News is a big thing for gaming and so far we have only dabbled into the blogging news field, up until now that is. Welcome to the Editor's Notes, updated with news that relates to the modding and indie scene. Not only will we fill you in on the news but also offer our opinions, giving the community a chance to discuss topics relevant to there interests.

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The Independent Games Festival, the popular industry event highlighting and awarding the talents of independent game developers, has announced the winners of the 2010 IGF Student Showcase, which recognizes outstanding indie game development taking place on school and university campuses around the world.

This year's set of ten Student Showcase winners include titles such as Utrecht School of the Arts & USC's virtual paper-folding puzzle game Paper Cakes, DePaul University's first-person 'sound visualization' title Devil's Tuning Fork, and Chalmers University's ingenious card-shuffling platform game Continuity.

These ten games will go on to compete for the Best Student Game Prize, announced on stage at the Independent Games Festival Awards, held Thursday, March 11, 2010, in San Francisco at Game Developers Conference 2010.

The Student Showcase-winning games -- all of which will also be playable at the IGF Pavilion on the GDC 2010 show floor -- were chosen from a remarkable field of entries by an opt-in subset of the more than 150 notable game industry figures judging the IGF Main Competition.

The Make Something Unreal Contest has come to a close and the winners have been announced, it's great to see some of most amazing mods finally getting noticed for the hard work they do. Did you favorite win?

MSUC wrote: Congratulations to the Contest Phase 4 winners who all deserve a round of applause for their wonderful work with Unreal Tournament 3. The Make Something Unreal contest has yield some great maps and mods from all four contest phases and ultimately shows the versatility and power of Unreal Tournament 3 and Unreal Engine 3. It was amazing to see the progression of work from several teams that developed content from the beginning of the contest and see it evolve each round into a complete project.

Best Art in a Game Mod

First Place Winner

Best Graphics in a Map

First Place Winner

Best Machinima

First Place Winner

Best Vehicle Set

First Place Winner

Best Use of Physics

First Place Winner

Best FPS Mod

First Place Winner

Best non-FPS Mod

First Place Winner

Best Level for a Mod

First Place Winner

I get asked a lot of questions from modders about how if I can rate their success or which direction they should be walking in to one day become a successful video game designer. A lot of the time I can only tell them it is a long hard and sometimes a very unfulfilling role, I won't lie to you about this it is a dream that very few seem to stick with because of the amount of time required it takes to reach a point where people notice your work. Telling the people who ask that, sometimes sucks.

We are not talking about weeks or months here, we are talking about years of hard dedicated work. The ones that make it in this now over inflated world we live in are the ones who live, breath and love modding/developing so much they are willing to spend the time needed to get where they want to be, no matter the length of time.

I started to write this after I was linked to a video that a web comic artist put together, sure it does not talk about game developing but it sure does touch on the same mindset you should have.

If there is one thing I learned from all my time in College is that you make your own success, and that sometimes takes a very long time. Hopefully this helps some of you put aside that mad rush you currently have to make it big, slow down and enjoy the process.

Hey modders, just thought I would give a shout out to the guys over at who have just started up a blog focusing more to the editorial side of modding which as you know a lot of sites don't really like to cover (if you can guess why I have a lollipop for ya). wrote: UserCreated is a brand new resource for mod coverage. We review, preview, discuss and get excited about a wide range of PC game modifications, both old and upcoming, single- and multi-player. We’re not limited to any specific games, either – if it’s a mod, it’ll find its home here, regardless of which mother-game has been modified.

It is nice to see another bunch of brave (maybe foolhardy) souls looking to tap into the modding world so keep an eye on this site as the editors there do know their stuff. If you're looking for that extra coverage (aside from your friendly ModDB) then why not send something fresh over to them, they may be able to help you out.


Wow, I was hoping only 10 people would respond so picking the winners would be easy. 80 of you did in the end, and some went to crazy amounts of efforts (i.e. multiple posts all over the place). Thanks to all participants... unfortunately there can only be 10 winners and they are:

To everyone else... huge thanks for participating... if you can afford $40 I highly recommend you buy the games! If not, as a runners-up prize i'm happy to send an invite to Desura if you want it, just PM me.

Time is up!

If you haven't already seen the news, check out Jeff's (from Overgrowth) post here. Two of the hottest anticipated indie games Natural Selection 2 and Overgrowth (both due in 2010) have partnered up, and are offering a 40% off pack.

We highly recommend you support the indies and BUY the game pack, but if you maxed out your budget this XMAS don't despair, as we have 10 copies (of the pack) to giveaway. To win... well it is simple, in a twitter post, blog post or comment on another site, we want you to plug the MOTY Top 100 - as both NS2 and OG made it this year, and we feel all teams that made it deserve some coverage! i.e. in a Twitter post you may write something like:

Holy batman! The top 100 mods and indie games of 2009 is out on ModDB NS2 and OG FTW!

When you do this, post a comment here with a link to your twitter / comment on another site. In 24hours, the 10 most genuine, smartest and funniest plugs will be given their prize. PLEASE don't spam other sites, so keep your plugs tasteful and help us help OG, NS2 and the TOP 100 get coverage!