level 1 cache

level 1 cache

[¦lev·əl ′wən ‚kash]
(computer science)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

level 1 cache

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L1 cache

(Level 1 cache) A memory bank built into the CPU chip. Also known as the "primary cache," an L1 cache is the fastest memory in the computer and closest to the processor. See cache and L2 cache.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The temporal filtering effect from level 1 cache causes most of the blocks not to be referenced again in level 2 cache [6, 7].
The replacement policies in level 1 cache attempt to save the most recently used block closest to the CPU.
(5) Cache Level (CL): CL = {[cl.sub.1], [cl.sub.2], [cl.sub.3]}, where [cl.sub.1] stand for level 1 cache, namely, database cache; [cl.sub.2] stand for the second level cache, namely, the GIS server cache; [cl.sub.3] stand for Level cache, namely, the client cache.
These processors contain 128kB Level 1 cache and 64kB Level 2 cache.
A new technology called Execution Trace Cache offers a wrinkle in standard Level 1 cache design.
The 1.2GHz AMD Athlon processor is an x86-compatible, seventh-generation design featuring 256Kb of on-chip level 2 cache and 128Kb of on-chip level 1 cache, a fully pipelined superscalar floating point unit for x86 platforms and enhanced 3DNow!
The AMD/KryoTech combination, including 64Kb of integrated Level 1 cache and 256Kb of integrated Level 2 cache, costs $1,250 in a barebones configuration, and is available immediately.
TriLevel Cache includes the standard 64KB of Level 1 cache, but also adds an internal full-speed backside 256KB Level 2 cache, and has a 100-MHz frontside bus to an optional external Level 3 cache on the Super7 motherboard of up to 1,024KB.