News is a big thing for gaming and so far we have only dabbled into the blogging news field, up until now that is. Welcome to the Editor's Notes, updated with news that relates to the modding and indie scene. Not only will we fill you in on the news but also offer our opinions, giving the community a chance to discuss topics relevant to there interests.

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To much choice? Worry no more gamers, we have you covered via our shiny new Steam Indie DB Curator page. Our aim is to highlight the best games and mods Steam has to offer, by picking our favorites, by picking your favorites, by picking past indie of the year winners and everything else we love. So please hop on over and give us a follow!

For indie game developers on the site, here are some ways you can get our attention:

We are super interested in recommending any indie that deserves it, so again please follow us and promote your game on Indie DB! Oh and for upcoming games, follow our Green-light collection we've got you covered there too!

SRIV SDK Release A version 2

The great folks over at Volition, have recently released part 1 of their Saints Row IV modding SDK.
This SDK (Release A) includes tutorials, template files, and tools for creating your own new weapon models for use ingame.

Included in this release is a demo mod showcasing a new weapon from their new title Saints Row: Gat out of Hell: Damned Impaler Mod

Saints Row IV SDK Release A: Version 2

SRIV SDK Release A version 2

A separate update will allow new weapons to be added without having to remove the old files.

SR3 / SRIV Weapon ArchiveSaints Row 3 & IV Weapon Archive

SR3 / SRIV Weapon Archive

Included in this weapons archive, are all the weapons from 3 & VI they are not game ready, but are great for mixing and mashing together!

The last feature this release includes is an in-depth modeling tutorial.
There's a fair bit of work to get setup, however once done Saints Rows becomes a sandbox of your creations, it's well worth the effort!

So what are you waiting for?, if you have a mod in development, are now going to kick one off or have an awesome weapon model to show off, add your content here and get promoting.

We will keep you updated on future SDK release's, you can track the updates here!

We are looking forward to seeing what the community can create!

An Unreal Decision

News 6 comments

One of the hardest choices a developer has to make is what engine is best for their game.
Will they select to create their own engine or use one of the many middle ware solutions, like Unity or Unreal.

The Team behind the upcoming, Republic Sniper thought they made the right choice with Unity, However this soon became a problem and opting to ensure a better end product, made the hard choice to swap engines mid development.

Changing engines once development has started is hard enough, but to throw away months of work is a costly venture that many rather not undertake, along with having to learn new systems it can make or break development teams rather than resolve the issues they were looking at fixing.

If your not happy with the way your tool-set is supporting you, this article from Jeff LaMarche may just help you take that one small step to a possible bigger and brighter future.

Read on...

In-engine WIP shot from Unity

"We could have pushed through our frustrations and delivered a respectable game.
Only… nobody on the team would’ve been happy making a respectable game."

In-Engine WIP Shot from UE4

"Our team just wasn’t finding it easy to collaborate. We weren’t gelling as a cohesive team and we often felt like the tools were working against us."

Level used to test new movement mechanics.

"Epic’s decision to go after Unity’s market also means increased competition. That competition will push both companies to make better tools. That’s a good thing for game developers and ultimately for people who play games."

Have you been forced to switch engines or done so for other reasons? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Reaching over 250,000 unique readers a day ModDB, IndieDB give game/mod developers a place to share their work and grow their fanbase whilst making it easier for gamers to find great games/mods no matter their stage of development.

Without being dependent on press/editors gatekeeping the important gaming news sites.

Since the sites conception a lot has changed around us, We've got Twitch streaming games, bazillions of mobile games, F2P, amazing engines accessible to all to only mention a few things.

You are invited to Join our public brainstorm as we review whats working and whats not and give you a voice on what you want to see in our facelift, As both gamers and developers join forces to create the ultimate gaming destination!

Current feedback includes.

  • Platform tabs are pointless, header needs a redesign
  • Community badges
  • @mentions great idea
  • Chat service
  • Tag system / tag cloud for games
  • Different layout options / more versatility in profiles
  • Feedback exchange, submit a game for playtest but playtest something first
  • Greenlight tighter integration
  • Press system to reach press for indie devs
  • Overhaul karma on comments / forums
  • ModDB / IndieDB Forum split might be a way to get more focused discussion
  • Overhauled groups to highlight members positions
  • Comment notification
  • Better search system

You can keep updated with the latest on the forums.
We all have waited a long time for this, lets get to work!

Installation Guide

Installers Tutorial 60 comments

Project Reality: BF2 Installation Guide

Uninstall all previous versions of PR:BF2 before installing PR!
If you are on older versions of Windows, make sure to install DirectX 9,.NET framework 4.6 and Visual C++! This otherwise makes you unable to load the game.
Disable your Anti-Virus during installation and white-list the PR Installation folder afterwards.
Check this thread for more common Launch issues if you experience any.

Step 1. Download

A) Using the Download Assistant

The fastest and most user-friendly way to download and install PR:BF2 is using the official Download Assistant.
The Download Assistant will download the installer using the Torrent protocol. So make sure this isn't blocked by your ISP.
Simply download the Download Assistant from our PR:BF2 Download Section and follow the instructions in the application.

B) Using the HTTP Download links

To download simply through your browser choose one the ModDB or direct HTTP mirror downloads (everything outside of Torrent and Download Assistant). You only need to use one link. It will download the installer folder as a ZIP. Please use Windows in-build zip tools, 7ZIP or Winrar to extract the installer folder before installing.

C) Using the direct Torrent download

If you downloaded the Torrent, this is NOT the full install. You use the small .torrent file with a BitTorrent client to actually download the full .iso file. We recommend qBittorrent. The Torrent is the recommended download method in order to avoid corrupt downloads. Once the torrent is downloaded through your selected Torrent software, you will be presented with a folder with all the installation files. Move on to step 2 after the application finishes the download.

Step 2. Installation

The Download Assistant will allow you to start the installer once the download is completed. The HTTP (after extraction) and Torrent version of the download comes in the form of a folder with all the installation files. In order to install it, you simply run the installer it contains (setup.exe).

It is strongly recommended that you close all open applications when installing PR:BF2.

After installation is complete, depending on the choices you selected in the installer, you can either launch Project Reality: BF2 from the desktop shortcut or your start menu.

Congratulations, you have now installed Project Reality: BF2 and are ready to play. If you have any confusion over these installation steps, please don't hesitate to post a support thread in our Support Forums.

Additional Reading Material

To lower the steep learning curve that PR:BF2 has we have a up to date Game Manual that can guide you to the many features that PR:BF2 has to offer. We also have made a landing page for new players where they can find additional information on how to join servers and general tips and tricks.