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No Rest for the Wicked Guide

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No Rest for the Wicked: All bosses No Rest for the Wicked guide, tips

In No Rest for the Wicked you will come to fight several powerful opponents. On this page you will find a list of them and a set of tips to help you defeat them.

Last update: 05 June 2024

The bosses in No Rest for the Wicked are challenges that test players' skills and their understanding of the game's mechanics. Action-packed duels will force you to carefully observe the enemy and learn their behaviors. The list presented below is a collection of the most important information and tips regarding all bosses in the game. The knowledge contained here may be helpful in defeating these powerful opponents.

Warrick the Torn

The first boss of the game, which you will encounter just before reaching the Sacrament town. During the fight with the twisted soldier, there will be several important things:

  1. Before starting the fight, it is worth reaching at least level 3 or 4. Look around the area, fight with minor opponents and invest some attribute points in developing the most important statistics (health, stamina).
  2. You should also collect useful loot. In addition to equipping basic weapons and armor, it will be crucial to prepare a sufficient amount of healing soups, which you can prepare at the campfire by combining yellow mushrooms common in the area with Artemisia Herb. Weapon oils or potions that restore Focus, randomly found in chests, can also prove to be useful.
  3. During the fight, the most important thing will be proper positioning and stamina management. Warrick has a very wide range of attack and moves surprisingly fast for his size. For this reason, you must always be prepared to quickly dodge or jump away from incoming attacks. A character with a depleted stamina bar cannot dodge, which exposes them to mortal danger.
  4. Therefore, it will be very important to move calmly around the monster and wait for a chance to attack. In our opinion, it is best to dodge diagonally and slightly towards the boss, so you can get behind his back as quickly as possible. Once you get there, attack once or twice and then quickly back off. Don't use up all your stamina by swinging your sword, because then you won't have any stamina left to escape.
  5. The boss has several attacks, the most dangerous of which are probably the wide sword slash and the spin attack. However, these moves are signaled by animations where Warrick swings his sword. Over time, you will learn to recognize them and react by dodging far enough.
  6. Slightly less dangerous are his various pushes and high jumps. These attacks are quite easy to avoid and are also preceded by a characteristic animation.
  7. Roughly halfway through the fight, the boss will go to the center of the arena where he will start to scream terrifyingly, sending a wave of energy around him. Move away, because the wave may throw your character off balance, exposing you to further attacks.
  8. After each of the more powerful attacks, the boss will take a few moments to gather strength for another strike. This is your opportunity to counterattack. However, don't be too greedy - attacking for too long and using up all your stamina can end tragically for you once Warrick starts fighting back.
  9. Use the size of the arena. A few backward dodges will give you some distance and a few precious seconds, which you can spend on drinking the healing soup. However, remember that food has its own cooldown (10 seconds) so use healing wisely.
  10. Don't rush. Fighting Warrick is more of a test of patience and composure than of pure agility. By properly managing your stamina and space, waiting for opportunities to attack and methodically learning the boss's attacks, you will eventually defeat the beast.

After defeating Warrick, you will gain access to the town of Sacrament, which will now become your main hub and base when traveling around the island.

Falstead Darak (First fight)

Falstead Darak is another boss faced during the course of "Of Rats and Raiders" quest. Darak is a powerful warrior whose fight plays out similarly to Warrick battle, but he has a few unique properties that you'll need to remember:

  1. Like Warrick, Darak is a huge enemy whose attacks can reach you from far away. As a result, the key to winning will be perfect timing and attacking when the boss is most vulnerable.
  2. Darak often charges at the hero, ending it with a wide swing or overhead attack. To avoid the charge, simply run to a side right before impact and use the opportunity to counter-attack as the boss will regain his strength for a moment after it.
  3. One of Darak's most dangerous moves are frantic attacks with shield or sword that the boss performs in relentless combinations affecting the area around him. When you see this happening, quickly run away from the enraged boss and wait out the swings.
  4. Also watch out for a dangerous kick that can easily stagger your hero, leaving him vulnerable to a potentially deadly strike. As a result, try to not approach the boss directly from the front.
  5. Another important matter is rather small arena for the encounter. If you need a moment to drink a healing potion, try to get as away from Darak as possible, better yet do it when he regains composure after an attack.
  6. Positioning is important here. Staying behind the boss's back is safer than a frontal assault, but thanks to his immense agility, Darak can easily change the direction of his attacks. As a result, save your Stamina so you can avoid the wide swing if needed.

After depriving the boss of about 75% of his health, a cut-scene will play where Darak is seen escaping. This is the end of the first battle against this boss.

