Changeset 25174

Apr 1, 2021, 9:26:59 AM (3 years ago)

Introduce a 'Builder' class for entities that can build structures.

  • Increases moddability
  • Increases the clarity of visible classes (gatherer & builder vs Worker)
  • Introduce an 'Idle builder' hotkey.

Patch by: Nescio

Differential Revision:

11 edited


  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/config/default.cfg

    r25156 r25174  
    264264woundedonly = "O"                       ; Select only wounded units
    265265remove = Ctrl                           ; Remove units from selection
    266267idleworker = Period, NumDecimal         ; Select next idle worker
    267268idlewarrior = Slash, NumDivide          ; Select next idle warrior
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/manual/intro.txt

    r24780 r25174  
    7272  hotkey.selection.offscreen – Modifier – add all units, including offscreen units, to selection.
    7373  hotkey.selection.cancel – Unselect all units, cancel building placement.
    7475  hotkey.selection.idlewarrior – Select idle fighter
    7576  hotkey.selection.idleworker – Select idle worker (including citizen-soldiers)
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/hotkeys/misc.xml

    r25123 r25174  
    5050    </object>
    5256    <!-- Find idle warrior - TODO: Potentially move this to own UI button? -->
    5357    <object hotkey="selection.idlewarrior">
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Identity.js

    r25089 r25174  
    6666    "</optional>" +
    6767    "<optional>" +
    68         "<element name='VisibleClasses' a:help='Optional list of space-separated classes applying to this entity. These classes will also be visible in various GUI elements. If the classes need spaces, underscores will be replaced with spaces. Choices include: Amphitheater, Archer, ArmyCamp, Arsenal, ArtilleryTower, Axeman, Barracks, Bireme, BoltShooter, BoltTower, Bribable, Camel, Cavalry, Champion, Chariot, Citizen, City, Civic, CivilCentre, Colony, Corral, Council, Crossbowman, Defensive, Dock, Dog, Economic, Elephant, ElephantStable, Embassy, Farmstead, Field, Fireship, FishingBoat, Forge, Fortress, Gate, Gladiator, Gymnasium, Hall, Healer, Hero, House, Immortal, Infantry, Javelineer, Library, Lighthouse, Maceman, Melee, Market, Mercenary, Military, Monument, Naval, Outpost, Palace, Palisade, Pikeman, Pillar, Pyramid, Quinquereme, Ram, Range, Ranged, Relic, Resource, RotaryMill, SentryTower, Ship, Shipyard, Siege, SiegeTower, SiegeWall, Slave, Slinger, Soldier, Spearman, Stable, Stoa, StoneThrower, StoneTower, Storehouse, Support, Swordsman, Syssiton, Temple, TempleOfAmun, TempleOfApedemak, TempleOfMars, TempleOfVesta, Theater, Tower, Town, Trade, Trader, Trireme, TriumphalArch, Village, Wall, Warship, Wonder, Worker.'>" +
     68        "<element name='VisibleClasses' a:help='Optional list of space-separated classes applying to this entity. These classes will also be visible in various GUI elements. If the classes need spaces, underscores will be replaced with spaces. Choices include: Amphitheater, Archer, ArmyCamp, Arsenal, ArtilleryTower, Axeman, Barracks, Bireme, BoltShooter, BoltTower, Bribable, Camel, Cavalry, Champion, Chariot, Citizen, City, Civic, CivilCentre, Colony, Corral, Council, Crossbowman, Defensive, Dock, Dog, Economic, Elephant, ElephantStable, Embassy, Farmstead, Field, Fireship, FishingBoat, Forge, Fortress, Gate, Gladiator, Gymnasium, Hall, Healer, Hero, House, Immortal, Infantry, Javelineer, Library, Lighthouse, Maceman, Melee, Market, Mercenary, Military, Monument, Naval, Outpost, Palace, Palisade, Pikeman, Pillar, Pyramid, Quinquereme, Ram, Range, Ranged, Relic, Resource, RotaryMill, SentryTower, Ship, Shipyard, Siege, SiegeTower, SiegeWall, Slave, Slinger, Soldier, Spearman, Stable, Stoa, StoneThrower, StoneTower, Storehouse, Support, Swordsman, Syssiton, Temple, TempleOfAmun, TempleOfApedemak, TempleOfMars, TempleOfVesta, Theater, Tower, Town, Trade, Trader, Trireme, TriumphalArch, Village, Wall, Warship, Wonder, Worker.'>" +
    6969            "<attribute name='datatype'>" +
    7070                "<value>tokens</value>" +
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/auras/units/elephant_worker.json

