bighorn sheep

(redirected from Big-horn sheep)
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Related to Big-horn sheep: Desert Bighorn Sheep
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Synonyms for bighorn sheep

wild sheep of mountainous regions of western North America having massive curled horns

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Today, bison, elk, mule and white-tailed deer, prohorn antelepo, big-horn sheep, weasels, mink, badgers, and porcupine roam in the park.
On an evening trip you'll see wild animals such as rattlesnakes, lizards, owls, raven hawks and the rare big-horn sheep. The tour costs pounds 50 from Borrego Springs (a one-horse desert town, two hours by car from San Diego).
Race organizers had to plan a route around the nesting sites of rare peregrine falcons, and the lambing grounds of endangered big-horn sheep. The desert surface surrounding the course includes delicate cryptobiotic crust, which can take decades to recover from trampling feet.
We talked to wildlife experts to find seven species--elk, elephant seal, big-horn sheep, bison, bald eagle, snow goose, and sandhill crane--that collect in large, accessible wintering groups.