Arabic language

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Synonyms for Arabic language

the Semitic language of the Arabs

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Abou Arab word's came in comment on the security developments in Ain El-Helweh Palestinian camp, saying "Fath Movement and all Palestinian forces of which the Palestinian common force is formed have taken a decision to face any aggression against the joint force." He explained that the military actions in the camp translated these words when Bilal Badr challenged all the Palestinian forces and the citizens of the camp and fired at the joint force, stressing that the military actions will continue until "this killer turns himself in as well as all the other killers who fight with him." Abou Arab added that the field situation in Ain El-Helweh is "excellent", noting that their forces have recorded progress.
Hakim pointed to "the importance of unifying Arab efforts and the unity of the Arab word to counter Daesh," noting that "the unification of positions is the only savior for those wishing stability to the region and the terrorism does not exclude anyone from the Arab countries.
The word Islam actually derives from the Arab word for peace.
The name Swahili comes from the Arab word /sawahil/, meaning 'coast'.
His attackers shouted the Arab word for "Jews" before attacking Levy, who is a religious Jew belonging to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, the report said.
He said that this period was characterized by peace and stability after which Sudan's ranking of FDI recipients in the Arab word dropped to fifth place from second.
In my opinion, governments must command haybah, an ingenious Arab word that means both fear and respect.
Summary: DUBAI -- Emaar Properties, the developer of the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa, on Sunday launched its new wholly-owned subsidiary Dawahi Development that will focus 'value housing' projects across Arab word.
Cinnamon was a popular spice in the ancient Arab word and Arab traders have paved the way for Cinnamon to travel a long distance through the spice route to the Europen market.
Neocolonialism in the Arab word has created the conditions that precipitated the mass demonstrations.
But the Obama administration still has a chance to atone if "serious, concerted American and Western diplomatic pressure could be brought to bear," writes Sheila Carapico, author of Civil Society in Yemen and the forthcoming Political Aid: Democracy Promotion and the Paradoxes of Empowerment in the Arab Word. "It is time for Yemen's president to know the US wants him to relinquish power to a civilian transitional government," she contends.
Then I joined Gulf Star Systems where I was responsible for the Arabic products, and one of the most important products was ARAB WORD, which was then most popular Bilingual Word processor in the region and I was also involved in supporting Novell networks and Mainframe solutions from CA which we then represented.
Ron Breiman says it is the Jewish Nakba, the Arab word for catastrophe.
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