Alex Duncan's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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did not like it

** spoiler alert ** This book is not a novel. You learn very little about the characters (even the narrator) and cannot follow them from story to story. There's no common thread, no arc, etc. It's a hodgepodge. For many of you, this is all you need to know about this book.

If you're looking for a great zombie NOVEL, my favorite is Cryonic: A Zombie Novel

I suppose there are parallels between the book and the movie in the sense that both are disjointed. It's too big a story to tell and to be done properly Brooks should have written a door stopper of a novel.

That said, he did piece together an interesting scenario: a world where humans have fought back against the zombies and won. This aspect is shown at the end of the film, as they elude to the inevitable sequel, and it's actually the most interesting part of the book, that is:

- how did they fight and how'd they win
- what challenges did they face
- in what ways were they no match for the zombies

That third bullet is an aspect I have the most difficulty with as there's so much of "bombs didn't work on the zombies" type of statements from those the narrators interviewed. Call me crazy, but if you drop a big 'ole bomb on a zombie hord there aren't going to be many "walking" dead around after that.

I suppose this book's format will appeal to some people, as many seem to be OK with what he's done, but it's such a huge disappointment when you were expecting a novel and don't get one.

The book actually has a decent start with the story of patient zero and the images of zombies grabbing ankles from beneath the depths of a flooded city, but it goes downhill quickly from there.

It's really a chore to read because the stories are so short that they don't allow you to connect with the characters. I have a feeling if Brooks hadn't had so much success with his Zombie Survival Guide that publishers would have turned their nose up at the structure of this book and made him rewrite it.

At the same time, Brooks and his publisher have made quit a bit of coin on this one so who can blame them?

Some stories provide enough detail to suck you in and get good (that is just before the end on you abruptly), but others are what I call Brooks' bastards because he gives them so little attention you wonder why they are in there at all.

There's also one story that despite being long is incredibly boring about a stolen Chinese submarine that takes up enough pages to account for several other stories. Definitely an err in judgment there.

With no one to root for and no characters to follow, you'll find yourself not caring whether you open the book back up or not. To me, this is the ultimate sin any book can commit. To call this the best zombie book ever written, etc. etc. is so far off the mark I can't even tell you.

If any of what I'm saying is speaking to you I wouldn't spend your money on the book as it will surely disappoint.

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Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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message 1: by Eugene (new)

Eugene Butler I wouldn't give it one star but I certainly wasn't that in to it. maybe 2 or 3 stars

message 2: by Alex (new) - rated it 1 star

Alex Duncan It's nice to see so many people agreed with me. Again, I see why some would like the book so no harm at all if that's you. As for me, I need a novel to really get into it.

message 3: by Kelly (new)

Kelly Damn it! I was keen to get this 'book' as I'd just seen the movie the other week. The movie was really good but I guess I can give this book a pass, maybe one day in the future I'll give it a go.

message 4: by Kelly (new)

Kelly I might have to look into that Cryonic novel, thanks for the suggestion. :)

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

I, personally, found the Chinese submarine story extremely engaging actually.

message 6: by Alex (new) - rated it 1 star

Alex Duncan I have a friend who liked the submarine story too. You're not the only one!

Michael Koogler I actually enjoyed the book, in a quirky sort of way. I like zombie novels - which is why I wrote my own - and just downloaded Cryonic for my Kindle. Nice recommendation, Alex. Goins to start that today. Thanks!

Adam I am enjoying this book. There is a common thread...the Zombie War and people's experiences. I like the style. When I'm done I'll write more.

Jason Can't follow non-linear plot...arrgghh...

hazel It's an oral history...not a novel...that's why you didn't like it. Understandable but stop treating it like something it never said it was.

message 11: by Janessa (new)

Janessa Kafoona If your family is the famous-need more be said?

message 12: by Megan (new) - added it

Megan Brain I only just started reading it and have already gone from one story to another without the new story being properly introduced. I was a bit confused until I read your reveiw. Thankyou. I will keep reading and see how I go.

message 13: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Sweenor Just started reading it. So can't give a star rating yet. But it never claimed to be a novel. So to give it a 1 star rating and then say "this book is not a novel" shows a lack of comprehension on your part. Did you read the introduction before starting the book? It states exactly what the book is supposed to be: emotional stories from survivors of the war. Their own personal experiences.
No idea if ill enjoy the book. My husband loved it and I did like the movie, although he told me it has nothing to do with the book other than zombies.
It's fine if you didn't like the book, but don't give it a bad rating for not being what you expected when it never claimed it was.

