
Related to Arab.: Arab Spring, Arab language


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
As he opened his eyes he saw the faces of strange black men about him, and just outside the tent the figure of an Arab. Nowhere was the uniform of his soldiers to be seen.
"But for him we might carry on our 'trading' in safety and with great profit," continued the Arab. "For years he has fought us, driving us from the richest part of the country, harassing us, and arming the natives that they may repel us when we come to 'trade.' He is very rich.
Then he went very white and took a half-step toward the Arab. His fists were clenched.
He met the death he deserved, and he met it with the stoicism of the Arab.
Most Muslims are not Arab. Non-Arab Muslims share a love and respect for the religion, but they don't share the same priorities of Arabs Muslims.
She said she was so sorry, that she was ashamed to be an Arab."
In 1947, the UN proposed a partition (division) that split Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jews agreed to the plan; the Arabs did not.
Nava Sonnenschein, the Jewish cofounder and director of the School for Peace, believes it is important that the position alternate biannually between a Jew and an Arab. Thus, all points of view can be sensitively represented in the planning and execution of the School for Peace's unique Jewish-Arab encounter groups.
Therefore, I found the logic of the writer clearly more America" than Arab.
He also describes the parallel development of the Jewish and Arab communities and focuses on the emergence of their indigenous national movements: the Zionist and the Palestinian Arab. The last part of the book is dedicated to the political and violent confrontation between these two movements that dominated the first half of the twentieth century and ended with the establishment of the State of Israel and the uprooting of the Palestinian Arabs.
All you want is to dump her from the bank into some textile factory, or have her wash the floor instead of the Arab. The way my mother used to clean for you .
While Palestinian Arabs make up 18.7 percent of the country's population and almost one quarter of all school children, in 2000 only 5.7 percent of the students receiving a bachelor's degree were Arab.