PeterRollar on DeviantArt

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PeterRollar's avatar

CAD touches the future Windows8



CD Art Display skin for all who still love CAD and want to have it on their Windows8.
Also matches with my Windows8 start screen imitation[link] visible in these shots from my XP SP3

and any other Windows8 start screen clone for XP, Vista and 7.
Toolbar only visible while mouseover.
A click in the cover area hides/unhides the text CAD touches the future.
Works on XP, Vista, Windows7 and probably on Windows8(Please tell me)
If you like it, give it a try.:)

Music title chosen because it always reminds me of this wonderful deviation[link]

No redistribution in Transformationpacks/Skinpacks allowed!
© 2011 - 2024 PeterRollar
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aus22's avatar
hey man its a bit heavy on my computer can you tell me minimum requirements for your product......Peter i must say you are a great man hats off to you man.....[link]