level 2 cache

level 2 cache

(computer science)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

level 2 cache

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L2 cache

(Level 2 cache) A memory bank built into the CPU chip, packaged within the same module or built on the motherboard. The L2 cache feeds the L1 cache, which feeds the processor. L2 memory is slower than L1 memory. See cache.

L2 Cache Locations
Modern CPU chips have a built-in L2 cache; however, L2 caches have resided outside the CPU on earlier computers.
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References in periodicals archive ?
This makes level 2 cache access to have (s' + s") access time.
For example, LRU does not perform better compared with LFU for level 2 cache [2, 5].
The chip features a level 2 cache of 512 KB, meaning it has built-in memory to increase performance.
Coded as the A8-3530MX, it's a 32nm, quad-core processor purportedly clocks in at 1.9GHz and also features 4MB of Level 2 cache, and it can apparently be boosted to 2.6GHz in TurboCore mode.
Both processor cores share a 3 MB level 2 cache, which allows efficient multitasking.
With an operating frequency of 1GHz and 2MB on-chip level 2 cache each, the TMS320C6455 DSPs have the highest fixed-point processing power in the 'C6000 range.
In addition, they provide 4MB of level 2 cache memory and two dual-independent front side buses for data transfer.
Based on the Intel 955X (Glenwood) chipset, these lead-free workstation boards leverage the Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition with Hyper-Threading and now with dual-core processing running at up to 3.2 GHz per core and 1MB of Level 2 cache per core.
All are based on Intel's 90-nm manufacturing technology, utilize 478-pin packaging, and feature a 256KB Level 2 cache and 533 MHz system bus.
These processors contain 128kB Level 1 cache and 64kB Level 2 cache.