Malintra-Shadowmoon's avatar


CV and Friday Birthdays Wisher

Little Music Corner (changing from time to time)


This is what DREAMUP created when putting in my username as a prompt

DreamUp Creation


Tip Jar The Strange Me
Red Admiral in all its Beauty


Coming and Going by Malintra-Shadowmoon, literature

Former Times by Malintra-Shadowmoon, literature

Do not Expect Anything by Malintra-Shadowmoon, literature

See All

Banni: Were Family by Abradux, literature

TFP: With every heartbeat - Prologue by LordVaderNihilus, literature

Main Storyline - Year 1 Term 2 Surprise Physical by MamaLantiis, literature

Distraction by SaiyanWarrior002, literature

Deviation Spotlight


Running Contests Promotion

Featured Journals

Daily Deviations under 500 Favourites (Vol. 296) by SelflessDevotions, journal

Positive Feature: Vol 178 by RTNightmare, journal

Fan Art Friday: Demon Slayer by AlexanderPaupoff, journal

Winners Feature 6 : 5 (and) 7 is 1 (and) 2 is 3 by writeddreams2reality, journal

Winners Feature 4 : 5 (and) 7 is 1 (and) 2 is 3 by writeddreams2reality, journal

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Jan 20
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • She / Her
King Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4853)
Generous Gifter: Generously gave a Core Membership to a fellow deviant.
Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake: Wishing a happy birthday (20)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (22)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (20)
My Bio

INFP The Idealist

Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving

Is this you? Oh, yes I am :)

Love life and all the good that comes with it

Spontaneous and quick to adapt

Love to be around people and spend time talking to them

Naturally warm, caring, and compassionate

Have a good sense of humor that attracts friends

Highly intuitive and perceptive

Value long-lasting relationships

Usually hard on yourself over failures

Good at making people feel comfortable

Avoid hurting other people’s feelings

Some of my awards:

Favourite Visual Artist
Leonardo Da Vinci
Favourite Movies
Dances with Wolves, Braveheart, Michael Collins, Last of the Mohicans, The Last Samurai, Shinobi: Heart under Blade, Avatar, Shadow of the Sword, Prince of Persia, Centurion
Favourite TV Shows
Merlin, StarTrek (the next Generation), X-files, X-factor (those with Jonathan Frakes), The Legacy
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Hammerfall, Nightwish, Lordi, Blind Guardian, Gravedigger, Freedom Call, Turisas, Therion, Saltatio Mortis, Evanescence
Favourite Books
Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, all books around the Dark Elf (Trilogy, Saga, Legend), Melmoth, the Wanderer, The Phantom of the Opera, Carmilla, Faust, War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, Demons, Hymns to the Night, The Rose, The Tower
Favourite Writers
J.R.R. Tolkien, R.A. Salvatore, C.R. Maturin, S. le Fanu, F.M. Dostoyevsky, L. Tolstoy, W.B. Yeats, J.W. Goethe, Novalis, G. Leroux
Favourite Games
Chess, Risk (both as board games)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Literature (poetry, short stories, mottos, meditation texts, essays) and Photography (Architecture/monuments, cemetaries, nature, travel)
Other Interests
Writing,Reading,Nature,Animals,Wild Plants,Hill-Hiking,Martial Arts,HathaYoga,Transcendental Meditation,Zazen,Calligraphy,Singing,Playing Instruments,Languages,Computer,Astronomy,Travelling,History,Parapsychology,Spirituality,Mythology,Phantasy,Paranormal

DD Suggestion Guidelines

DD Suggestion Logo - made by another team member

Literature CVs


Artisan Crafts CVs

pinkythepink pullingcandy Malintra-Shadowmoon

Traditional Art CVs

AlexanderPaupoff Malintra-Shadowmoon KizukiTamura BeckyKidus

Synthography (AI) CVs

TheFulkrum Malintra-Shadowmoon KizukiTamura Kat-Zaphire

My DD Suggestion Guidelines

Of utmost importance

King Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4853)
Generous Gifter: Generously gave a Core Membership to a fellow deviant.
Generous Gifter
Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake: Wishing a happy birthday (20)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (22)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (20)
Bleeding Love

Donation Pool

For Artists, Groups, Contests, Features, Own Art

Points for artists in need, to support groups, to sponsor contests of groups/artists/my own.

If you love my art, you might spend some bugs here.

I also feature artists/artworks for points.

11598/10000 points
Thanks to everyone who donated! Fully funded!

Prices and Artists Feature Box

Here are the point prices for featuring artists and their artworks:

Artist (icon or link)

for one week 50 points

for two weeks 100 points

Artwork (icon, because it is more beautiful to see), according to artists choice

for one week 50 points

for two week 100 points

for each other artwork the prize is double.

So, if you want to have 2 artwork featured is 100 points a week.

Special prices

Artist/artwork for 6 months 500 points

Artist/artwork for 12 months 1,000 points.

Llama Farm

I will be on holidays from 22nd July till 02nd August. Hope you will all have a great time. :)
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This time I have chosen on an instant what my eyes and gut feeling decided:
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I am glad to present my daily deviation Round-Up for May 2024 which showcases all the deviations I featured in this time. Actually, this Round-Up covers the areas I DD from Traditional Art and Artisan Crafts as well as AI (in this feature two AI pieces). Usually for Literature there is a seperate Literature DD Round-Up in CRLiterature, (as long as I am the sole literature CV, I will suspend the separate feature and put everything in a general one. If there are any comments or blurbs, I will note them in the general round-up below the featured literature), but I feel that written work did not gain enough attention, so I will put my literature DDs again at the end of this Round-Up. If you like any of the works, so please give these talented artists some love. Suggestions and self-suggestions are always welcome. At the end of the journal you will find my DD Suggestion Guidelines on how to send me your art suggestions. Quotes: 05/06 (A Time For Heroes by @PipsqueakUnbound)
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Profile Comments 6.9K

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Thank you for watching.

Not so good. Write, write like the wind. Claw at tyranny.

I wish it will be better when you write all you would like to write.

As for myself, I write whenever my inner spirituality allowes me. :)

You are very welcome. :)

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