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Omnimo 5: Early Glimpse

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Decided to give a small glimpse of what's to come.

We have some pretty cool features planned for Omnimo 5.0. Most of which are not displayed on this screenshot. Rather, this is just to showcase the new "Win8 Beta Panels"... and to clarify that a new version is indeed coming :)

Windows 8 was a little disappointing for me and didn't offer much inspiration. The tiles were hardly interactive, and mostly just shortcuts. I find that the stuff we already have in Omnimo is much more functional and informative. Still, a lot of people use Omnimo because they want to feel like they're using Windows 8. This is why we'll include this purely Windows 8 mode. The default Win8 panels will come in 120x120 with colored flavors, but they can be scaled up/customized later. The sidebar, known as Quick Access, can be brought up by clicking on the right side of the screen. It will be customizable too, albeit, not so much as the mighty Enigma.

I would like to say that replicating what already exists in Windows 8 has never been our priority. We like to build upon existing things to make them more functional and useful to the users. Everything you see on that screenshot is merely a few day's work. The majority of our time is taken up by other more important stuff.

I'm hoping to release Omnimo 5 close to the end of March. Unfortunately my university studies have kept me detached from this project for quite some time. So I can't really give an exact release date as there is much work to be done. But the wait will be worth it - we're really excited about releasing this new version! :D

More tech-savvy users can check out or github directory if they want to follow the progress or report some issues: [link]

As for others, comments/suggestions/bugreports - any feedback would be highly appreciated! :)
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