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Giovanni Battista . 1696--1770, Italian rococo painter, esp of frescoes as in the Residenz at Würzburg
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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The frescoes Tiepolo painted for the Palazzo Archinto, Milan, were destroyed by bombing in the Second World War.
The expanded map of the State of Sao Paulo shows our record (black star); the earlier record (white triangle) for the state (Beisiegel & Ades 2004; Beisiegel 2009), the historical record in the municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista (white circle) (Vieira 1964); and the nearest occurrence relative to our new record, in the Sanges municipality, Parana state (black square) (Tiepolo et al.
Upstairs 30,000 visitors a year wonder at stunning frescoes by Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo.
Turner painted "numinous diffusions of soft light, / In mild soft-focus, in the 'tinted steam'" (as Constable called it) of his "visions of reality." Monet portrayed the "sun-splashed poplar leaves, a reverie / Of light chromatics." Their misty light recurs in Tiepolo, famous for painting soaring angels in his overarching ceilings:
The Crowning of a Poet's Quest: Derek Walcott's "Tiepolo's Hound".
Art and Music in Venice edited by Hilliard T Goldfarb, bursts with colour and information on every page, including lavish reproductions of paintings from Tiepolo, Canaletto and Tintoretto among others.
The kitchen pictured is the Tiepolo high-gloss design from the Trends range.
Memory of this long ago game popped into mind when I ran across this statement in Mark Twain's Notebook for October 1878: "But Tiepolo is my painter." The idea of Twain and Tiepolo co-existing comfortably--and, presumably, unironically--in the same sentence seems at least as implausible as our deliberately mismatched double feature.
He won the Prix de Rome in 1752, after which he spent six years studying in Rome and Venice, where he was deeply influenced by the work of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770).
Nuns and reform art in early modern Venice; the architecture of Santi Cosma e Damiano and its decoration from Tintoretto to Tiepolo.