Falstead Darak (Second fight)

In the concluding moments of "Of Rats and Raiders" quest, after passing a long sewer sequence, you'll once again have to face Darak. This time, however, the fight will encompass 2 phases:

  1. In the first phase, the cruel soldier will behave almost the same as during the first fight. Maintain your behavior and tactics from the previous battle and anything that was effective back then. The fight may even turn out to be a bit easier as the battle arena is much larger.

After depleting the boss's first health bar, Darak will transform thanks to the parasite. He will assume a grotesque appearance with tentacles springing from his body, and this means that you need to change your tactics completely.

  1. The creature can reach with his attacks through half of the arena. These are ranged attacks made with tentacles. As a result, try to not stay in a straight line from the boss, as this will be where the attack lands most often. Another similar attack involves 3 tentacles attacking in a straight line and about 45 degrees to the sides, so the best strategy will be to stay in front and a little to the side.
  2. Almost every attack is indicated in advance by a distinct head swing. So try to keep your eyes on the beast and watch out for this signal.
  3. On the other hand, a fast tentacle charge will be signaled by the boss's raising his sword in front of him. When attempting to avoid it, run to sides rather than backwards. The effective range of this attack may indeed surprise.
  4. The mutated Darak also likes to jump. The monster may prop himself with tentacles and try to attack with a powerful attack when landing on the ground. This move is rather slow, so you should have no problems avoiding it. A potential option here is dodging to the other side of the monster right before it attacks.
  5. Another major attack is a blind charge of Darak, during which he swings his sword and tentacles around. When you see it being used, run away from the monster as quickly as possible and wait out the barrage of blows. Do not try to attack at this moment. Finally, the boss can try to grab you. If he fails to do it, you'll receive a few valuable seconds during which Darak will be defenseless.
  6. Each avoided move of the monster is your opportunity to counterattack. As the boss finishes an attack that you've avoided, you should be able to deal a few strikes of your own. However, similarly to previous battles, the key is timing and precision. Staying next to the boss for too long or performing one hit too many may end in you failing the battle.

The second phase of the second Darak fight is quite a long battle, so before it begins, make sure to prepare a large supply of healing items.

The Riven Twins

There is a powerful enemy waiting at the end of the Nameless Pass location during the "Servant of God" quest. You'll see decayed bodies of two bandits connected into one, macabre, beast. Here are some tips on how to deal with this boss:

  1. The twins carry a huge, wooden mast and use it for attacks. These attacks have an extended range, affecting a large part of the arena, so get ready for a lot of dodging and maintaining a safe distance. Most attacks affect a 180 degree angle in front of the boss, so if you want to attack, try to do it from a side or behind the beast's back.
  2. In addition to the standard, wide swing performed in front, The Twins have several attacks involving spinning the long mast. These attacks affect a large portion of the arena but are so slow that with good timing you'll be able to dodge "through" the attack. However, don't rely to often on this tactics, as being struck will throw your hero off-balance. Instead, try to run to a safe space behind you.
  3. One of the more dangerous attacks of the boss is are flat wide swings (3 times), an overhead strike, and finally, a wide swing performed by the ground. Try to wait out this combination, especially since right after it, a small window of opportunity to attack appears when the boss is trying to regain strength.
  4. Most attacks based on flat wide strikes The Twins indicate with dropping or lowering their weapon to the ground. Seeing this performed, prepare to dodge or escape.
  5. If you are really far away from the boss, the beast may try to throw its body parts at you. However, this projectile flies slow and is easy to avoid.
  6. A much more dangerous attack that is an area of effect attack is summoning poisonous bulbs from the ground that will appear at your current position. When you notice a purple speck forming below your feet, dodge right away. If successful, the attack will deal a lot of damage and apply a weakening poisoned status.
  7. Another ranged attack of the boss is a roar that makes a seismic wave appear around the enemy. The ground around the Twins will become black, and soon after sharp rocks will shoot out of it. To avoid this attack, run away as far backward as you can, remembering to not get locked out in a corner of the arena.
  8. The idea is to attack the boss after one of his larger attacks when he is regaining strength or tries to raise his large weapon again. Be careful, as if you are too close, the Twins may try to kick, or worse, grab you. Getting grabbed results in serious damage and most of the time is a killing blow.
  9. Before the fight, prepare a large supply of healing and enhancing potions. Use the large size of the arena to your advantage by escaping away from the boss if needed and chugging a health potion. We do not recommend trying to rush the battle.

The fight with Twins will test your positioning skills even more than the other boss battles. Approach it as a test of patience - attack the boss methodically and avoid unnecessary danger by staying too long in the range of his attacks.

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