Jareed I concur with Lauren. It's actually surprising since the title reads World War Z: an ORAL HISTORY of the Zombie war.

Tristan Linderholm Alex stop it's a Oral History report! Ok

message 16: by Cat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cat Mcgowan Based on the criteria writers use, and the criteria I was taught earning my writing degree, this certainly qualifies as a novel. I mean, if you can't follow a non-linear structure long enough to grasp the connecting ties, then sure. Not a novel. Not anything, really, just a guy rambling off lies he made up for money. People who liked this movie and not the book make me weep for the future of intelligence and attention span in our society.

Debbie Of course it's a novel. It's just not told with a traditional narrative.

Debbie Jareed Reyes: It's transcripts of recorded interviews - ORAL history. (And it applies even more if, like me, you listened to the audiobook, which was excellent.)

Jareed For its purpose, that is to serve as an entertainment, this would be a novel. However, the format at which this is written, is a method that is employed in the academe in publishing papers oh historical importance. This is why Max Brooks is great. He, arguably, was able to transcend the traditional linear narrative that characterizes prevalent novel writing. And if I may quote Cat supra, if one cannot follow the non-linear narrative, then it truly is a shame.

message 20: by Breno (new)

Breno Pena i agree they dont get into detail with the characters thats one of the things that i realldy didnt like alex but it did well in salesi wish they would of got in a little more depth witht the characters and of course even more the narrator. it wasnt much info given out

Gemma Denley The film is not the book. The book is not the film. If that's why you bought the book then you're an idiot. This book is amazing. The whole point is that it's meant to be written like a history book, to make you want more, to give you the feeling that this has really happened or at least it could. It's supposed to be that realistic, non fictional read that's far more terrifying and thought provoking. If you're liking for a novel, with characters you can hate / fall in love with then go read Twilight or Warm Bodies. If you're a Zombie geek then Max Brooks is a legend and you'll be plotting your Zombie Apocalypse survival plan in the back of your head before even getting through the first section....

message 22: by Andy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Andy I totally agree about your review. I took two months to read this because I didn't care.

Remittance Girl I have to disagree with you. The sub-title of the book is very clear as to what it offers, a speculative fiction compendium of oral histories. And I think it does that excellently, with insight, humour, and rather biting social critique.

message 24: by Byron (new) - rated it 1 star

Byron Mitchell this book sucks! its the first thing to make me fall sleep in reading class

Mary Mc Eaneney Hazel nailed it. This was reviewed as a novel, but it is an oral account. It is called a literary device. Authors use then from time to time. Not hodgepodge.

message 26: by Kristin (new)

Kristin I agree 100% Alex. You verbalized what I couldn't put my finger on.

Kajsa It says in the title - it's an oral history. That's exactly what this reads like, what were you expecting?

Tyler Y I'm sorry you must not have read the cover of the book itself. Its a bunch of interviews, and it is everything its supposed to be.

Remittance Girl Tyler wrote: "I'm sorry you must not have read the cover of the book itself. Its a bunch of interviews, and it is everything its supposed to be."

I agree wholeheartedly.

Yammy i disagree with you. please keep your one stars away from zombie books i like.

message 31: by Alyssa Sweat (new)

Alyssa Sweat it is cod to me

Jason "** spoiler alert ** This book is not a novel"

Is it really a "spoiler" when they say it's not a novel on the front cover?

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

You missed the point of this book completely. went right over your head.

Jeremy Didn't necessarily agree with your review, BUT I can see merit. I think the general feeling I've seen towards this book is one of great admiration or total disappointment. I think it's just whatever your flavor is. For example, I thought the submarine story was ver captivating and i liked the semi twist at the end.

Charlotte Novel. Oral history. Novel. Not a novel. Whatever. I found it horribly boring and not even a tiny bit scary. I agree with your review, and it took me close to a month to read it because I too felt no compulsion to keep reading.

Shane Kenyon I like to read just about anything imaginable. This style of story writing is not necessarily the best, but I still think that it was done well. It is very reminiscent of Dracula. To me it is not much different than a point of view style. We were able to see the war from many different angles all over the world and I thought that it was an enjoyable way of seeing more perspective. Even if this came at the cost of individual character development.

Caden Christesen r/wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

message 38: by Toofan (new) - added it

Toofan I wish I had read this review before buying the audiobook!

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