The Holi mandala Contest WINNERS!

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To everyone who participated and helped make The Holi Mandala Contest such a bright, colourful experience, thank you! :love:It's time to find out who the six winners of the contest are! :la:

In the Non-AI Category

First Place

Miss Daisy's Dream

by X-Tibro

Second Place


by PlanetM710

Third Place

Springlight Mandala

by Katharsister

In the AI Category

First Place

Spring Mandala

by Pegs78

Second Place

Glass Holi Mandala

by elllip

Third Place

Mandala Colorboration Holly

by zokyzoker

Here are the prizes, once more, for both categories:

1st Place

1500 :points: from team

2000 Fragments from team

Hype badge from BeckyKidus, phoenixleo

Diamond badge from AlexanderPaupoff

Journal Feature from Community, Elioenai, AlexanderPaupoff

Llama from phoenixleo, Malintra-Shadowmoon, AlexanderPaupoff

2nd Place

1000 :points: from team

1200 Fragments from team

Hype badge from BeckyKidus, phoenixleo

Journal Feature from Community, Elioenai, AlexanderPaupoff

Llama from phoenixleo, Malintra-Shadowmoon, AlexanderPaupoff

3rd Place

500 :points: from team

900 Fragments from team

Hype badge from BeckyKidus, phoenixleo

Journal Feature from Community, Elioenai, AlexanderPaupoff

Llama from phoenixleo, Malintra-Shadowmoon, AlexanderPaupoff

Though Staff and CVs didn't compete, they did join in the fun :love:Here are the lovely mandalas by lollycavalier moonbeam13 phoenixleo and Malintra-Shadowmoon

Pollinator Mandala
Fractal Mandala
Nepalese Mandala (Tanka)
Chinese Mandala

If you're interested in making your own mandala, do try out ArtBIT's Mandala Maker :la:

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this contest happen and supporting it every step of the way :love:

team moonbeam13 KovoWolf nicolikaiikazon TheLaurenVerse phoenixleo BeckyKidus Ellysiumn Malintra-Shadowmoon Elioenai ArtBIT

Congratulations to the winners! Lily's Rainbow Box


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HeartStorm4ever's avatar

Congratulations to the winners! ❤️