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Current Omnimo 2 desktop



My current desktop with some of the new things you can expect in omnimo 2.

Aside from enhancements like perfect snapping, drastically improved configuration and other changes/fixes, we made a bunch more panels! We hope to release at least 20 brand new panels along with omnimo 2, it's likely that some won't be bundled with it, but released as bonus packs. Also the second release will have 10 pre-included languages. Good news for haters of the cut text, we had to drop it in order to deliver perfect snapping, it looks good even now though.

Anyway, I think you'll like Omnimo 2 a LOT more than Omnimo 1. Expect it soon.

(We're nearly done, but every day I keep coming up with new crazy ideas for panels)
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1366x768px 719.15 KB
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manxxx101's avatar
please how to set the time like in yours in taskbar.. and the taskbar too.. please do me a favor how to get that..