use them. In the other hand, i bought mw2 some days ago, i'm level 27, I'm soooo bored now, it's easy to know how this works: noobtubers everywhere, campers in every damn corner, the first team who gets an AC130 wins, it's as easy as that...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Spr09 - - 102 comments

they arent gonna matter, looks at the players column on the photo.

that's how many people are going to actually play this terrible game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
SabreXT - - 296 comments

I like dedicated servers, but I think people were to harsh on peer to peer.

The things I will miss from the peer to peer system is that you always get a full game, not a bunch of empty servers or servers with only 2 guys, and if a team rage quit, another instantly filled the void. Not to mention no quake sounds, no 30 players crammed into a 4v4 map, no motd spams telling you not to be racist and visit the forum every 15 seconds, no needing maps that are exactly like the stock ones with a barrel moved 3 inches to right for 'balence'. Oh, and it was easy to play with friends.

However, given the problems with peer to peer such as lag and disconnects, I prefer dedicated servers.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Katana_ - - 272 comments

Considering how most dedicated servers are in datacenters or are run by people with a decent pipe to the server, this is definitely a change back to normality. How many people were playing and hosting off of a DSL connection that probably couldn't handle a 2v2 game, much less 6v6?

Plus, the whole notion of having "host" is ridiculous, the advantage you gain is enormous.

Also, microwaves won't screw over EVERYONE playing now if the host is by one running, just the person near the microwave.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Benjin - - 1,194 comments

Not like a care, I'm still not getting it anyway due to the fact that the gameplay will be almost exactly the same as CoD 4 and MW2, I've gotten tired of those two games' gameplay, so... not much point buying it if it's just for a few new weapons, maps and perks when you're not interested in the game itself anymore. The £40 price tag also just makes me want it even less.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
MartyForEels - - 175 comments

Yeah. Same gameplay for years. Just like BF3 will have.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
sjaakster - - 27 comments

except battlefield will be entirely new all cod mw3 will have is 1 new game mode, 2 new guns, 1 new map, 50 dlc's for 10 euros or whatever currency you have, wich are already done before full game release.
and the players will be even worse then in the older games.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
GunShip05 - - 323 comments

Thank God!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
son-of-lorgar - - 323 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ebol4 - - 161 comments

This was totally front-page worthy on a modding website.

If you buy this game, you're ******* stupid, end of discussion. You're supporting the downfall of the industry. Stop buying rehashed garbage.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+25 votes
Benjin - - 1,194 comments

THIS is another reason why I won't get it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
KaiMan32 - - 470 comments


Good job bashing people what they like.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
SabreXT - - 296 comments

"Like what I like, you're smart, cool and hip. If you don't, you're an idiot."

I'll be getting it if I hear the SP is any good. Not going to get it day 1 though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
aidas2 - - 3,816 comments

I won't be surprised if Dedis won't be in the game after the release and they will simply say that it was a unconfirmed rumor lol. Anyone that are buing this are ******* retards, doesn't matter if you want or can, you just are, this game isn't even worth pirating. I bet dlc's will come in at 20$ per 3 maps because of this extra awesome feature that gives pc player the edge.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
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