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Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free Image

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The third full-length release from folk supergroup Bonny Light Horseman features 20 tracks written over five months and recorded in Ireland and New York.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jul 1, 2024
    It’s one of those albums where favourite tracks keep changing and new things to enjoy are found upon each listen. In short, this is life-improving, morale-restoring music from three artists operating at the peak of their powers.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 6, 2024
    Only a couple of tracks into Bonny Light Horseman’s third album, it’s clear this is something special. Beauty erupts from the vocal harmonies of Eric Johnson and Anais Mitchell, who lift the Technicolor folk-rock of “Lover Take It Easy” into something close to heaven. And then it keeps getting better. [Jun 2024, p.29]
  3. Jun 6, 2024
    This is a well-travelled band firing on all cylinders. Enjoy it with a terrible house beer and hardworking, sweaty company.
  4. Jun 7, 2024
    Attention to sonic details and layers of instrumental touches, combined with the harmonious vocal connection, deft songwriting, and easy-rolling charm, makes Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free Bonny Light Horseman’s most complete album to date and a joy to experience.
  5. Mojo
    Jun 6, 2024
    Bonny Light Horseman probably could've said just as much over half the tracks, but the fact they had the courage to keep digging ever deeper into their emotional turbulence has bourne spectacular results. [Jul 2024, p.87]
  6. Jun 6, 2024
    There’s scarcely a dud among the 18 songs on Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free, which also includes two tracks that are snippets of chatter. Though the album feels long at 63 minutes, Johnson, Kaufman and Mitchell fill that time with reflections on longing, growing older and a pastoral kind of life—all rendered in the soft light and lengthening shadows of a late summer afternoon fading toward evening.