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A basic Chinese structure used for domestic, public, and religious buildings; consists of a platform supporting a structural wooden framework of at least four columns and longitudinal and transverse tie beams, on which rest the roof trusses of the prominent, upward-curving, high-pitched, tiled roof. Enclosures and interior partitions are nonbearing screen walls.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Je tiens a souhaiter la bienvenue a Heather Dean, nouvelle presidente de l'ACITN.
The staff formed letters visible from the sky to spell out "Tiens' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur" to mark a 20-year partnership between the Chinese company and the French region.
They are all employees of the Chinese conglomerate Tiens, which is celebrating its 20th birthday.
Je tiens a assurer que la Pologne apprecie grandement les efforts de Votre Majeste en faveur de la modernisation du pays, aussi bien sur le plan politique qu'economique".
"En cette douloureuse epreuve qui a endeuille le peuple tunisien frere, je tiens a vous presenter ainsi qu'aux membres de l'armee tunisienne et aux familles des martyrs, au nom du peuple et du gouvernement algeriens et en mon nom personnel, mes condoleances les plus attristees et toute ma sympathie, priant Dieu Tout Puissant d'accorder Sa sainte Misericorde aux victimes, de les accueillir en Son vaste paradis, de preter reconfort aux leurs et d'assurer un prompt retablissement aux blesses", a ajoute le president de la Republique.
Tiens Group is focused in biotechnology and the health management industry.
ISLAMABAD -- TIENS Group of China is determined to expand its business network in Pakistan to create more employment opportunities and contribute for strengthening its economy.
Je tiens a les remercier pour leur devouement sans pareil envers le pays et ses citoyens, et souhaite a tous une course memorable!
"De la part des Nations unies, je tiens a vous feliciter au debut de votre mandat.
Tunisia is to participate in this gathering as part of an called the "Arab Spring," in tribute to Tunisian and Egyptian artists, with two projects: "Artocratie" and "Liberte quand tu nous tiens" (Freedom, when you take hold of us).
Tout d'abord, je tiens a remercier les membres de l'AUC, cadres et ex-president Dr Sender Herschorn de m'avoir confie le poste de president de l'AUC.
Nutrition supplement company Tiens Biotech Group (USA) Inc (NYSE AMEX: TBV) declared on Monday a net income of USD2.9m (USD0.04 per share) for the quarter ended 31 March 2011.