CatArt-1304 on DeviantArt

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My windows 5|| Big sur

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                                         -Hi ,Welcome to My Windows :D (Big Grin).Hope you enjoy it :) (Smile)-
                                                                        -All Apps-
-Rainmeter:Rainmeter, desktop customization tool


-Lively Wallpaper:
Lively Wallpaper by rocksdanister

-7TSP:7TSP GUI 2019 Edition by devillnside on DeviantArt
                                                                        -All Files-
Windows 11 Look Like MacOS by vinithkumar on DeviantArt

-Theme:Big Sur 2 - Windows 10 Themes by niivu on DeviantArt

-Widgest:Monterey Rainmeter 0.7 by creewick on DeviantArt

-Wallpaper:big sur wallpaper - Bing images

-Icon:Nord Icon Theme by niivu on DeviantArt

                                                                       -Enjoy :) (Smile)-
Image size
1920x1080px 841.98 KB
© 2022 - 2024 CatArt-1304
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hello how can i get these mac buttons (close minimize ecc) on my win 11 pc? i tried to download this but i got an image, how did you do that?