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fediaFedia's avatar

Omnimo 6.0 Sneak Peek



Well it's about time I submit something.

BEHOLD! Behold. BEHOLD! Behold. The Omnimo 6.0 Update cometh (in Spring) When it's ready

Thanks to :icontaichou-henk:, we've got some awesome new features planned, including, FINALLY. A multi-homescreens manager. I'm pretty excited to get this done. I really wish ~Xyrfo (co-founder, he put in just as much effort into Omnimo as me, if not more) would join this version at least briefly, but it appears I'll have to deal with this alone.

If anyone is willing to help with the new version of Omnimo, let me know! I could use any help I get.

Comments and feedback are welcome!

Also beware of fake virus-laden Omnimo 6 releases. The original and safe one can ONLY be found on omnimo.info and my gallery (fediafedia.deviantart.com) when it's released.

Oh and if you're using Omnimo 5 now, make sure to download today's hotfix that fixes color issues: [link]
Image size
1398x969px 395.97 KB
© 2013 - 2024 fediaFedia
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revengex360's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: Impact

I do not want it to fill all my desktop.
I want a desktop that has an infinite scroll (left and right infinite too) (I want to be able to add more than one desktop
The control panel should be TOP RIGHT. The icon should be viewable ONLY when the cursor is TOP RIGHT.
I should be able to add THESE widgets from the Control Panel :
1) Date/Time/Weather (I should be able to add more than one city)
2) Disk Space/RAM/etc (ONLY Disk Space with button to expand it to show RAM/etc)
3)RSS Feeds.
4)Text Editor ((If you cannot make an advanced one then just allow color/font change))
5) To do list
6) Changing color of widgets ((Metro UI style with option to select other colors ((PLZ not the MS PAINT color selection box))
I should be able to change the background image. ((a background color change without image too))
NB I have never used Omnimo ((just used 5.0 for 6 minutes then deleted it cuz did not like it and it is not cuz i did not see what it can do it is cuz i did not like it ))
NB I do not know what are the stuff Lua script and/or Rainmeter can do. I only know HTML.