big heart

(redirected from big-hearts)

big heart

1. An abundance of kindness, selflessness, empathy, or compassion. My sister has such a big heart. She's always volunteering at soup kitchens and trying to help the less fortunate. A: "My sweet little girl will run up to crying kids on the playground to console them." B: "Aww, she's always had a big heart." The novel tells the story of a young boy with a big heart, who goes around his town trying to improve the lives of those around him.
2. A great deal of courage, conviction, or determination, especially in the face of adversity. The young team was totally outmatched, but they showed a big heart out on the field against the returning champions. A: "Marty's the smallest guy on the team, yet he has no fear about battling hulking defensemen for the puck." B: "I know, that guy's got a big heart." You've got a big heart, so I know you're not going anywhere until these people get the justice they deserve.
See also: big, heart
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