    r23994 r25174  
    2     "affects": ["Worker"],
    3     "auraDescription": "Workers +25% build rate.",
     2    "affects": ["er"],
     3    "auraDescription": "ers +25% build rate.",
    44    "auraName": "Elephant Workers",
    55    "modifications": [
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/auras/units/heroes/athen_hero_pericles_1.json

    r23994 r25174  
    22    "type": "range",
    33    "radius": 60,
    4     "affects": ["Worker"],
     4    "affects": ["er"],
    55    "modifications": [
    66        { "value": "Builder/Rate", "multiply": 1.15 }
    77    ],
    88    "auraName": "Periclean Building Program",
    9     "auraDescription": "Workers +15% build rate.",
     9    "auraDescription": "ers +15% build rate.",
    1010    "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/build_bonus.png"
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/auras/units/heroes/pers_hero_xerxes_i.json

    r24472 r25174  
    55    "modifications": [
    66        { "value": "Builder/Rate", "multiply": 1.15 },
    7         { "value": "ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed", "multiply": 1.15 }
     7        { "value": "ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed", "multiply": 1.15 }
    88    ],
    99    "auraName": "Administrator",
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/auras/units/heroes/ptol_hero_ptolemy_i_1.json

    r24472 r25174  
    22    "type": "range",
    33    "radius": 60,
    4     "affects": ["Worker"],
     4    "affects": ["er"],
    55    "modifications": [
    66        { "value": "Builder/Rate", "multiply": 1.1 }
    77    ],
    88    "auraName": "Patron of Construction",
    9     "auraDescription": "Workers +10% build rate.",
     9    "auraDescription": "ers +10% build rate.",
    1010    "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/build_bonus.png"
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_infantry.xml

    r25053 r25174  
    6161  </Health>
    6262  <Identity>
    6364    <Classes datatype="tokens">Human CitizenSoldier</Classes>
    64     <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Citizen Worker Soldier Infantry</VisibleClasses>
    65     <GenericName>Infantry</GenericName>
     65    <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Citizen Builder Worker Soldier Infantry</VisibleClasses>
    6666    <Rank>Basic</Rank>
    6767  </Identity>
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_support_female_citizen.xml

    r25053 r25174  
    6060  </Health>
    6161  <Identity>
    62     <Classes datatype="tokens">FemaleCitizen</Classes>
    63     <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Citizen Worker</VisibleClasses>
     62    <Phenotype>female</Phenotype>
    6463    <GenericName>Female Citizen</GenericName>
    6564    <SelectionGroupName>template_unit_support_female_citizen</SelectionGroupName>
    66     <Phenotype>female</Phenotype>
     65    <Classes datatype="tokens">FemaleCitizen</Classes>
     66    <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Citizen Builder Worker</VisibleClasses>
    6767    <Formations disable=""/>
    6868  </Identity>
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_support_slave.xml

    r25053 r25174  
    4444  </Health>
    4545  <Identity>
    46     <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Slave Worker</VisibleClasses>
    4746    <GenericName>Slave</GenericName>
    4847    <SelectionGroupName>template_unit_support_slave</SelectionGroupName>
    4948    <Tooltip>Gatherer with a finite life span. Bonused at mining and lumbering.</Tooltip>
    5050  </Identity>
    5151  <Loot>
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