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Pristine OS 1.2

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Pristine OS 1.2

WAIT! before you dismiss this theme as one of those innumerable vista clones being released everyday, I ask you
to download and apply Pristine OS. I am sure you'll find it somewhat 'different'. In one word it's 'my' version of
windows vista (theme) :)

Part of inspiration came from Royale Vista [link] by dobee.


Update: Added two substyles with 2 font choices; Segoe UI and Calibri

Big Update 03/08/06: Added another substyle with a new start panel
Improved the smaller start panel as requested
Improved Taskbar buttons as requested
Removed all the glitches reported as yet
Improved the corners and borders to give pristine OS a more crispy look

Update 08/29/06

Added two sub-styles with two different compact start panels
Added tahoma font for all four sub-styles
Fixed a few bugs here and there


1) You can switch between segoe ui, calibri and tahoma via font size menu

2) Download fonts from here [link] if you don't already have them installed.

3) Enable 'clear type' font setting for best results.


The monitor icon used in shellstyle will be released soon.

New ideas and suggestions are most welcome.

Welcome to my website [link]

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