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Synonyms for big-heartedness

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Incredulously, he attempts to have us believe that his refusal is not about selfinterest, but a big-heartedness and selfless gesture as, "he did not want to impugn officers' integrity and start a 'firefight' with police."
"I knew I could count on the big-heartedness of the Ferraristi but they've still managed to surprise me once again," stated Ferrari Chairman, Luca di Montezemolo.
"A pole position result: I knew I could count on the big-heartedness of the Ferraristi but they've still managed to surprise me once again," declared Ferrari Chairman, Luca di Montezemolo.
Annuska Arponen Wife Annuska says that AnttiAAEs big-heartedness is one of his best qualities.
DISY councillor Andreas Papacharalmbous said his party, who disagreed with the late Papadopoulos' policies when he was in power between 2003 and 2008, was doing it out of big-heartedness to honour "his history."
The priest also spoke of Simon's "big-heartedness" and "joy in living" and how his loss had brought "much sadness and anguish" to his very close family and community.
She may rebuff Hannah Mae's insistent invasiveness with we-have-nothing-in-common scorn, but it's only a matter of time before the table is turned and Maude is liberated by her pesky neighbor's brash big-heartedness. Noonan's vision of female friendship is firmly rooted in the odd couple notion that opposites ultimately attract, or that a mutual misery (in this case, unfaithful husbands) is what unites and binds us.
But few will match the bravery and big-heartedness shown by Birmingham participant Victoria Littlehales.
Publishers Weekly, in its review of the present volume, lauds her "Frank O'Hara-inspired verve," which is probably related to "the clear-eyed big-heartedness of Frank O'Hara" the same journal discerned at work in Mlinko's debut, Matinees.
Tony Stevens, managing director for Redrow Homes (Lancashire), based in Chorley, said: "I'd like to thank all who attended for their support, for without their big-heartedness, we wouldn't have been able to make such a sizeable donation."
He paid tribute to "the remarkable vision, courage and big-heartedness" of his late friend George Walker who established the Geordie Proms as a way of thanking medical staff who prolonged his life after he contracted non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Lynn Robson, a transplant co-ordinator at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, said: "These figures show the big-heartedness of people in the North East.
The couple form a close team, with Linda's enthusiasm and motherly networking skills complementing Peter's steady, practical and creative business sense and big-heartedness.