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Lumia WP Rainmeter Desktop



This is my current desktop, inspired by the Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone.

I do not wish to take credit for any of the Rainmeter skins I have used in this desktop. I have only used the great work from the people listed below.

- Rainmeter, available here [link]

- Omnimo 4.1 by fediaFedia & Xyfro, at [link]

- Elegant Clock by twistlemon, at [link]

- Stardock ObjectDock, at [link]

- Free Windows Metro Icons, available here [link]

I have uploaded the wallpaper and the psd file in case anybody else would like to use it too.
© 2011 - 2024 bizibaz
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britegreenfish's avatar
this dude adds your link to here: