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Synonyms for Tientsin

a major industrial center in northeastern China on the Grand Canal near the Yellow Sea

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References in periodicals archive ?
Melief does well to include extensive surveys on the political developments, on the fascinating urban society of Shanghai, and on lesser-known Tientsin. Although weakened by low volumes of trade, HCHC managed to function until World War II broke out.
Free Trade Zones (FTZs) have been set up in Shanghai, Tientsin, and elsewhere to facilitate international financial transactions, although these have disappointed investors' hopes that this would be a step toward liberalization of the capital account or a national "negative list." Talks with the US toward a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) have continued since 2013.
After his triumph in the 400m at the 1924 Olympics, Eric left the country to become a missionary in his birthplace, Tientsin, now Tianjin, in north China.
The entire Chinese city of Tientsin is under siege from within, and all because the city's sacred idol, The Green God, has been stolen.
He was assigned to Tientsin, China, in 1947, meaning that--in a coincidence worthy of Forrest Gump--he was physically present for the Communist takeover in 1948.
The four bungalows, lakeside Catlereagh, Summerville, Norwood and traditional colonial Tientsin, contain only 21 rooms in all.
The four bungalows, lakeside Catlereigh, Summerville, Norwood and traditional colonial Tientsin, contain only 21 rooms in all.
A student of mining engineering at Peiyang University in Tientsin (location of a hospital and medical college founded by Dr.
Pur essendo stata breve e marginale rispetto alie altre esperienze coloniall, la Concessione italiana di Tientsin (1901-1947), unica esperienza di colonizzazione italiana in Asia, e interessante per le particolari dinamiche di decostruzione e ricostruzione dell'identita nazionale di cui e stata portatrice.
consulate at Tientsin during contest between the Dowager
Shamanist, neither a feel fez nor boy o' bronze flee far--eh, Tientsin amahs?
He and Marjorie then returned to Ohio, only to be informed that they were to relocate to Tientsin, China, where Mike was to join the 15th Infantry Regiment.