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Related to societies: Secret societies, Building societies


Ecology a small community of plants within a larger association
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in its broad sense the aggregate of the historically established forms of joint human activity.

Society, a unique and the highest stage in the development of living beings, manifests itself in the functioning and development of social organizations, institutions, and groups, and in the inner workings of class and other social contradictions. In its narrow sense “society” can mean a historically specific type of social system, such as a capitalist society; a particular social structure belonging to such a type, such as Japanese feudalism; or a particular form of social relations, for example, society as contrasted to the state in Hegel.

The central problem of all theories of society throughout the history of sociophilosophical thought has been the explanation of the nature of social ties and of man’s correspondingly social nature. Different solutions of this problem also determine to a great degree the treatment of different types of social activity, including individual actions. A truly scientific theory of society was first created by the founders of Marxism-Leninism.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


A secondary or minor plant community forming part of a community.
An organization of individuals of the same species in which there are divisions of resources and of labor as well as mutual dependence.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Furthermore, the managements of the societies have also been instructed that the areas reserved for amenities in the societies plan should not be utilized for commercial or any other purposes and strict action would be taken to eradicate such violations.
The deputy registrar has also warned that in case of failure, the office bearers of all 603 cooperative societies will be liable to face penal consequences under section 65-B of the Cooperative Societies Act 1925, which defines that the office bearers of a cooperative society shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (XLV.of 1860).
Several societies have achieved NOCs from CDA through bogus credentials but they were not able to give water, Sui gas connections to allottees.
Ms Okello-Wengi further stated that in cases where the mother-body of a Society was outside Botswana and wanted to register in Botswana, Societies Acts required that 75 per cent of the membership should be Batswana while 25 per cent would be the nationality that would prefer to be associated with that Society.
It is just to say that historians must at least consider market responsive behavior as a crucial factor, especially in pre-modern societies and consider it first, given that its explanatory power is quite strong.
According to the mainstream view in the literature on Arab societies, the two Arab villages are prone to violence and, therefore, should have been in a violent relationship for a long time.
Ever since, biologists have been entranced by the idea that if Malthusianism can explain the operation of the natural world, it should also explain human societies. Are we not just complicated animals?
The European trajectory towards multiculturalism is driven by Europe's economic need to import labor from non-European societies, and is complicated by vestiges of its ex-colonial relationships and military alliances: the UK with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; France with Algeria, Morocco and Senegal; Germany with Turkey.
CGC facilitates coordination of this continuum of business, professional, and scientific societies. CGC appoints expert panels, comments on legislation, promotes awareness and education of geoscience, encourages talented young Canadians to consider careers in the earth sciences, and facilitates outreach.
Services and supports currently provided by the separate Societies will be expanded under the amalgamated Society.
Capitalizing on the profession's measurable image improvement in the past year, the AICPA in cooperation with the state CPA societies has launched two new programs designed to re-introduce the CPA profession to the American public.

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