spiraloso on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spiraloso/art/New-Desktop-March-2022-910393982spiraloso

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spiraloso's avatar

New Desktop March 2022

40.3K Views20 Collected Privately
Location  Chur, Switzerland.


So, I got bored of my previous sci-fi screen and since I was browsing DeviantArt and found some sweet  customization stuff I decided to go minimal this time!

To achieve something similar to this you need: 

Rainmeter: www.rainmeter.net/

Rainmeter Suite:  Titillium  by ApexXx-SenSei

Nexus Dock: www.winstep.net/

Wallpaper:  SunSet - Wallpaper by DARKKAL44

Icon Pack:  Rantal Icon Pack - Updated by spiraloso

Hope you like it!

Take care and have a good one,

Image size
1920x1080px 860.46 KB
© 2022 - 2024 spiraloso
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cooooooooool1's avatar

BRO I am speechless insane dude keep it up