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Funeral for Justice Image

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The latest full-length release from Tuareg desert blues band Mdou Moctar was recorded over five days in upstate New York by bassist and producer Mikey Coltun.
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  • Record Label: Matador
  • Genre(s): Pop/Rock, International, African Traditions, Worldbeat, Desert Blues, Global Jazz
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. May 3, 2024
    This is a fantastic album. It may be the best of an already-excellent run of albums produced by – and it really does bear repeating – the greatest rock band in the world.
  2. May 8, 2024
    Let’s keep it simple: this thing fucking rips. Moctar—along with his bandmates Ahmoudou Madassane, Mikey Coltun, and Souleymane Ibrahim—has built upon the foundations of Afrique Victime and made a tighter record that’s infused with garage rock energy. This isn’t a solemn funeral march: it’s a rallying cry.
  3. Apr 30, 2024
    Funeral for Justice is the band’s most forceful album yet, tailor-made to melt minds at massive festivals.
  4. ‘Modern Slaves’ is the only track that reflects the mournful suggestion of the album’s title, its lament of choral voices accentuating a lyrical pain over music that is gently insistent and quietly furious. More often, ‘Funeral For Justice’ is ablaze with energy.
  5. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 21, 2024
    It's music to stop you in your tracks. [Summer 2024, p.75]
  6. The Wire
    May 14, 2024
    Funeral For Justice comes a step closer to channelling an authentic Mdou Moctar live experience. The title track wastes no time to demonstrate the unfettered power on tap, bursting from silence into a series of electrifying riffs and fervent claps, never letting up. [Jun 2024, p.53]

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