Demon Slayer: Share your favs!

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AlexanderPaupoff's avatar

The theme for 12 July 2024's Fan Art Friday feature on Community is

Demon Slayer/ Kimesu no Yaiba!

I'd love to curate this feature with YOU :la:

So, please share any Demon Slayer fan art you may have created or added to your favourites in the comments below!

I will be accepting suggestions until Thursday, 11 JULY 2024, at 11:59 PM (UTC-08:00).

Here are just a few things to keep in mind before you suggest:

  • ALL art media are welcome.

  • Please ensure all stock and resources are duly credited.

  • Mature art is fine, as long as it is appropriately tagged.

  • You may suggest Synthography, provided it is tagged and labelled properly.

Time to get our total concentration breathing on and find some awesome KnY art,

Let's go! :eager:

Cover image by jeluto [link]

Would you like to curate the next Fan Art Friday feature? :eyes:

Join Community and send a note to moonbeam13 with your idea :heart:

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HDdeviant's avatar

flame hashira!!! alright:)