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Related to societies: Secret societies, Building societies


n. pl. socie·ties
a. The totality of people regarded as forming a community of interdependent individuals: working for the benefit of society.
b. A group of people broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture: rural society; literary society.
2. An organization or association of persons engaged in a common profession, activity, or interest: a folklore society; a society of bird watchers.
3. The wealthy, socially dominant members of a community. Also called high society.
4. Companionship; company: enjoys the society of friends and family members.
5. Biology A colony or community of organisms, usually of the same species: an insect society.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about society

Q. Why is it so hip to be thin and fit???? not everyone can be as thin and as fit as the society demands? was it always like that ? because i feel like if you are gaining a little extra pounds you are doomed !!! people condem you as a less better man in the good case .. in the worst case you won't have friends ....

A. i think that the in the biological way of thinking - people are attracted to what seems healthy, it has more chance of giving healthy child that will survive. in African cultures that food is scarce- being big considered to be healthy and attractive. in our culture- being over weight means unhealthy, but so is too skinny. so going back and forth with a few ponds is fine. but the two extreme situations are unattractive for most men.

Q. What do you think is the most serious nutritional issue facing us in an industrialized society today? I am very careful about taking care of my health. I never ever left my stomach empty. I always eat a nutritional diet. I am staying away from parents to support their financial needs. So I take more care with my health. If I am in good health then my family will be healthy. I often do a lot of research regarding my diet. I am very careful about that. If you are a dietician, please tell me what do you think is the most serious nutritional issue facing us in an industrialized society today?

A. PS...THE DYE IN FOOD....has been linked to cancer.

Q. Is this a malady if i am homosexual? because i feel sometimes very unhappy and outside the society... Some people would say - "oh yes", other could say: "i don't know, but i think this is not so common or normal", "homosexual? even the rats don't do it in the laboratories", "they should be exterminated", and so on. In fact we hear probably more bad stuff, than something else. My brother is homosexual and was very long depressive, because he could not tell it to our parents. Perhaps he is still depressive - a little bit from time to time. He lives with his partner. I do not pretend to have the key about it, nor the why nor the "how it comes". I share here with you what I have been taught some years ago. I can live with that. It makes for me sense. I know that many of you will not agree with it, but as long we have not a better explanation...

A. I've worked with different gay people, open and in the closet. I have nothing but good experiences with them. I have never had a talk with them regarding their bring up or how they discovered they were gay.

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References in periodicals archive ?
In line with instructions of CDA management, BCS-II Directorate was conducting inspection of different housing societies, on daily basis, to ensure implementation of building by-laws.
The officials at the district administration said that the housing societies were given one month time to maintain/improve their standards as per the approved layout plans by the CDA.
"A show-cause notice was also published in leading newspapers on Mar 15, wherein the members,as well as the managements of the above cooperative societies, were advised to furnish their position on the issue within 14 days after the publication date.Two years ago, the then Registrar Cooperative Societies Sindh, issued a letter (RCS/Kyc/50/2017), dated 26-1-2017, to the Secretary Land Utilization Department of Revenue Sindh and all Deputy Commissioners of Karachi with a request to provide complete details of land obtained by cooperative societies whether allotted by the government or purchased from open market.
CDA have taken action against only four societies while 80 land mafias are neither possessing requisite land nor are having any plan as per CDA laws.
However, expressing concerns of the audit, the committee convenor recommended a re-audit of four cooperative societies. The circle registrar said a committee will soon be notified for running the affairs of the Senate Cooperative Housing Society, the management of which has been removed for wrongdoing.
'From April 2017 to date, the National Registrar has cancelled a total of 71 societies out of which 57 were associations, one football Club, six burial societies and seven churches,' the director told BOPA.
When the latter part of the eighteenth century witnessed the mushroom growth of voluntary organizations, self-help groups and charitable societies in Europe, particularly in Britain, a new understanding of civil society was developed: British thinker Adam Ferguson (1723-1816) elaborated it in his work An Essay on the History of Civil Society (1767).
"We are confident that, through this agreement, members will benefit immensely from the initiatives undertaken by both societies to promote cross-border learning."
EUROTOX 2006/6 CTDC Congress--43rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 6th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries.
There is also much debate about what might constitute the larger systems in which social interactions occur--are they groups, classes, communities, societies, states or some larger entities.
John Wiley & Sons (Hoboken, NJ) has entered into a partnership with four Asian chemical societies to launch "Chemistry-An Asian Journal" in 2006.

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