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a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court)

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a pier that provides a landing place on a river

an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing

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References in periodicals archive ?
In the Netherlands, after a flood killed nearly 2,000 people in 1953, ocean defenses were built to a 10,000-year standard (0.01% annual chance of occurrence) and inland levees were designed to withstand a 1,250year flood (0.125% annual chance of occurrence).
Sandbags were used in Burlington, a rail hub, to build a levee system and protect it from the river; 350 people had been evacuated.
Therefore, HDD construction played a key role in gaining approval for installation of the proposed pipeline beneath these very sensitive and highly protected levees.
The crossings reached depths of 100-120 feet beneath the levees and 80-100 feet below the river bottoms.
This paper discusses a seismic risk assessment procedure for earth embankments and levees. The overall objective of the assessment is to develop an analytical tool for assessing levee vulnerability subject to seismic loads and for evaluating effecttiveness of various levee strengthening alternatives.
Reasons for the negative rating can include any deficiency that prevents the levees from functioning as designed, such as movement of the floodwalls, a faulty culvert condition, erosion, tree growth or even animal burrows.
"Dams and levees can never be fail-proof," says Patrick McCully, executive director of IRN.
They claim that the Corps knew the waterway's erosion of marshlands protecting the levees could intensify a huge east-west storm surge, and that the funnel effect stemming from the MRGO design accelerated that surge to "epic proportions."
Teaching The Levees will be distributed free of charge to 30,000 high school and college instructors by next August, the second anniversary of the hurricane.
And even if Duval's ruling is sustained, the plaintiffs will have to prove the levees' collapse was because of human errors in construction or design.
Army Corps of Engineers began building levees and dams for protection against flooding, the Mississippi River has essentially been trapped and artificially channeled into the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
A device developed by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) that tests how well soil resists being eroded by water is helping ensure the efficacy of levees around New Orleans.
This Article highlights the hazards of hindsight analysis of the causes of catastrophic events, focusing on theories of why the New Orleans levees failed during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and particularly on the theory that the levee failures were "caused" by a 1977 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) lawsuit that resulted in a temporary injunction against the Army Corps of Engineers' hurricane protection project for New Orleans.
In the end, what was most surprising was that the levees held up as well as they did.