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Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The eighth full-length studio release from British rock band Kasabian and its second with Serge Pizzorno as lead singer was recorded while on tour.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jul 12, 2024
    Her previous album was a breakout success for good reason, but My Light, My Destroyer succeeds in all the right ways, pushing Jenkins' songcraft ever forward and expanding her already impressive catalog.
  2. Jul 12, 2024
    Effortlessly traversing a diverse blend of musical genres, mixing spoken word and field recordings with orchestral flourishes, Jenkins leads the listener on a cinematic journey through the minutiae of daily life, transforming the mundane into something much more profound.
  3. Jul 11, 2024
    There are a couple of misses, particularly ‘G.O.A.T’’s obvious attempt at a sports montage soundtrack, but largely ‘Happenings’ is full of genuinely interesting choices. Free to indulge all the multitudes of his tastes, Pizzorno is managing, against many odds, to keep Kasabian moving forward.
  4. Jul 5, 2024
    If 2022 album ‘The Alchemist’s Euphoria’ represented a clearing of the decks, a shake-up from top to the bottom, then ‘Happenings’ continues this process. As times, it feels as though you’re caught in a snow-globe, being shaken up and down, from side to side – watching the pieces fall is a thrilling experience.
  5. Jul 18, 2024
    While nothing on Happenings has quite the anthemic urge of early hits like “Empire” or “Fire”, the craftsmanship and infectiousness of the material make the album a fun listen amid life’s brighter moments.
  6. Record Collector
    Jul 15, 2024
    True, the stoner-rock Passengers interrupts the flow - but not for long. Ironically, it makes for Kasabian's most epic album since Empire 18 years ago. [Aug 2024, p.104]
  7. Jul 5, 2024
    While Meighan’s Liam Gallagher-like machismo may not have been to everyone’s taste, his vocals undoubtedly had much more presence than Pizzorno’s rather bland voice, which does little more than carry the songs on Happenings along, and is indicative of a broader lack of musical personality combined with a lack of truly memorable songs.

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