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[WIP] Ventura for Rainmeter

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Well what a coincidence, back in the day we made this:

iPad Clock 2 for Rainmeter by Xyrfo

After watching WWDC I realized it would make a great pairing to Big Sur:

Big Sur RC1 for Rainmeter by fediaFedia

Yes I know there's another one but I had dibs on the name :P

Made a quick prototype already and it looks great. Thinking of doing some kind of a web interface for further customization. Should be out soon.

Some of the new features:

Tiny Double Wide widgets
New super customizable Clock and Date Extras
Layered wallpapers
Redesigned Widget Gallery

Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Image size
1920x1617px 975.27 KB
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StuartTV's avatar

looks cool, also link plz