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Synonyms for Tiepolo

Italian painter (1696-1770)

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We had a more relaxed welcome from Count Passi di Prepsulo and his family - wife Barbara, mother Elisabetta, son Gian Luca and daughter Gaia - at their home, Villa Tiepolo Passi, which has a working farm and serves up gastronomic wonders: polenta, radicchio, quince, meats and cheeses prepared from amily recipes with their very own Prosecco from the young vineyard.
Here is a sky determined to maintain The reputation of Tiepolo, A moving vision of a shapely mist, Full of the splendor of the insubstantial.
It seems that the outstanding epic poem Omeros (1990) has partially obscured Derek Walcott's succeeding collections: The Bounty (1997), Tiepolo's Hound (2000), The Prodigal (2004) and White Egrets (2010).
Left: Giandomenico Tiepolo, (1727-1804), The Minuet, 1756 (oil on canvas), Barcelona, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Francesc Cambo Bequest, 1949.
So I come back to the intriguing entry in his Notebook (and like the recorded message that you repeatedly get while stranded on hold, thank you for your patience), "Now Tiepolo is my painter." They make, as I suggested, about as odd a coupling as imaginable.
Piazzetta was succeeded in this post by the greatest rococo artist, Giambattista Tiepolo (16971770) (14).
An art historian determined that the painting was a reproduction of Tiepolo's 18th century painting, "The Virgin and Child with Simon Stock."
In the previous book, The Undrowned Child, Teodora (the child of the title), was destined to save Venice from the ghost of Bajamonte Tiepolo, the traitor.
A partir de un analisis comparativo de los frescos para el Palacio Real disenados por Giambattista Tiepolo y Anton Raphael Mengs, quienes elaboran por encargo de los reyes alegorias de la monarquia espanola, el primer capitulo del libro estudia como la nueva dinastia borbonica se constituye a si misma simbolicamente.
"During my voyage to Bassano," wrote Giovanni Tiepolo in the 18th century about St.
--Derek Walcott, Tiepolo's Hound I For years Lord Television held him in thrall, iris-blue afternoons when Black Hat and Sheriff stood twelve inches tall shooting to kill; then one laid out flat and the handsomer, flashing his tin star, spoke the moral briefly as he could.
The forty-three illustrations and plans include stunning reimaginations, such as The Triumph of Marius by Tiepolo, as well as antiquarians' prints and even a New Yorker cartoon.
At the same time, his contemporaries such as Tiepolo, Guardi and Ricci were painting and sculpting religious, mythological and historical dramas in the grand Baroque tradition.