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June - 1 - 2009 dualscreen



Decided to install my old nVidia 4200Ti back, it appears it was at least 4 times faster than 6200. And since I wasnt planning on using vista till i get a new system I don't care about aero which this card doesn't support.
So anyway 4200Ti allowed me to connect 2 displays at once, and I must say, it's really awesome working with 2 displays!
Don't mind the saturation differences (had to tune the wallpaper so it would sync), since the second display is a bit old it doesn't display the colors as well as samsung, but still for a secondary display it's pretty good.

Now about the desktop, as continued from the last one it's still Enigma, only now I'm using a bottombar with a dock too. Also I'm into Tango-like look.

Comments are welcome!

/300th dev ftw
Image size
2464x900px 3.87 MB
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JonathanCardoz's avatar
Sweet Setup bro...cud u share ur wall plz...Thanx