Arab-Israeli War

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Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (on Yom Kippur)

tension between Arabs and Israeli erupted into a brief war in June 1967

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Instability is a threat to those interests, and with Europe becoming a cosmopolitan continent with a huge Muslim population, the Arab-Israeli conflict has, for Europeans, an undeniable domestic dimension as well.
In order to stabilize the Arab world, he said "you need to overcome the Arab-Israeli conflict to remove the single biggest reason." He cited research that showed the conflict was constantly seen as the pivotal issue by people across the Arab world.
(48) This type of anti-Arab/anti-Muslim hostility is not necessarily related to the Arab-Israeli conflict, U.S.
Lebanon's "unmatched" experience of civil conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict had left it with a partial democracy, and fears of igniting sectarian violence had prevented the overhaul of its confessional nature, Marktanner told delegates.
The Arab-Israeli conflict took up only six lines of the United Nations Secretary General's report on the organization's work during the last year, which Ban Ki-moon is to submit to the 46th General Assembly that kicks off at the end of September, the Beirut daily AN NAHAR reported Tuesday.
The eruption of the Palestinian Intifada in 1987 shifted international attention to the occupied territories and confirmed PLO commitment to a negotiated two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
An arms race, triggered by the Arab-Israeli conflict core, provided the venue for strategic alignments in the international arena.
"The United States will act as an honest broker in trying to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict." U.S.
The session will discuss issues related to Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. They will discuss topics including follow-up to the political developments of the Palestinian issue, the Arab-Israeli conflict and activating the Arab peace initiative, in addition to the Israeli violations in the occupied Jerusalem, Arab water security, Israel's theft of water in the occupied Arab territories and the occupied Syrian Golan.
It also discusses issues related to the Palestinian issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict. This item includes a number of topics, including follow-up to the political developments of the Palestinian issue, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and activating the Arab peace initiative, in addition to the Israeli violations in the occupied Jerusalem, Arab water security, Israel's theft of water in the occupied Arab territories, and the occupied Syrian Golan.
Apparently, he wants to make it his life's work to resolve the age-old Arab-Israeli conflict. Good luck with that one, royal ray of sunshine.
foreign policy towards the Arab-Israeli conflict. These shifts indicate the firmness of the U.S.
The draft agenda of the session includes eight items that will address the various issues of joint Arab action, especially the latest developments in Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict, in addition to the Arab national security, human rights, and legal, financial and administrative Arab affairs, Zaki added.
The United Nations issued more than 400 resolutions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, including more than 200 resolutions taken up by the UNSC.
This is particularly important in the Arab-Israeli conflict, where neutrality is totallt rejected.
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