(redirected from Arab-Jewish Partnership)
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AJPAmerican Journal of Psychiatry
AJPAmerican Journal of Pathology
AJPAmerican Journal of Physiology
AJPApache JServ Protocol
AJPAmerican Journal of Philology
AJPApplied Jewelry Professional (trademark of Gemological Institute of America, Inc.)
AJPAccredited Jewelry Professional
AJPAmerican Journal of Psychotherapy
AJPArtistic Judaic Promotions (est. 1995)
AJPAssociation des Journalistes Professionnels (Belgium)
AJPAccess to Justice Project (various organizations)
AJPAllied Joint Publication
AJPAustralian Journal of Pharmacy
AJPAccess to Justice Programme (various organizations)
AJPAssociation des Journalistes du Patrimoine (French: Association of Heritage Journalists)
AJPAudio Jack Panel (various companies)
AJPAttention Japan Products, Ltd. (Japan)
AJPAlien Jazz Party (London, UK)
AJPArab-Jewish Partnership
AJPArabtech Jardaneh Palestine
AJPAsian Journal of Psychiatry (Official Journal of the Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations)
AJPAboriginal Justice Plan (Australia)
AJPAssociation Jeunesse Plainfinoise (French youth association)
AJPAction Jeu Paintball (French paintball equipment retailer)
AJPAdvanced Joint Planning ACTD
AJPAl (Melling) John (Ravenscroft) Peter (Wheeler) TVR Engine
AJPAssociation Jeunesse Populaire (French)
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References in periodicals archive ?
When the Palestinians and Ta'ayush (Arab-Jewish partnership) activists approached the trees, the settlers called the military and police, complaining that the cave dwellers were trespassing on settlement land.
Around thirty Ta'ayush (Arab-Jewish Partnership) and international volunteers came to the Palestinian groves adjacent to the Jewish settlement in Tel-Rumeida, Hebron, to help the landowners pick their olives.
[Neve Gordon is a member of Ta'ayush, Arab-Jewish Partnership, and can be reached at neve_gordon@yahoo.com.]
They wanted to tell Ta'ayush activists (Arab-Jewish Partnership) about their imminent expulsion, about their fear of being forced to move from their ancestral land.
Earlier that day, Ta'ayush (Arab-Jewish Partnership) activists had delivered 100 tons of food to small villages all over the West Bank, knowing that the Palestinian population had already begun suffering from the war against Iraq.
Determined to meet their Palestinian partners, these Israelis, members of Ta'ayush, Arab-Jewish Partnership, had decided to defy the law.