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a raised embankment along a watercourse which may occur naturally through sedimentation during overflow of the channel or may be man-made to prevent flooding.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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An automobile bumped along on top of the levee, and the young boys and girls in it cried, "Oh, you kid!" to Saxon and Billy, and Hastings, who was rowing them ashore in the skiff.
The recent floods, however, have been characterized as a 500-year event and tile levees simply did not stand a chance--water levels exceeded levees not by a few inches, but by 10 feet or more in many locations, leading some to question the accuracy of the floodplain maps that establish flood standard parameters in the first place.
"We are taking precautionary steps, evacuating where necessary, but that is going to be the next round here." National Guard soldiers hoped to fill 500,000 sandbags to fortify levees along a 15-mile stretch of the river.
This old line traverses beneath sensitive levees and rivers within this protected river delta.
In 1983, one of the levees was breached, completely flooding nearby Mildred Island.
Because we did not have the exact information on the structure and parameters of the levees, we were unable to compute the penetration depth with the forward modelling method.
A seismic risk assessment procedure for earth embankments and levees is presented.
* A recent Army Corps of Engineers survey revealed that 122 levees across the country are in poor repair, possibly exposing additional communities to flood risk.
ANOTHER LESSON FROM HURRICANE KATRINA: Conventional flood control measures, such as dams and levees, not only fail to protect communities from the devastation of floods, they often exacerbate the damages.
of the Eastern District of Louisiana has also paved the way for lawsuits in other areas of the city where levees collapsed during the hurricane, attorneys say.
The package will be called, Teaching The Levees: A Curriculum of Civic Engagement to Accompany the HBO Documentary Film Event, Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts."
and several insurers that relied on water-damage exclusions written by the Insurance Services Office to dismiss a number of claims caused by the breach or overtopping of several Louisiana levees. Duval found the claims may not be excluded, as the term "flood" may be read only to refer to a natural event and not the result of human errors in the construction and maintenance of the levees.